Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • kaytbognar
    So I have been doing really good so far; but I have a dilema, I have my first Christmas party tonight. My idea was to safe a thousand calories and just go to the party and not worry about it. However, knowing my weaknesses, I often overeat (especially when the food is good) and I am worried that this will happen tonight.

    So I am writing this for two reasons. First of all, any ideas to not overeat? Any tips would be appreciated. Two I just want to check in for accountability and will post how I did tomorrow. This group has been good for me because I know I am not doing it alone. So, thanks for the accountability everyone. Hope you are all having an amazing day.

    I'd say try and limit your portions of stuff if it's a buffet/potluck. One spoonful on your plate of something instead of two or three will help to give you a taste of everything without skyrocketing your calories. That's what I'm trying to do with the buffet here lately. It's tempting to not go back for seconds, but I've managed to resist.

    When it comes to sweets, maybe have a two-bite rule for cookies/brownies, or just pick ONE thing you really want?

    Good luck! Let us know how you do, and remember, HAVE FUN!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    So I have been doing really good so far; but I have a dilema, I have my first Christmas party tonight. My idea was to safe a thousand calories and just go to the party and not worry about it. However, knowing my weaknesses, I often overeat (especially when the food is good) and I am worried that this will happen tonight.

    So I am writing this for two reasons. First of all, any ideas to not overeat? Any tips would be appreciated. Two I just want to check in for accountability and will post how I did tomorrow. This group has been good for me because I know I am not doing it alone. So, thanks for the accountability everyone. Hope you are all having an amazing day.

    Eat a salad or an apple and a big glass of milk or water before you go. If you go in mostly full, it should be much easier to resist the temptation of every delicious thing there. Also, try not to drink alcohol so you don't get drunk and then just stop caring about what you're eating. Have fun!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hey everybody. My weight loss is going steady, but I'm worried about all the holiday festivities coming up. What's funny is that I don't even care for the snacky foods they serve (like chips and dips or crackers and cheeses), and I can usually say no the desserts too, so it's easier than I thought it would be. I usually just eat before I go, or snack a little there and eat a light meal when I get home. (Hope this helps you, Tden.)

    Just to head off a plateau, I thought I should change things up a bit, So I have a personal challenge for myself over the next two weeks. Idk why MFP doesn't include calories burned from strengthening exercises, and to be quite honest I just haven't been doing them. But I'm hearing more and more about the benefits of strength training- helps prevent osteoporosis/bone weakness, burns calories faster, improves oxygen flow, etc. So, I am going to start a strength program today. I was doing cardio 30 min/7 days a week (which is a huge accomplishment for me) but now I will do cardio 4 days a week, pilates one (which is both cardio and strength) and 2 days of strength (upper body, then lower body). Will keep you posted as to any improvements from doing this. Wish me luck :wink:

    current measurements: waist 41.5 hips 42.25 thigh 23 arm 13
  • Joannan02
    I am 25 years old and I went up to 240 after I had my baby. She is now 4 months old and i am now 188 lbs but I want to be at 130 am 5'1.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I am 25 years old and I went up to 240 after I had my baby. She is now 4 months old and i am now 188 lbs but I want to be at 130 am 5'1.

    Welcome! Great job losing so much weight after your baby was born! Sounds like you are well on your way to your goal weight!
  • Tdenman
    The party went good last night. Made a full plate but it was mainly greens. Had a half a slice of cheese cake but overall still think I did well thanks for the accountability. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    The party went good last night. Made a full plate but it was mainly greens. Had a half a slice of cheese cake but overall still think I did well thanks for the accountability. Keep up the good work everyone!

    That is awesome! You should be really proud. Other thank Thanksgiving (which went fine), I haven't had too many opportunities to test myself like that since I started in September. Last time I lost weight though, social situations always had to be my free day. I wasn't able to be in a room full of food without going way overboard. I don't know why it's so hard for me. I would go in with a game plan, eat something small before, and drink lots of diet soda or water. Maybe I need to approach those situations like the "danger foods" that I avoid except for very special occasions and in very limited amounts - I can eat most things but stay away from the cakes and candies and the other items I know I can't control myself around. I have a holiday dinner coming up this Wednesday, but fortunately it's at Ruby Tuesday so I feel very in control.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    The party went good last night. Made a full plate but it was mainly greens. Had a half a slice of cheese cake but overall still think I did well thanks for the accountability. Keep up the good work everyone!

    Great job!

    I'm happy to say that I had my first 'great' day since joining MFP a week and a half (or so) ago. I've been learning new things every day, and doing 'ok', but at the end of every day, I always felt like I'd 'failed' in some way, shape or form. I didn't want to get too hard on myself, and took each day as a learning opportunity. But I still was a little sad because I just felt I'd never be able to do what it took to REALLY lose the weight.

    Yesterday, I was able to keep my calories under control by eating REALLY nutritious, good foods. I worked out for a good amount of time, built up a good sweat! I drank plenty of water, and didn't feel deprived at any point in any way, shape or form. I went to bed just HUMMING with positive energy. It was amazing! I also pre-made dinner for the next three nights, so I know i'm not going to wind up eating something bad for me due to lack of options/ideas. Dinner time is seriously the hardest part of my day. I do really well with breakfast, snacks and lunches- but come dinner, I'm usually completely out of ideas about what to eat that won't be bad for me. And I'm so hungry and tired and frustrated, I tend to eat whatever's available. Prepping ahead is definitely what's going to save me in that regard!

    I'll tell you, I'm aching today! But not so much that I can't do it all over again! :)

    Christmas scares me, I'll admit it! Not even so much the treats or snacks, as the dinner! I LOVE stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy! I've decided that I will have something- ON THAT DAY. But that's it. In all those days leading up to Christmas, all those holiday parties and potluck dinners, etc, I will not indulge. I'm not going to let one holiday totally set me off course! Oh, and I'll eat on New Year's Day, too- because that's my birthday. If there's any day you should be allowed to 'cheat' it should be your birthday!!!!!

    In the meantime, I'm eating a lot of vegetables, brown rice, couscous, fish, chicken, bran, shredded wheat, oatmeal, fruit.... etc.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Christmas scares me, I'll admit it! Not even so much the treats or snacks, as the dinner! I LOVE stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy! I've decided that I will have something- ON THAT DAY. But that's it. In all those days leading up to Christmas, all those holiday parties and potluck dinners, etc, I will not indulge. I'm not going to let one holiday totally set me off course! Oh, and I'll eat on New Year's Day, too- because that's my birthday. If there's any day you should be allowed to 'cheat' it should be your birthday!!!!!

    I really think turning the holiday into just one day is a great way to handle them. I did that over Thanksgiving and ended up losing .5 lb that week. I brought home leftovers (from my parents' house) but I brought grilled asparagus and roasted meats (and a small pumpkin roll, but I counted all of the calories for it). I'm not going to use Christmas as an excuse to eat tons of crap I wouldn't normally eat for a week or two. Christmas day I will eat what I want, and I will make that my free day for the week.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Christmas scares me, I'll admit it! Not even so much the treats or snacks, as the dinner! I LOVE stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy! I've decided that I will have something- ON THAT DAY. But that's it. In all those days leading up to Christmas, all those holiday parties and potluck dinners, etc, I will not indulge. I'm not going to let one holiday totally set me off course! Oh, and I'll eat on New Year's Day, too- because that's my birthday. If there's any day you should be allowed to 'cheat' it should be your birthday!!!!!

    I really think turning the holiday into just one day is a great way to handle them. I did that over Thanksgiving and ended up losing .5 lb that week. I brought home leftovers (from my parents' house) but I brought grilled asparagus and roasted meats (and a small pumpkin roll, but I counted all of the calories for it). I'm not going to use Christmas as an excuse to eat tons of crap I wouldn't normally eat for a week or two. Christmas day I will eat what I want, and I will make that my free day for the week.

    I had a lot of success in the past having one 'cheat day' a week. I'm trying to limit myself to one every two weeks for now, just because I'm really looking at making these dietary changes permanant and I want to get used to it (and I want to lose this weight sooner rather than later!). That being said, Christmas and New Years are only one week apart.... so i'll have to make an exception, lol.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Anyone else have recipes or menu ideas? I'm working on my grocery list, and I'm definitely making pulled chicken sandwiches and chicken tortilla soup next week. I'm so excited to mix it up a little!
  • Brandywithrow
    ok so today is the best day, I steeped on the scale and am back to my pregnancy weight :) it only took me 11 months to do so :S
    I always thought people who lost weight had some weight loss pill or special gimic because I have tried in the past, but it is exactly what they say eating right is 75% of it and 25% exercise :) now I no I can do this do 17 pounds and only 77 more to go!!! :) Have a good day everyone :)
  • kaytbognar
    Anyone else have recipes or menu ideas? I'm working on my grocery list, and I'm definitely making pulled chicken sandwiches and chicken tortilla soup next week. I'm so excited to mix it up a little!

    My mom makes the best hummus on the planet (IMO, anyway)
    - 1 can chickpeas, drained (reserve about 1/2 the can's water)
    - 1-2 tbsp tahini (if you can't find tahini, you can use sesame seeds, though it will change the texture slightly)
    - 1/2 lemon's juice (1-2 tbsps if you're using realemon or something like that)
    - 3-5 cloves of garlic (this is really to your taste, I like it super garlicky, but you might not)
    - chilies! yum yum yum. LOL, I usually add almost a handful of crushed, dried chilies becuase I love my hummus to be spicy.

    Stick everything in the blender and have at 'er. Add the reserved water from your chickpeas gradually until you get the consistency you like (the more water you ad, the smoother it will be, the less you add the thicker and pastier it will be.) Also, all the measurements are really just a loose guideline that you can modify to your tastes.

    Hummus is fun becuase you can experiment with it an go nuts. Any kind of hummus you see in the grogery store, just add whatever 'specialty' item (roasted red peppers, jalapeno, olives, etc.) and you're in business. You can also switch the chickpeas for white kidney beans (a nice variantion), or try other kinds of legume/bean combinations.

    The girls here just made a batch of hummus and I think they must have put in some roasted sesame oil or something, which gives it a faintly asian twist. Really tasty!
  • kerimcdonald
    I am 27 and am at 161 now. I started at 195, but I was 120 when I got married. my goal is 130 since I think I was a little underweight back in the day, but I never gained weight. (Boy that caught up with me after I had my daughter=)

    What has worked for me is a little weird, but I get angry at myself. Geting depressed didn't work and disapoint made me feel bad long enough for me to get to the ice cream. Now......I'm pissed! I WILL reach my goals. If I don't I have to face consequences. Instead of working out 3x a week for 1 hour I have to work out every day the week after my failure. That's right, no setbacks, failures. I have to hold myself accountable, cause who else will?

    As far as menu ideas. I have a daughter and am a restaurant manager and i work 50-70 hours a week, and I have to make time for my hubby as well. Dinner is usually a variation of a salad. There are so many different topping and stuff out there, it is a 5 minute fix, (15 with chicken) and i have been eating a salad for dinner for a full year now and I haven't gotten bored yet. I just switch it up. And the best side effects!! My daughter is 4 and chooses broccoli and tomatoes over candy! No joke. She wants to eat what mommy eats. No mac and cheese, no ramen noodles, no junk!!

    Desserts are usually a skinny cow ice cream or fat free hot cocoa, or dove has these delicious mini ice cream bars and they are only 60 calories each! I am really struggling through a plateau. I lost 30 okay, but I am so stuck right now. No more mrs. nice chick!! Good luck everyone!!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    ok so today is the best day, I steeped on the scale and am back to my pregnancy weight :) it only took me 11 months to do so :S
    I always thought people who lost weight had some weight loss pill or special gimic because I have tried in the past, but it is exactly what they say eating right is 75% of it and 25% exercise :) now I no I can do this do 17 pounds and only 77 more to go!!! :) Have a good day everyone :)

    Congratulations! Good work!

    I'm about 15 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight still, after a year. I gained a LOT of weight, lol.

    Monday morning, though- official weigh-in! I was at 162.0 pounds, (0.4 pounds down) and lost 1.25 inches. I only lost a little less than half a pound in the past week, but I'm not overly upset for two reasons. 1) I lost about three and a half pounds the first week, which I think was mostly water and not fat. Within a couple days, I gained about a pound or two of that back. So I adjusted my water and salt intake and started working out harder- and got rid of not only that extra pound or two that had come back, but another half pound on top of it. I think it's natural for it to take some time for things to 'level out' before you see any real results, and what matters is that I did really well this week. I'm not going to let the number on the scale get me down! 2) I came VERY close to hitting my 2 pound per week goal (I'm down 3.8 pounds in the past two weeks), and I've lost 2.25 inches all over my body.

    I think I'm just going to keep on doing what I've been doing the past 3 days, which is exercise for at least a half hour per day, and eat healthy foods... I'm going to try making Quinoa for the first time tonight so wish me luck!

    Also, yesterday was Christmas Baking Day (woohoo!) and I made some ginger molasses crinkles and modified a sugar cookie recipe with orange zest, orange juice, cinnamon and nutmeg. They smell DELICIOUS and from the ONE cookie I allowed myself, taste pretty good too! I was rather annoyed at myself for creating all this temptation, but if I don't do the baking, it doesn't get done and everyone's unhappy with me! But- I'm pleased to say I didn't nibble while I ate. After I was finished baking, I stored everything out of sight. Hubby must have eaten at least a dozen cookies all by himself, and several glasses of milk. But he's skinny as a rail!

    It's so unfair, lol.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Hi guys, I would like to join as well. I'm 28, 5'7 and currently weigh 208 :grumble: I've been on MyFitness Pal since April and have lost 16 pounds and about 13.5 inches so far. I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome which makes it very very hard to lose weight, so the extra support and motivation would be great. I want to get down to 155 and go from there, I haven't been that small since I was about 14, so we'll see how it feels. I'm trying kickboxing for the first time tonight, burns soo many calories!! I'll let you know how it goes! :bigsmile:
  • Brandywithrow
    Thats awesome !

    Everyone is doing great :)

    As for the measurements it was my first 1 and I lost 1" on my arms 1" on my hips 5" on my waist but gained .5" on my bust and .5" on my im down 7" which is great but I DO NOT want to gain inches on my legs its so weird maybe my husband didnt measure me in the right spot both times?

    I am so happy for everyone and I have been on this site for only 2 weeks now but its like my second home I love it here!

    Just a question? it said im aloud 1740 calories a day....but then I workout and earn like 1200 I add those into the calories im aloud to eat? bring it to 2740?? I dont think I can eat that many calories per day im finding it hard to eat the 1740 a day!
    if someone could let me know that would be great

    Thank and keep up the good work everyone :)
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I am so happy for everyone and I have been on this site for only 2 weeks now but its like my second home I love it here!

    Just a question? it said im aloud 1740 calories a day....but then I workout and earn like 1200 I add those into the calories im aloud to eat? bring it to 2740?? I dont think I can eat that many calories per day im finding it hard to eat the 1740 a day!
    if someone could let me know that would be great

    Thank and keep up the good work everyone :)

    Just track what you eat, and how much exercise you do, through MFP. Eat how many calories it tells you to eat. I can't believe you earn like 1200 calories in a work-out! That's impressive. How long/hard do you usually work out for? I usually work out for a half hour a day, and have a hard time getting higher than 400 calories burned. I only eat 1250 per day, plus whatever I earn through exercise. 2740 seems like a lot of calories per day to eat and lose weight.... but then I don't know what your activity level is!

    I've also only been here about 2 weeks... and I'm totally addicted!!!!! Everyone here is so awesome.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hi guys, I would like to join as well. I'm 28, 5'7 and currently weigh 208 :grumble: I've been on MyFitness Pal since April and have lost 16 pounds and about 13.5 inches so far. I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome which makes it very very hard to lose weight, so the extra support and motivation would be great. I want to get down to 155 and go from there, I haven't been that small since I was about 14, so we'll see how it feels. I'm trying kickboxing for the first time tonight, burns soo many calories!! I'll let you know how it goes! :bigsmile:

    Welcome! Good to meet you. Congratulations on your weight loss so far! That's terrific!

    Let me know what you think about kickboxing! I'm a big martial arts fan, and it looks like fun. :)
  • Brandywithrow

    Well I usually go for a bike ride pulling my son for 45 minutes to a hour and on days im not doing that i usually walk at least 5k, then I workout for a hour and a half 25 spin bike/ 15 row machine/25 elliptical/ and 25 with the strength training exercises! plus 3 times a week I go swimming I go swimming for a hour doing atleast 40 laps in a Olympic size swimming pool. so I usual burn 1000 to 1200 from exercise a day. I am now 247 and it tells me I can eat 1740 a day but adding the other 1000 is way to many calories for me!

    Im just going to stick to the 1740 and hopefully that will make me loose this darn weight faster! I am steady losing about 4 pounds a week...hopefully it doesn't slow done to soon :S

    with a half hour work out 400 calories is great keep it up :)