

  • see my first was the one that didnt latch on i had hell trying 2 breastfeed him for 5 months i tried everything i pump and tryed all differnt things 2 get him 2 latch and he never did so i was doing formula and breast feeding....and hes the one i was loseing tons of weight with...this one eats alot...i dont think i can up…
  • well that was me with my first kid i lost weight so fast but with my second i cant seem 2 lose any im having such a hard time! I think me having 2 kids just 15months apart is part of it.
  • well that was me with my first kid i lost weight so fast but with my second i cant seem 2 lose any im having such a hard time! I think me having 2 kids just 15months apart is part of it.
  • Very true! Ive been doing pretty good tell today been on the go all day cuz of a sick kid 104.4 fever :( son is almost 10 months now so im only breastfeeding for 2 more months anyways then maybe like once or twice a day after that....i just want to make sure im not eating 2 many calories pretty much
  • If you aren't losing and not gaining I wouldn't worry about it just yet. I'd focused on staying healthy and trying again after you are done breastfeeding. I know how hard it is to try to stay in shape when a new baby but as long as you aren't going up in weight I wouldn't worry, you have something more important. Very…
  • Okay, two things. 1. You've only been at this for 2 weeks, give it some time. 2. 10lbs by Christmas is not only un-healthy, but un-realistic. Rapid weight loss can also effect your milk supply. 1500 calories seems just fine for a breastfeeding mom. Just keep at it and keep hydrated. Okay i should say when i joined i wanted…
  • Thanks yall i just was wondering cuz i already get 300 extra a day cuz im a breastfeeding mom so its not like i dont eat enough already lol i already feel like im eating all day how it is now lol
  • thanks yall thats one heck of a workout i hope it payes off in the long run :) no do i have 2 eat all the calories i just burned?
  • Hi and Welcome 2 mfp!
  • Thanks hopefully that will help me out not 2 worried about the Calories i just know it tells me 2 eat way 2 much cuz i breastfeed i think the protein is probley the big thing
  • So do u not put in that your a breastfeeding mom? When i do that it gives me way more calories and i cant seem 2 eat that much it felt like i was eatting all day! My oldest turned 2 in october and my yougest is 9 months how old are your kidos?
  • Well i lost it fast with my first but my second i havent really lost any i think i lost 20 pounds at first but now im not loseing any do u have any tips that would hlep me
  • Just letting you know that i found out from a doctor that that water and many more have extra estergan in it you can tell by looking at the bottom of the water bottle if there is a little triangle you shouldnt drink it this make it alot harder for women to lose weight...just letting you know cuz that flavord water was my…