

  • I was just talking about this with one of my friends. So I am am in as well. I start to slack on friday and it goes through Sunday so that is a little less than half the week... That kills the progress I could have as well as all of us. Good call on the group.
  • The party went good last night. Made a full plate but it was mainly greens. Had a half a slice of cheese cake but overall still think I did well thanks for the accountability. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • So I have been doing really good so far; but I have a dilema, I have my first Christmas party tonight. My idea was to safe a thousand calories and just go to the party and not worry about it. However, knowing my weaknesses, I often overeat (especially when the food is good) and I am worried that this will happen tonight.…
  • So far this week has gone really well. I am a new member to this grop so I joined it midway through this week but still everything it's going real good. I have been put in a great situation because one of my best friends, who has done personal training, has moved back into the area. We have been going to the gym in the…
  • Hey I was hoping to join this group. I am a 6' 3 22 year old male who has put on 30 pounds in the last year ( good old bank job). As I have let myself go this past year I have found myself getting more and more depressed and desiring to do less and less. I want to kick start my weight loss and I think this would be a…
  • I am so in this is one of my biggest struggles my cut off time is going to be 8:30 Good luck everyone
  • I am so in this is one of my biggest struggles my cut off time is going to be 8:30 Good luck everyone
  • Hi, My goal is to really change the way I am living. I have gained about 40 pounds since leaving college and am done with that life style. I am praying that this website will assist me in my objective to lose 70 pounds. It is a big goal but I know it is attainable if I set reasonable goals. Before I have lost a decent…