

  • He is almost setting you up to fail. He should be more supportive, but maybe he justs wants you to have what you like. Either way the way I say HA-HA to him is ignore the icecream. It's hard, but then when he goes to sleep sneak a bowl!!!!LOL
  • Alleulia gasanchez, thanks 4 admitting you are just as calorie challenged as I am!!!! LOL Yes, I know what you mean about mulitplying something. That is why I though tthat you had to add the calories and then the calories from fat. I know that I am counting the calories and about the fat thing, I was told to just make sure…
  • Can somebody let me know if I should be looking for fillers in my daily intake of calories to be sure that I reach the same number each day? Or can I just eat what I want and not worry if I reach the 1300 daily??
  • Thank you VERY much songbyrdsweet, I feel silly for not knowing that, but I never have read labels and it can be so confusing. It sure does make me think twice about what I am eating. Also, I am on a 1300 calorie a day. I have not been reaching that completely. Should I actually be looking to eat things to make sure that I…
  • The web site breaks it down very nicely. From what I am understanding, the serving size is what the calories listed represent. The calories will change depending on what you eat in that serving. For example the goofy trail mix: If you only eat 30g (I have no clue how to determine what amount that would be) then you have…
  • Okay then my little cup of soup says serving size 1 cup (240ml) What is this mean? Servings about 2 How could I have 2 cups of soup in only one serving size??? Calories 190 Fat calories 80 If you eat the whole cup then you double the 190 number or do you double both numbers?
  • I have this snack pack of trail mix and I am TOTALLY confused at how you are suppose to log this. I am new to all of this and have never counted calories so I am not sure how to do it on anything really. There are so many catergories on the back of a box I never know which one to go by!!! Anyhow, the trail mix says:…
  • Thanks, I see what you mean about every day activities.
  • Never thought of my EVERY DAY ALL DAY housework as burning calories!! How did you get the number 198?? Thanks
  • I have not started my workout sessions yet, but call me old school.... Marky Marky and the funky bunch Good Vibrations Another one that I had in a step class was Daft Punk One more time, it really got us going. Awesome topic though, I am working on a list of songs to use for a workout. Do you usually start off with ONE…
  • I felt the same way, this site is a great confidence booster and reassurance. View the topic "THIS IS ALL NEW TO ME", under introduce yourself, we have been chatting about this since last nite. It is very hard to find the time for yourself, but you have to MAKE time is what everyone is telling me.
  • The gym I am visiting on Sunday does offer child care with the ability to watch them from a monitor screen on each machine. I have yet to see how that is gonna work!! But it sounds like what I would need to put myself at ease while making time for myself. Seeing that they are okay and having fun will take the guilt out of…
  • Good for you! Gives me something to look forward too!
  • Mother knows best huh? And great comment of moving mountains of fat, Ha-Ha
  • Goodluck to you! It is so hard after we have kids to get back to liking ourselves. I really think this site is fabulous for our confidence.
  • It just seems like it is so much easier said than done!! I KNOW I can do it, I just need more time in a day it seems. I am just getting started though so I hope it will be easier. Lucky you that he cooks dinner, mine is at work all day (he works doubles 6 days a week) so I have to bring the kids to the gym after work.…
  • I agree, that I am not doing any of us any good if I am not happy with myself. Thanks and goodluck to you.
  • I just joined this website in hopes to be able to track the progress I WANT to make in losing weight. I have 3 young children and am afraid that I will not have the time to dedicate to myself to lose weight. Does anyone else feel guility if they try to set aside time to focus on themselves and not the house, the kids, the…