Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I'm doing really well today, thank you!

    I've logged all my foods for the day and stayed on track thus far. If i do my workout tonight, I'll have an extre few calories left that I have to figure out (hrm, what to do with them???)....

    But I'm tired and may not feel like it, lol. Which is okay, because I've eaten well enough that I don't HAVE to do cardio tonight....

  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    hey everyone just wanted to see how your day was going? I have no motivation tonight :( was supposed to go to the gym but just dont have the energy, I am 1.5 pounds away fro my goal for christmas and still can seem to get my head in the game today. Hope everyone else is having a better day then I am!!!

    Hi Brandy. Glad to see you are so close to your goal! I have 2 lbs. to go for my Christmas goal as well, so I know how you feel. On the one hand you want to push yourself and just lose it NOW, but on the other hand you want to cut yourself a little slack cuz you're so close you feel like you shouldn't have to work as hard for it. I personally would do at least SOME kind of cardio for 20 min. I think you said you're a SAHM like myself. I got a great (exhausting) workout in this evening playing indoor tag with kiddos, then letting them "fly" on my legs, or laying on my back and holding them (reverse push up). But if you don't get to it, don't sweat it. Get right back and do your cardio tomorrow.

    So this is just a weird little thing, but I noticed in the mirror after my shower today that I can see my c-section scar for the first time in more than 6 years. After having my son, my tummy was so stretched and flabby that it made a W and hung down (donelap syndrome) but it has lifted and looks more like a U over the last 2 weeks. My weight and measurements are not at their smallest, but this is a very new thing for me, so I must be doing something right. I've been staying within nutrition goals, especially fat and sodium. Doing a 200 crunch challenge, cardio at least 5 days/week (took 4 days off with the food poisoning though) and incorporated weights into my regular cardio. Oh and drinking at least 10 glasses of water a day. Gonna keep it up see how that gut starts to look lol. :laugh:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Yes, it is a very good idea to stay far far away from the Timbits!!! It really does help at work to have someone helping keep you on track, you don't feel so singled out when you're not the only one not eating it either :wink: And I think you hit it on the nose with the empowerment, it makes you feel real good!! Have a great week everyone :bigsmile:
  • kerimcdonald
    Hey everyone!! I haven't been on in a couple of days and I missed you guys. I have been a little sick, and I haven't lost anything this week, and THAT TIME is also here to visit. So this week my focus is less on losing and more on not gaining. No matter what I think, I do not NEED to make a pan of brownies.......and eat them all myself:blushing: I haven't gained anything this week so far, so I'm proud of myself.

    Sounds like you guys are all doing great. jbsweet99- I feel like I burn calories just reading your posts! Way to go on the kickboxing. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    jrbowers- I hear you on the c-section thing. I have the same issue and I have decided that if it doesn't go away by the time I hit my goal weight (130) I will look into a tummy tuck, but I really don't like the idea of surgery so I am working hard. Water helps and I've also noticed that when I drink hot lemon water at night, I notice the jiggly-ness less the next morning.

    Good luck everyone else. I'll talk to you soon. My husband is rebuilding my laptop so I comandeered his for the night:bigsmile:
    si it might be a couple more days til i see you all again
  • AHappyMe09
    Hey everyone..... I just saw your forum. I would love to join this group of motivated chicks. I'm 25 , 5'1 and I weigh somewhere around 195 (I believe). That scale is my enemy, so I haven't checked it in a while. I have a 2 year old and I'm a full time single mom and student. Its hard making time for myself to workout, and to eat right. But for my healtrh and happiness I must. Even more important are to take these steps for my son. He needs a mom that's going to be around for a long time, and one that has energy to play and run and all those good fun things. I can't even play on the floor with him..... its disgusting and depressing. So, here I am!

    I don't really know what is realistic for 90 days. First things first, I should actually weigh myself, and I plan on taking measurements of my body AND pictures of my body..... that will be a really difficult thing for me to face, but I think its neccessary. When I see pictures of myself, first I have to convince myself that that's what I actually look like. Then once I have, I want to vomit. I'm hoping that this will finally be the vector for change I need. One thing that's different, is I've never actually kept track of my calories. One thing in particular that I always get upset with myself over, is the fact that when I was pregnant, I only gained 10 pounds! I was so conscientious of the health of my son, I ate sooooo well, I actuallly lost weight. After his birth, I even continued to lose. But, for me, its like all things that go up must come down. I've never been able to continue with weight loss. But I HAVE to. Its not a choice anymore.... just in September I had to buy a bigger size jeans (16), and now I feel like I'm squeezing into those!

    So anyway, I apologize. I guess I didn't realize how much I had to say.

    A perhaps strange question, does anyone find themselves well under 1200 towards the evening, and you don't know how to fix it without over eating and/or eating too late in the evening? I'm not even trying, and I'm not even super hungry, and I'm eating every couple hours, but today for instance, I've eaten less than 500 calories.

    What are your guys' calorie goals? According to MFP, mine should be a little under 1500... just curious how that compares.

    So, let's see, 90 days is about 12 weeks.... I'm going to aim for 8 pounds... I don't want to dissappoint myself. I'm a very all or nothing kinda girl, and... that doesn't work in my favor.

    I think I've babbled enough! I hope I will stick with this. I need some buddies to keep me accountable.

  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hey everyone! Haven't posted in a while. Weekends make it difficult for me because I'm home and taking care of my family.... with the holidays coming it's even more hectic!!

    I will admit, I snuck on the scale today and was happy with what I saw! I don't 'officially' weigh in until Monday but I'm so happy I have to share.... I'm down to 159.8 pounds!!!!!!! This is thrilling for me for three reasons. 1) It means that I'm no longer in the 160's.... yay! 2) It means I've lost exactly 6 pounds in the less than 3 weeks (it will be three weeks on Monday) that I've been eating right and exercising and 3) It means I'm only 0.2 pounds away from no longer being 'overweight'. HELLO HEALTHY BMI!!!

    I hear you on the c-section thing. I have the same issue and I have decided that if it doesn't go away by the time I hit my goal weight (130) I will look into a tummy tuck, but I really don't like the idea of surgery so I am working hard. Water helps and I've also noticed that when I drink hot lemon water at night, I notice the jiggly-ness less the next morning.

    I had a c-section, too, with my youngest (who just turned 1 two weeks ago). My stomach fat lays funny now, and I'm worried that it will never go away. I've set a similar goal for myself. Once I hit my goal weight, I'll spend one year focusing on tightening my tummy through exercise. If I can't fix the damage myself, I'm investing in a tummy tuck. That will be my reward for a job well done, lol.

    Lindsay- Welcome to the group! It's nice to meet you.

    To answer your question:
    A perhaps strange question, does anyone find themselves well under 1200 towards the evening, and you don't know how to fix it without over eating and/or eating too late in the evening? I'm not even trying, and I'm not even super hungry, and I'm eating every couple hours, but today for instance, I've eaten less than 500 calories.

    Actually, this is how I eat all the time. I make sure to eat breakfast and lunch, and have plenty of healthy snacks during the day. But I DO consume most of my calories at dinner and with my before-bed snack. I know you're not supposed to eat like this but it seems to be working for me, lol. I save up my calories because I KNOW I'm going to want to snack at night- so I want to fill up on dinner and have some popcorn or something while I'm watching TV. This way, I don't feel deprived. Also, I'm still nursing/cosleeping with my son. He doesn't nurse during the day because I'm at work- but at night, he does nurse. So I burn a lot of calories through the night- and if I don't eat something before bed (and have a lot to drink!) I wake up starving, and very thirsty. When I've finished weaning I'll have to make some adjustments to my eating habits but for the most part, I've just come to accept that my eating patterns are my eating pattens. I'm ALWAYS going to want to eat at night. So instead of fighting that, I'm just trying to make adjustments in what I eat during the day, and make sure I'm choosy healthy foods at night. Some people might not agree with that approach, but as long as it works for me, I'll be doing that.
  • Hopey1994
    I'm a chubby 20 something. :) I'm 24 and have always struggled with my weight. I'm currently at 193, and I'm 5'1" so I have a lot to lose. My goal for the next year is to drop 40 pounds. I know that's 1.3 lbs a week and I feel I can do it. My daughter is 2 and I want to drop the weight before she has too many memories of having a chubby mommy.
  • kerimcdonald
    Welcome Lindsay!!

    mercuryblue!! I am so jealous. From the sounds of things we are almost at the exact same weight. I have been stuck at 160 for about 1 week now and I am so anxious to see 150-anything on the scale I can almost taste it!! I am so proud of you and uber jealous!! :bigsmile: :ohwell: :grumble: :happy: This is how I feel.

    Hopey1994- welcome to the group. everyone here is amazing. You'll love them!!

    I'm off to wage war on my elliptical. 60 minutes ought to kill the piece of pizza I had for dinner. See you all tomorrow!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    mercuryblue congrats on the loss, that's great! :bigsmile:
    And kerimcdonald good for you, 60 mins on the elliptical?? wow, I feel like I'm going to die after 30 mins! lol
  • kaytbognar
    Welcome Lindsay! Good for oyu for setting yourself a goal that you think you'll realistically be able to achieve. I always have trouble thinking too big (or, small, as the case may be LOL) and then getting frustrated and pissed off when I can't stay on "schedule." I hope you'll find having us here for support helpful in sticking to it and accomplishing your goals :)

    mercuryblue -- awesome news! It always feels so good to break through those little milestones :D:D

    hopey1994 -- welcome welcome! Sounds like you and I are in similar boats, though I'm not a mommy. I'm 5'2" and 24 and the last time I weighed myself (which was about 6 wks ago :/ -- I have no scale anymore!) I was around the same weight. Trust me, you can do it!

    kerimcdonald -- givin 'er! Way to go :D
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Thanks, guys. I fully credit MFP for my loss, as I've NEVER been this driven, focused and strong before. :)
  • kerimcdonald
    Hi everyone! I have to workl late tonight so I'm checking in early. Sunday is a huge day for me. I am at work unitl 2am for inventory, so it's really hard to say no to all the food all over the place. I've pre planned my food and I did an hour on the elliptical this morning to give me some strength.

    my daughter stretched with me afterwards and she really like that I'm downstairs with her watching a movie or she plays while I run. She's not going to let me get away with not doing the elliptical for a day!:tongue:

    Now for the bad news. I weighed in this morning, and I gained a pound from last week. :grumble: It makes me crazy!! So the consequences for me are 1 hour on the elliptical every day until I catch up to where I should be. And I have to tell you guys when I don't do it. (that's the hardest part for me) . I should be back on track in no time!! Wish me luck. I hope everyone weigh ins or check ups are much much better. My goal is 155 by Chridtmas so I have a ways to go!:ohwell:
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    Hey everybody,

    I turned 20 in October I'm 5 feet tall and 163 pounds

    Is it okay If I jump on the bandwagon too? I've been on MFP for quite a while but the last few months I kinda.......abandoned it. VERY VERY BAD IDEA!! I gained back most of the wieght I lost:sad: Stuffing my face and being lazy. I went from 170 when I joined MFP to 145....Now I'm 163 again!! I don't wanna be like that anymore!!! I'm even close to my measurement when I started!!

    I was soo happy with myself when I was smaller. I had more energy, I could fit into size 12 jeans!! Now I'm overflowing a size 14:embarassed:

    Can I join please??:flowerforyou:
  • AHappyMe09
    I'm a chubby 20 something. :) I'm 24 and have always struggled with my weight. I'm currently at 193, and I'm 5'1" so I have a lot to lose. My goal for the next year is to drop 40 pounds. I know that's 1.3 lbs a week and I feel I can do it. My daughter is 2 and I want to drop the weight before she has too many memories of having a chubby mommy.

    Hopey1994- I feel ya! It sounds like we have very similar situations- height, weight, age, 2 year old kids... wow! Maybe we can keep each other accountable? I'm 25 (just turned last month), about 195 (I think... I haven't weighed myself in a while, I need to do that), I'm 5'1 and my son just turned 2 about a week ago. I really don't want my son seeing me like this and thinking that this is the way life is supposed to be; that's how I grew up. My main goal right now is to get my eating under control (I just signed up on MFP this week); once I feel I've gotten some control over that, I'll start focusing on trying to "make" myself get some exercise in.

    Good luck with everything!!!

  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    DBranchaud - Welcome to our little group! I'm sure you'll find us interesting, lol!

    I also wanted to send warm welcome to everyone else who has hopped on our bandwagon! *cheers*

    Keri- sorry to hear about the 1 pound weight gain! :( That's so disheartening. But I know from experience that sort of thing happens from time to time. I KNOW you'll have a much better time of it next week!!!!!

    So, okay.... it's Monday! Official weigh-in day for me. This morning I weighed and measured myself. The results were.....

    Last Week's Weight: 162
    Today's Weight: 159.4

    Meaning I've lost a total of 2.6 pounds last week. Yay! That almost makes up for the 0.4 pound weight loss of last week. (Boo!)

    I've also lost 1.5 inches since last week. So, since November 23/09, I've lost a total of 2.75 inches and 6.4 pounds!!!!! *happy dances*

    I'm also celebrating these milestones:

    1) As of this morning, I am no longer overweight. I have moved into the 'healthy' BMI category. :bigsmile:
    2) I've reached a point where I no longer find myself snacking or needing to snack on mindless junk. I've also been successful at my water drinking, and am no longer putting tons of juice and diet pop in my body.
    3) I spent 7 and a half hours at my mother's last night making Christmas chocolates with her and my sister- and I only licked one spoon and ate two chocolates! I also managed to keep my calories nice and low for the day. I DID 'treat' myself to some apple juice, which was okay because I burned off those calories making the chocolates- and then some!
    4) I'm wearing size 8 pants! And they're not tight!!!!! Bye-bye double-digits!!!!

    As you can see, I'm very, very happy today. :drinker:
  • kaytbognar
    MercuryBlue -- AWESOME! So proud of you, as you must be of yourself :) Here's a question for you: I know you've said you've been cutting out process/refined carbs. Have you noticed that your cravings to mindlessly snack have diminished as you've cut back on the carbs? I've been noticing this, but can't decide if it's the carbs themselves, or just that I'm getting used to feeding myself better.

    My measurements day is tomorrow, so hopefully I will be joining you in a happy dance then! :D
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    I am about the same weight as you. I am 28 and I am looking to be at a healthier weight as soon as possible. I am in!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    MercuryBlue -- AWESOME! So proud of you, as you must be of yourself :) Here's a question for you: I know you've said you've been cutting out process/refined carbs. Have you noticed that your cravings to mindlessly snack have diminished as you've cut back on the carbs? I've been noticing this, but can't decide if it's the carbs themselves, or just that I'm getting used to feeding myself better.

    My measurements day is tomorrow, so hopefully I will be joining you in a happy dance then! :D

    Thanks :)

    I've got my fingers crossed for you!!!! I'm sure you'll do great. I'm sending you positive vibes.

    I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. And to answer your question- yes! I totally have lost that desire to mindlessly munch. The past 3 nights I've had to force myself to eat SOMETHING at the end of the day because I've been so busy running around and haven't been snacking. I've got my 3 meals in per day, but not the snacks in between. So between the calories burned getting stuff done, and missing out on my snacks, I usually need to eat something to keep my calories where they need to be. I honestly have no desire to mindlessly graze right now- for the first time in years!


    No idea if it's the refined carbs or if I'm just adjusting to eating healthier.... but I'm not complaining over here! y husband actually bought a donut the other day. I handed it to him, licked my fingers afterward (they were sticky) and was like, "ICK! Too much sugar!" A month ago, that would have been enough to make me NEED to have a donut, too. That little finger-lick would have been like lighting a powder-keg. Instead, it totally turned me off, haha. Honestly, it's getting so much easier to eat well, now! The first two weeks really are the hardest.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Good for you MercuryBlue, you must feel fantastic!!! Keep up the good work :bigsmile:
    As for me, I am choosing to ignore my weigh in this week as I don't believe it could possibly be true, lol. The mean scale says that I am up like 4 pounds since last week which is absolutely impossible, I haven't gone over my calories much, and when I am I'm still at around a 500 calorie defecit. So I've decided that it must be that I am retaining water and my goal this week is to drink tons of water and work out as much as possible and I'll try weighing in again next week....what a crap *kitten* way to start a Monday. I'm glad someone had good news today so that the rest of us will stiill pick up our feet and move on.
    Lets have a better week this week ladies!!!
    Jenn :drinker:
  • kaytbognar
    jb_sweet -- this is exactly why I do my measurements on tuesdays, mondays suck enough as it is! Dont worry too much, I'm sure your gain is just water weight as you said. Have you been eating stuff that high in sodium or are you coming up on your monthly? Those could definitely cause you to retain. Good plan for this week, you can do it! Never lose heart :)

    MercuryBlue -- You know I've found the same thing with sweet stuff? I used to get days where I just could NOT stop thinking about the desserts in our fridge (triple chocolate cake, cheesecake with cranberry sauce on it, or my favourite thing ever--Tembleque!) and would, without fail, have some at least 2 times a week. Now, I have not only refrained, but haven't even THOUGHT about those treaties on the top shelf for like, eight days running.

    weaverc -- get on the train! there's always room for one more :D