

  • Timing is right, Heavens knows I need the support, some motivation, and some freinds. I would love to join, please invite me. Lets lose some weight in the next 10 weeks!
  • The Dreaded and acclaimed, much looked forward to WEEKEND. Yep it has been the weekend we have "let our hair down during". So we now are expected to "be good every sticking day". Never mind that all chaous is breaking out. Never mind that chips and cooking, family dinners and dates all love to occur during the weekend. SO…
  • Start 168 Still 165 No change from last week. Still I have seen several of you break into the 150s this week! Wonderful.... I am setting my mini goal 159 for our weigh in 1st of March. My stratedgy is like unto last week. No fooling around put in the work abandon your excuses! Going on a fun date next week 2 days moteling…
  • Starting Weight 167 Current Weight 165 Lost 2 pounds from last week. OK going in the right direction again. Ahha moment this week. As I chatted with my neighbor and she, as others have exclaimed, you will look awful if you lose 15 pounds... I of course have been there heard that before. I am not a stupid girl I wear so…
  • I am sad too I should have read before I blogged we are all so the same this struggle to be healthy>>> You and me we will end our bad food and exercise moment right now. OK pinky pact! Christy
  • Weighed in on Friday 166 Pounds Up 1 pound from last week Started at 168 Jan 1st Too grumpy to list excuses. Just it is more of the same I do good for a week or 10 days then lose it. So tomorrow I will resolve to stick to my healthy stratedgies. And acheive my goals instead of flounder here continuously!!! I can do this I…
  • Hi, I was noticing you get up real early to exercise. Just one interesting note that has been all the fitness mags this past year about getting enough sleep. Basically it reports getting 7- 8 hours of sleep each night was as important as at weight loss than exercise. Not to add to your burdens of balancing your time, but…
  • Jan 1st 168 Jan 7th 166 Jan 14th 165 Phew going in the right direction!!! Marjot totally cool with the challenge I will make sure I get those in before I make other poorer choices. I am currently reading one of the Hungry Girl Cook Books. She is full of tips for making really good stuff that of course are 200 calories or…
  • Ok Buddies we are.. What sometimes happens to me is I do not devote enough of my time , energy or resources to making me successful. What I also realize is that my entire family benefits when I am happy and successful. So dont forget to indulge yourself this week. Dont feel guilty exercising, buying some healthy food, and…
  • 168# ist weight of 2010 166# weight as of Thursday 1-07-10 148# the weight I am destined to become. As all of you know this weight loss thing is no small accomplishment. I was over 200# around 16 months ago. I have taken back control of my body. I have been around my current weight for around a year within 5 pounds. Enough…
  • Ok Here is to a NEW ME also. I come willing to be inspired and motivated by all of you! Here are my stats Lost 35 pounds over the last 16 months Gained 5 this Christmas Need to lose 23 pounds to be at goal. Sometimes feel lonely and think my family and freinds are a little sick of my never ending journey to becoming fit, I…
  • I couldn't agree more with Matty Sparky, nice dog by the way, it is not our place to judge others or critique someone elses success or failure. Rather support and report on our own experiences. I too have followed many "fad" diets. They have mostly resulted in short term weight loss, that was not sustainable on that diet.…
  • Oh Wow, You are awesome.
  • Hi I a m new to the site and am finding it is a confort to write down my efforts, as you know dieting is a journey and it is tough to stay focused and committed. This logging is helping me, and it is nice to talk with people who are as obsessed withtaking back their body as I am. Here we go 1 step and pound at a time.…
  • As you know this weight loss thing is like an Olympic Event. It takes mental and physical, support So itis no surprise when life drags your concentration away for a bit. Here are some things that help me for motivation. I buy clothes that fit and look good. Not crazy all out wardrobe but an absolutely fantastic pair of…
  • Just started this week, so I am still gungho. That said I plan on putting my Turkey on a heaping beautiful green salad, with blue cheese crumbles and walnuts, I am making it, and then heaping on the green beans and relish plate. Then I am determined to control the free carbs. Hopefully that will keep me in the run today.…
  • I am also 40 something. The thing is if we dont lose the weight now when would we? I am thinking I am wasting some really good years being more than I should be, I guess you could say... Anyway I have lost quite a bit this past 14 months ut have had trouble staying motivated and pushing the envelope. Good Luck any success…