

  • As theJTfitness said the food scale is a great tool. If you are using the treadmill. Speed walking uphill is good. But make sure you do it correctly, not like how some people do it in my gym - holding on the treadmill for dear life. Set it at a reasonably challenging speed and incline and power through with your arms.
  • Update for the week. Next run is Monday.
  • Due to a slight hamstring niggle will be aiming for 100 miles this month. Shouldn't really be a problem but need to look after my legs Lol.
  • Morning from the Midlands. Get adding, lets Unite on MFP and be Great Britain Lol. (Sounds very political).
  • Firstly loosing weight for good is about a lifestyle change, so try and do it slowly and change your lifestyle so you don't go back to square one. Secondly find out what you enjoy the most, exercise wise and food wise. You can still loose weight/ be healthy by eating foods you enjoy. That can be summarised simply by saying…
  • Thats great, really reflects your motivation and drive. I believe the best way to motivate yourself when you feel down and going back to your old ways, is just to sit and reflect and see how far you have come from what you were. "The only competition is the man/woman in the mirror." Make your choices wisely. You certainly…
  • This is your motivation tool right now. There is no better time to start a healthy lifestyle than exam time. "A healthy body constitutes to a healthy mind." All I'm saying is download Jessie J- Who's laughing now and get working out. If you really want it that much you will go and do it. It all rests on you, do you really…
  • Getting to goal weight is a lifestyle change not just a temporary one. So don't beat yourself up if it takes longer than anticipated. Just say to yourself "I may walk slowly, but I will never walk backwards."
  • If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!
  • "It doesn't get easier, you just get better!"