venison hotdogs

My dad made some home made venison hotdogs. Does anyone know how many calories are in them? I looked them up and it says 65 but 3 oz of venison is 131. Does this sound right???


  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Wow. It so depends on how they were made. You say that your dad made them. Could he (would he) give you the recipe? If so, you could put it together under MyRecipes and have an accurate count.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Yes the 131 is closer. I can't find the site I pulled yesterday (venison is even healthier than chicken!) There was 127 calories (and only 3g total fat - .1 saturated - in 3 oz. shows 134 calories
  • christinaincamo
    Can I adopt your dad? That sounds so good!! lol
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    They are so good. All the websites I've been looking say 60-65 calories for hotdogs but when its just plain ol venison its 125-131! Should I just say 100???

    My dad took them to a place and had them made...grrrrr lol!