I want to be better than her

That girl sits on the couch watching TV and playing games. She eats whatever she wants and binges until she is in pain her stomach is so full. That girl can't be bothered to move her body. She has aches and pains and it's comfy on the couch.

That girl is so big that no matter what she wears there is just no hiding it. She ends up dressing like a bum because the clothes are comfortable. She has been known to cancel plans because she doesn't look or feel good and is embarrassed to be seen.

That girl would like to try new things. Like, ziplining through the treetops in the fall or jumping off the cliffs in Negril, but she is worried that the harness won't fit her, or that people will laugh at her because she is so fat. That girl is letting her life pass her by because of he weight and fear.

That girl is a ticking time bomb. She has had blood pressure issues and she's setting herself up for diabetes and all kinds of health problems because she just wont take care of herself. She has every excuse in the book. But, it's just a matter of time before all of her bad choices catch up to her.

That girl won't even let her boyfriend touch her because she doesn't want him to feel her fat rolls. She doesn't feel sexy and even though the love is there, the passion has left the building. I guess that bag of chips is more important than sex.

That girl has a smile on her face, but she is wracked with insecurity and sadness. She doesn't think she deserves the things she dreams about and feels empty, so she fills the void with food. She is just going through the motions and has lost her joy.

I don't feel bad for that girl, she put herself where she is. That girl was me. And, every day the healthy choices I make put me farther and farther away from that girl.


  • jh270593
    jh270593 Posts: 33 Member
    Great post. I love the bit about trying new things x
  • sfarouq
    sfarouq Posts: 10
    Thats great, really reflects your motivation and drive.

    I believe the best way to motivate yourself when you feel down and going back to your old ways, is just to sit and reflect and see how far you have come from what you were.

    "The only competition is the man/woman in the mirror." Make your choices wisely. You certainly have.
  • pghfitgirl
    Good for you! Great motivation to "be the best YOU that you can be" instead of comparing to others, love it!
  • 1983ashleigh
    1983ashleigh Posts: 34 Member
    This is such an amazing post! I want to put it somewhere I can see it every day!
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Well said.

    But don't be too hard on that girl: she's the one who made the decision to change, and to stick with it when the going was tough.
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    Great post. Sad but honest and deep and meaningful. Thank you for sharing that :heart: