

  • I havent had to deal with PCOS but I have a couple friends who have it. both of them are activitly trying to lose weight and are doing an awesome job, so I know if you want to lose weight you can! I am a vegaterian so I feel you on having to "find" things to eat lol
  • I dont know, but I would be interested in the replies. Have you ever figured out your BMR? we are close in weight and height and my BMR is actually 1494 (or close to that) but MFP has it set for 1200 cals a day.
  • Thank you for the info, dont worry I drink a TON of water, like close to a gallon every day :) but good looking out! Good idea on the cottage cheese, I havent started phase 1, I was going to the other day, realized we didnt get paid yet, so no extra money to go buy all the stuff I need to start lol, but I am soon! YAY…
  • Do you have a good recipe for vegaterian chili that is SBD friendly?! I have tried like everyone in that book and NO one in my house likes them LOL. I finally just made the beef and bean chili and just kept the beef seperate from mine LOL, my kids and my husband LOVE that chili!
  • the only reason I am a little stressed about the cals is because before on the diet I was only working out 3 times a week, now I go to the gym every day for atleast an hour and a half.. lol I guess for the two weeks I can cut back my gym time some or something though. Just watch out, I will prolly be fiesty LOL
  • whoops, so you are saying that on the days I eat 1200 or a little more than that..and burn app. 1000 I am doing myself a disfavor by only eating 1200? crap.
  • that made for an interesting read! I had never really thought about it like that, but I have heard that things like the lap band and gastric bypass dont work if you dont want them too! You can do this! with or without it! You dont NEED it to lose weight, just need some motivation! and this is a great place to get it!
  • thank you! I must have missed that when I read it, or I read the book so long ago that I dont remember that! LOL good to know! I can handle some plain yogurt, and I dont really drink milk so no argurment there! Off to get some plain yogurt!
  • wait..what was one day in two weeks? I said the eating in moderation wasnt working for me, because I lost 11 lbs over the course of 6 weeks (but it was really 5 weeks) and messed up on Sunday, darn superbowl!, and went over my cals by 180, and the scale showed a 5 lb increase the next day. and even now, with working out…
  • I do eat eggs and dairy, so for breakfast I had two eggs with a little cheese. On phase 1 though you cant have much dairy right? other than cheese? I can stay away from milk and yogurt for two weeks, shouldnt be too bad!
  • Thank you, I do have a few cook books and I plan on pulling those back out (south beach diet ones of course lol) thank you for the web site! I will for sure check that out!
  • Thanks :) Glad some people actually understand the diet! I was pretty discouraged with the replies, because some where NOT helpful at all, just telling me what I should do instead of SBD. I didnt ask what I should do instead of SBD, I asked what in the world can I eat to help get my calories up and my protein up since meat…
  • Thanks, but I have actually been counting my cals without following SBD for the past 5 weeks, I lost 11 lbs, messed up ONE day and gained 5 lbs. sooo..that's not working for me. Hence why I am now headed back to south beach, where I have lost and kept off about 40 lbs over the course of 2 years, this is just the first time…
  • its only 2 weeks, I wouldnt think two weeks would do that much harm, and too much protein? I dont eat something tells me I wont get too much protein LOL. my main form of protein comes from protein bars and shakes, which I can not have on phase 1, so I have to figure out a way to get more protein actually.
  • yep! you can eat eggs, that is what I had for breakfast! yum!
  • i do eat some of the fake meat, those are some good suggestions! thank you! :) I personally LOVE SBD and its only 2 weeks with no carbs...its not forever! lol
  • nice job! I am jealous because I waited so long to lose the baby weight! lol My daughter was 2 before I was down below my prebaby weight!
  • en edible arrangement lol not gunna lie! or a massage and a nails and hair day!
  • I ate 6 oreos the other day and thought it would kill me LOL it didnt, but I wont do it again! So just dont let a slip become a slide!
  • you look awesome! you have done an amazing job!
  • I have done SBD before, about 2 years ago was my first go at it. LOVED IT! I am now re-starting phase 1, today! BUT this time I am a vegaterian, so this will get interesting lol, I am really not sure what in the world I am going to eat! I just need to get my sweets cravings under control and phase 1 did that for me every…
  • just wondering, why does it look like you never cook?! Maybe I am in a different boat because I have a family to cook for, so eating out isnt really an option, but you are spending a TON on eating out every night/day/time you need to eat! I would suggest cooking a couple nights a week and finding some single serve options…