

  • Awesome job mate! see you at the finish lane very soon, a pound off my revised goal weight now.
  • Started near beginning of November, reckon i was about 17st but didnt weigh in for a week or so after I started and was about 16st 8, dropped to 13st 11 since then. MFP has really made me aware of what I eat and how much exercise I do or don't do. Found brisk walks a great way to exercise without really feeling it, the…
  • Gotta agree with Hitsukjaki, if your a man eating 2500 calories and your doing 1000 calories of exercise most days, you'll be way under your calorie limit, a thousand cals may seem a lot to burn, but ditch the car, run up the stairs at work, 10 mins exercise two three times a day and them exercise cals soon mount up. The…
  • I lost my 19lb in 4 weeks but didn't weigh in the week before that when I actually started so I'm guessing that was probably my biggest loss, around half a stone I would guess, but then again I was around the 17 stone mark. 11lb is a hell of a lot of weight to lose in one week unless you have 100 pound or so to lose. Best…
  • My goal is 195lb for the end of Jan, I'm 12lb off that at present, hoping to reach my target 190lb by mid Feb. good luck to all!
  • usually in jeans and a shirt when i weigh my self so knock 2lb off, its probably nearer a pound in truth that my clothes weigh, but whats a pound eh? you can get too obsessed with numbers?!
  • Hearts on Fire from Rocky IV is great for getting the adrenaline running, but the New Radical's 'You only get what you give' is such a joyous song it never fails to give me an energy burst.
  • My mom always used to say something about not eating after six o clock at night, that definitely gone in subliminally, Before I'd think nothing of eating 7-800 calories just before bed so I guess the drastic change has a lot to do with it. I think a light 4-500 calorie meal at dinnertime is the key followed only by low…
  • Like I said I certainly wouldn't say Im doing it healthily but it is working and I feel good not too many hunger pangs. If I get a bad hunger pang I do 2-3 sets of 20 sit- ups seems to stave it off. Exercise wise nothing drastic though I do a lot of walking around 5 mile per day typically, the walk to work and back clocks…
  • 6lb gone since I posted in here last week might just do it!
  • I normally consume around 40-50 units of alcohol per week (have done for 20 years) mostly on the weekend been packed in for 4 weeks not a drop unless you count the odd Shandy Bass (0.5% vol). Lost a stone in that time, if I can do it anyone can just make sure theres plenty of Coffee/Tea in the house. Good luck!
  • I have been doing this, this week burnt up about an extra 4500 cals in exercise (mostly just brisk but quite lengthy walks 25 miles in total), foollowing the 1000 cal deficit to lose 2lb a week this week I lost 3.5lb which matches the extra you would expect to lose with an extra 4500 cals per week deficit. Be interesting…
  • Wel Iv'e manged to lose 11 pounds in about 3 weeks so might just be doable, to achieve that I'm exercising bi-daily and walking around five miles every day. Calorie intake is about 1500 instead of the normal 2500, and Im burning a good 700 of that up 6-700 through extra activity. Count me in!