

  • Welcome!!! I read his book in 1 day.
  • I prefer the black laces. Sorry so late. I'm.sure you've already figured it out.
  • Thanks ladies! That's really helpful. Today was my first low carb day. I think I did ok. I was struggling last night to put things together for the snacky items, but this will help on Wednesday. :smile:
  • Welcome! I'm on day 2 of my first week. I'm finding it challenging, but I know it'll get easier as I go along.
    in HELLO!!! Comment by mntflower July 2012
  • I read the book today and it looks like I'll be starting this weekend. I'm excited!!! I've tried several different programs including Weight Watchers. I just couldn't get motivated to follow the program and I always felt like I was hungry. I'm looking forward to this. It seems pretty straight forward. I'm not a huge cooker…
  • today I had a near auto correct nightmare. I was texting my boss updates, he's out of the office this week. I misspelled "response" and it auto corrected to "threesome". I would have been so embarressed if I'd sent it.
  • I know I've been there for the past few unmotivated days. For me it's seeing that I'm not alone in this process and others are having challenges too. I know that I can have these moments of unmotivatedness (is that even a word?) So, tomorrow comes and we get back to working on ourselves. Good luck and take care of…
  • Thank you for posting. These past couple days have been rough and I've felt like quitting, but I just keep logging on, and reading everyone's posts to keep me going. I may not be sticking to the plan, but I'm still present. :)
  • Thank you for posting this. :smile:
  • whatever keeps you motivated on and on track! Good for you!
  • Started a few days ago. So far I'm doing pretty well. I'm hoping to lose during the holidays.