GetSexyU Member


  • CW:201 H:5'8 GW: 155 Age:30 Open to new some more motivational and supportive weight loss friends! :)
  • Lol, don't you just feel so great and your smile get bigger when people have noticed all the work you have put into looking even better? Go knock dead 12774!
  • Congrats on being your own motivation this time G819
  • Yea yea, but we are out there and its time to change the perception that black women not only workout, but we also get and STAY fit too. The amazing things is that our fitness can look 50 different ways and still be beautiful! Good luck hun!
  • Hi Everyone! I saw a Ted Talk on being a weekday vegetarian. So that's what I do:). I want to reduce my carbon footprint, but still be enjoy the things I love. I also am very careful about what animal products I buy and where they come from. I am 5'8 and currently at 198 trying to get to 155-160. I don't mind being friends…
  • It sounds like the overall messages for Netflix workouts are positive, but I understand the view points as well because they make sense. It's really great that its sounded like we all find a way to still incorporate what we love with our workouts. Shows we are actually trying to make our lives instead of getting a quick…
  • Hi everyone! I am 5'8 and my goal weight is 155, my current weight is 198 and I am down from 226. Let's get it!
  • So do you all feel like Netflix is a hindrance to your workout or a help? I like it because sometimes I get times of listing to music and just want to watch something, but won't live there are times when I start working out and then sit down because I am so into the show. you?
  • In Dallas we actually celebrate Pride in September(I think because of the heat factor), but there are still some places that have events in June. lol I celebrate in June and September!
  • Brazilian Butt Lift the Bum Bum and Tummy Tuck workouts
  • I want to get in shape, but not to get their exact shapes because I love my curves:), lol just not my rolls. But I would like to feel comfortable doing Storm, Kamau Kogo from *kitten* Planet, Alana from Saga, and Shana from Jem and the Holograms(the reboot comic not the old). Yeah I know its alot.
  • I did the super shred! I lost 11 pounds. I really liked it because it did not require me to buy weird, hard to find or expensive type foods. I found that it really helped me to learn and understand about the portion sizes for me and not in a calorie counting numbers kind of way. I know people who did the original shred or…
  • One of the ways I stay motivated is by having a reward goal list and a long term success achievement prize. So for me it is as follows, when I reach 190 pounds - indoor rock-climbing class 180 pounds - scuba diving lessons 170 pounds - zip-lining course 160 pounds - skydiving Success prize - Insanity T-shirt! So it helps…
  • Like everyone else I have a long playlist, but one song that is a go to for me to get motivated whenever I get tired during a workout is, "Best of You" Foo Fighters. It like sends a message to my brain that this weight will not get the best of me and to keep pushing and push hard!
  • Hi Everyone, My name is Cynthia and for the record I know that I am sexy, all women are. The reason I gave myself that username is because being smart about how I treat the one and only body I have would make me even sexier. A co-worker friend and I have become Get Healthy buddies and one of the ways we are keeping each…