

  • Fiber one and the like are glorified candy bars. Check out They were recommended to me. Yes you pay more but its so much better for you and they are actually good. I eat one just about every day.
  • My nutritionist just told me that I have to get 8 hours if I'm wanting to loose weight. She has clients who did nothing more than get their 8 hours in and lost about 4 pounds a week. Lack of sleep can cause hunger, stress, fatigue and can increase cortisol.
  • Fruit is ok in moderate amounts. It's best to focus on high protein first and foremost. Just remember that sugar is sugar in your system, whether it comes from fructose, sucrose, or even carbs. Our bodies are designed to process 1 tsp of sugar at a time, that only 4 carbs! What our bodies can't process, it STORES. Check…
  • In my opinion, too much sugar (fruit) and processed food. I think of fruit as dessert. You may want to pay more attention to your sugar and carb intake rather than fat. A low fat diet made me fatter and now I am working to replenish amino acids and nutrients. Loosing slowly but I feel so much better. Good luck!
  • As soon as my feet hit the floor, I head to the kitchen and down 6 glasses. Great way to get a head start. I try not to drink right before or during a meal because I have been advised that liquids can dilute the digestive enzymes.
  • I am trying to eliminate gluten from my diet but it is so hard for me to resist. I have been working with Maria Emmerich and she has several recipes for things such as protein pancakes, waffles, buns made with protein powder rather than a flour. Some flour substitutes can have more calories…
  • Just saw a documentary I got from Netflix called "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World". It's about Aspartame and how it's affects those who use it. Bottom line, it's 10% fuel. The way it was approved by the FDA is jaw dropping. I have advised my friends and family who suffer from ailments including headaches, diabetes, vision…
  • I used to prefer Splenda until I tried Truvia . It's just like sugar in taste and texture. Check out their website, you may be able to get a free sample and coupons.
  • Ditto, LOVE the laughing cow and light baby bells. Add a few almonds or an apple and you have a perfect snack!
  • Thanks for the tips, I'm going to try some of them!
  • Can I adopt your dad? That sounds so good!! lol