Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Good for you kerimcdonald! I'm impressed! I didn't do as well as you over the weekend, but I also didn't over indulge too much, so I think I'm ok.
    Good luck this week everyone, it's going to be rough being xmas and all, but we can do it! Even though it's cold out side today, we have no snow (Yes I am in Canada and we have no snow, lol!) so I think that I will try to go for a walk on my lunch, been a while since i've done that and it makes me feel so good!
    Jenn :flowerforyou:
  • pattitricia85
    Happy Monday everyone!! I am so glad this is going to be a short week!
    I had a surpirse when i hopped on the scale last night... i haven't weighed myself for a while b/c my battery is low and i keep forgetting to get a new one. well, last night the scale battery must have charged or something and I stepped on and i am back down to 146!!!! And that was w/ clothes on in the middle of the day!
    Also, last week I went to the gym 5 days doing at least 45 minutes of cardio. I keep saying I am going to incorporate stregnth training but I go to the Y and I just feel too intimidated to go into the weight area. Also, weekends are hardest for me for my diet but I did great the whole weekend! I am proud of myself, its a great way to start the week. Now I have to figure out how to handle Christmas! I am making a pot roast on Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day we are going to the families...mine for morning, I will be sure to eat my bowl of oatmeal before I go and then my husbands in the evening, and we are all bringing apps/snacks. So I know my sis-in-law will bring a veggie tray, I was thinking a fruit tray... does anyone have any healthy ideas??? Fruit can be kind of boring paired w/ veggies, so i was thinking of making an artichioke spinach dip vegan style or something... i don't know
  • kerimcdonald
    jbsweet- thanks I'm just trying to catch up to you. You've been blowing us all out of the water!:bigsmile:

    patricia85- Spinach and artichoke dip is a pretty good idea. Fruit isn't a bad idea if you can make it fun. The more colors, the better. we did kiwi, pineapple, apples and oranges, grapes, bananas and some chocolate dipping sauce in the middle. It went over really really well, and I didn't feel obligated to eat the chocolate.

    Happy monday indeed! I stepped on the scale and it seems as though i have shaken through my plateau. I weighed in at 159. thats 3 pounds from last week! You guys are all great cause I didn't want to have to confess when I did badly, so I was good. Sounds silly, but it worked!! Good luck to everyone weighing in this week. 36 pounds down, 29 more to go!!!!:drinker:

    Staff Christmas party tonight. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
  • kaytbognar
    Way to go everyone on hanging tough over the weekend, and AWESOME news that the scale has been kind to so many this morning! I hope my measuring tape deals with me in similar fashion tomorrow.

    I kinda bailed off the wagon and had more flan that I could ever justify at our staff christmas party Saturday (my boss is absolutely bonkers though, so my justification is I needed the delicious stuff to maintain my sanity) and then some chocolate cake just cuz I felt like it last night (gee, PMS, you are so predictable with the sugar cravings!) but I'm not losing faith. I didn't go too hog-wild otherwise over the weekend, so I'm confident this week will have me back on track.

    pattricia -- throw together a salad maybe? hummus is a good dip that may not be super low-fat, but it is full of good things for you!

    dporter -- I don't think those sweat band things do all that much. It stands to reason that whatever your sweat off will be gained back when you replenish your fluids.

    dbranchaud -- hope life slows down for you, and that you can muscle through your busy period quickly! A couple slices of pizza here and there aren't gonna kill you, sounds like the last thing you need is more stress!

    Happy monday!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I hope you're all doing well! Sorry I haven't been online much. Weekends are usually really busy for me as it is- but weekends during the holidays are flat-out HECTIC!!!! During the week I have a lot more time to come online and chat with you lovely people.

    dporter1183 - CONGRATS on the fantastic weight loss! Wow, that's incredible! Good for you. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    jb_sweet_99 - I forgot you were in Canada, too! I'm out west in BC. We had snow over the weekend but it rained last night and today so it's all slushy and grey and gross today. NOT walking weather!!!!! I agree with you, the next week is going to be rough! On the plus side, New Years is coming right after it and there will be a lot of people making the resolution to lose weight. So there should be a lot less temptation everywhere!

    pattitricia85 - Great job, congrats! I love this group so much. I get so dorkishly excited when any of us loses, lol. I admire your resolve at getting your workouts in! Last week was OK for me diet-wise but work-out wise I get a big, fat 'F'! :tongue: :tongue:

    kerimcdonald- :noway: AWESOME weight loss this week! I'm very proud of you!!!! You're getting SO CLOSE to your goal! You can do it, I know it! :flowerforyou:

    kaytbognar- I agree, it seems the scale's been good to a lot of people this morning! I'm so stoked, definitely feeding off the positive energy. I'm flat-out exhausted this morning (was up way too early) and to be honest, felt a little 'bleh' before coming here. Now I'm re-motivated! You guys are the best. :bigsmile: No big deal on eating too much flan! Don't beat yourself up, just shake it off and move forward, right?

    Today was my weekly weigh-in. I don't know whether or not to be disappointed, lol! I only lost 0.6 pounds this week, which kind of sucks because I really wanted to hit 10 pounds by my birthday and as it stands I still have 3 pounds to go in a week and a half. It's still doable but.... ah. I was hoping to see another pound or half-pound down!

    That being said, I'm not overly upset because this seems to be a trend for me. Big loss one week, little loss the next. Then a big loss the week after that, followed by another little loss. If this trend continues, by next Monday I should be showing a huge loss! Haha. Yes, I'm working on that optimism!!!!!

    But you know what, even though my weight loss was a bit of a disappointment this week, my measuring tape really seems to like me! I lost 2.25 inches. Which is more than I've lost so far in any one week. So I'm down a total of 3.75 inches and 7 pounds in four weeks, which is- I think- a respectable loss. :)

    I also have a theory about why I didn't lose as much as I'd hoped. See, on Friday I went grocery shopping and bought a new kind of cereal. It's President's Choice Strawberry and Vanilla cereal. I got it because it was a good deal- but when I got home I noticed that it was a rice/wheat cereal. Usually I eat All-Bran Strawberry Medley in the mornings. Now, while the PC brand cereal is tasty and low-cal, it just doesn't have the fibre the All Bran does. And since I've been eating it, I've noticed I'm already a lot less... regular (excuse me for the TMI, guys!) than I was before. The All-Bran is REALLY cleansing, whereas the PC-brand cereal is NOT. All the gluten, maybe? Since I ate quite well last week (comparatively, with the exception of one day, better than I have so far, calorie-wise), I can't think of any other reason for the somewhat disappointing loss. Needless to say, during my next grocery trip I won't be trying to save my pennies! I'm going to spend the extra couple of dollars and get the cereal that seems to agree with my system better.

    So, overall successes of the week? I lost some, god rid of a few inches of flabby flabber, and kept within a good calorie-range during the week. Challenges.... well, I ate too many chocolates (I counted the calories at about 200 or fewer calories per day worth of chocolate. So I was GOOD.... but not great! Lol), didn't drink as much water as I could have (which I've been doing well up until this point) and sort of flaked out on my exercise. So those are all things I'm aiming at improving on this coming week! Wish me luck! :smokin:
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    dbranchaud -- hope life slows down for you, and that you can muscle through your busy period quickly! A couple slices of pizza here and there aren't gonna kill you, sounds like the last thing you need is more stress!

    My busy period ended last night thankfully. I have a different type of busy period now, I gotta catch up on my cleaning. The good thing is: I can go at my own pace, not someone elses.:drinker: So I've just been puttering around, getting TONS done but not as fast as the last few days. I'm tired:yawn: . No more pizza for me though, I'm waiting for the GOOD bad stuff on Friday. Can you believe Christmas is less than a week away??
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Everyone is doing Fantastic!! I had thought that I'd gained like 4 pounds but when I stepped on the scale yesterday it said only one, and TOM is starting in the next couple days, so I'm relieved more than anything! I was up to 19 lost, but I'm used to the lose 5 pounds, gain 5 pounds battle of PCOS so I'm good. I figure if I can at least maintain until the new year I'm happy...cause that's when I get my kickboxing membership, then I should really see the loss!
    I do have to confess that I had a mini cupcake this morning that one of our reps made, but she made them small instead of huge so my co-worker and I could have one since she knows we're trying to lose weight. So thoughtful!
    And thanks again for the encouragement Keri! You have done so great, you are well beyond half way to your goal, it's all down hill from here I hope!
    Wow pattitricia85 look at you go! Great job on the cardio, you are so motivated!
    MercuryBlue don't be too hard on yourself if you don't hit that ten pound mark, you've done fantastic and you picked the hardest time of the year to reach your goal. I say if you meet the goal that's absolutely fantastic and you rock! But if you don't, you will reach it the week or two after, and you will still ROCK! And good call on the cereal...I think that was part of the extra weight I was carrying around last week to, again TMI from me too! LOL...I too forgot you were in Canada, it's starting to look like it might be a green xmas, we dont' even have slush lol. We keep getting a cm or two ten it quickly melts, oh well, its kind of nice! I'm a manager of a call centre and we do a lot of Canada's roadside assistance, so we are saving huge amounts of money in that area because there's no snow, we've saved over a million bucks already. This makes me happy because that means that our profit sharing cheques come February should be huge, YAY! That means vacation in March, another YAY! LOL
    Ok I'm off for my walk. Have a good afternoon ladies!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    OMG, I'm back, and it is coooold out there! Didn't realize it was so windy, now my ears hurt...but I did it :wink:
  • kaytbognar
    jb_sweet, mercuryblue -- I didn't know you were up in Canada! You guys make me homesick for the great white north! Even if I know there little to no snow back home in the T-dot, I still kinda miss the winter chill--hot cocoa, cuddling with puppies by the fire, bundling up in scarves and mittens! I know, I know, I'm nuts but that's just part of the feeling of the season for me!

    jb_sweet -- that was very thoughtful of your friend to make little cupcakes for you! I find it's that kind of consideration that can be really supportive and motivating in the outside world (you know, beyond MFP ;P) If only ALL our friends and relative could be that way, eh?

    DBranchaud -- good call on holding off for the money meal to get your treats in. All your housework will probably burn a lot of calories for you though, and you'll have the payoff of being able to see immediaet results from your efforts!

    MercuryBlue -- Isn't it awesome to feel so bolstered by everybody's success? Even if I'm having a crappy day and feeling like I don't want to try, coming here and seeing everybody working so hard make me realize I'm not alone, and that I have an AWESOME group of people rooting for me just as much as I'm rooting for them :) And, as predicted, I'm back on track today having had really healthy and delicious meals that reminded me that I don't ahve to have sweet treats and cocktails to enjoy what I"m eating, colorful salads are just as fulfilling and better for me, too!
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Although I don't post very once or twice I do enjoy reading about people my own age and seeing the support. I just wanted to say that the scale must be extra nice on this Christmas week because I too was down 4 pounds today from last week. I'd been discouraged last week as it stayed the same or went up a little and it must have been muscle because I've been working on push ups/chin ups. Also I had the great appreciation of wearing a holiday dress to a neighborhood party this past weekend; I've been going since I was 10, so 13 years and half the people didn't recognize me because I was in a dress. It was a nice treat to something I didn't see achievable 6-7 weeks ago. Sometime this week I should reach 20 pounds lost which just seems unreal. (I do wish it was a little more noticeable...where was I hiding that 20 pounds that nobody really has noticed but me and some of my family?)

    Keep up the good work out there and have a good week. I too am excited that more people will be in the mindset to get healthy in the New Year because if even a few of them can be successful it helps us all.
  • pattitricia85
    I did Zumba for 90 minutes last night!!! I have only done Zumba once before...obviously i totally sucked the first time, but this time I was catching on really quick. 90minutes was a killer but I was having so much fun i didn't even want to stop to have a drink of water!
  • kerimcdonald
    Hi everyone, I had a rough couple of days with the holiday stuff and getting ready to fo away for the holidays and work and trying to get everything ahead since I am taking 10 days this time. I ate crap yesterday and then did not learn my lesson and had more crap today!!:grumble: I definitely recognize my emotional eating rearing it's ugly head. When I get overwhelmes with things I do not need to eat!! (I should have told myself that yesterday!) But I am starting a new day tomorroe and even though we will be traveling all day tomorrow, I have packed some fruit and water bottles and some 100 calorie snacks instead of stopping for fast food. Wish me luck!!

    carpediem13- I will be honest. I don't see the weight loss at all when I look in the mirror. Others really do notice though. A co worker of mine put it really well. She asked me in private if I was losing weight and it shocked me cause no one at work had said anything and when I said yes, she told me that a lot of the girls were wondering and they didn't want to ask in case I was embarrassed or it implied that I was fat before or something. Trust me, 20 lbs gone....oh yeah, they notice!
  • kaytbognar
    Blarrrghghghg. What a lame week. My neck and upper back have been absolutely KILLING me (old injury, just gotten lazy on the upkeep) plus I'm feeling kinda "blah" alternating with "pooped" (probably b/c of being away from home for christmas) so I've been taking what will probably turn into the week off my regularly schedules workout program. Doing lots of stretching and Yoga, but not swimming or doing my regular ST has me feeling lazy. I'm eating ok, though, so I guess it breaks even. If not next week, then the new year will hopefully bring fresh motivation to boot it.

    keri -- Good luck and safe travels! I'll have my fingers crossed for you :)
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    ughhh!! I feel horrible. I ate way too much food. I'm so going to be eatting light for quite awhile. I usually get sick when ever I eat too much rich food.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Merry Christmas all! Well I managed to not eat myself sick, lol...but my stomach wasn't happy with me anyway! However, somehow I have managed to lose 2.5 pounds over the holidays...hmmm not sure how I managed that, but I'm obviously VERY ok with it, lol! Starting the G.I diet as recommended by my Dr for my PCOS and Kickboxing Jan 4th...I'm hoping this is the exact thing I need to get this weight gone! We will see I suppose, good luck this week everyone! :bigsmile:
  • augustbells

    I'm 23 and need to lose a 100 lbs. I've been overweight since middle school. I hate being 23 and overweight...our 20's are supposed to be the best years of our lives! Here's to looking good, feeling great, having fun, and being young!!!

  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hello there! I hope everyone's had a great holidays!

    I haven't been online until now for obvious reasons. To be completely honest, I decided to take a three-day break and just focus on enjoying the holidays. Didn't restrict myself, didn't count calories- just had fun! So, ugh, I'm sure the scale will punish me for THAT. But as of today, I'm back on track!

    I got lots of great fitness-related stuff fo Christmas! My dad got me a Wii Fit Plus, and my hubby got me the Biggest Loser Wii game. I also got the Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 Wii game. I have played a bit of the TBL game and love it! Haven't done the JM one yet, but will later on tonight! Hubby and I have been playing Wii Fit all day and are having a blast!

    I also got an exercise ball, an ab wheel, a magic bullet (hello smoothies, scrambled eggs, homemade salsa,etc!), a kitchen scale (been looking for one everywhere!) and an ear radio for listening to tunes while I go walking. Overall, I really felt my family was supportive of my new lifestyle! And, thankfully, nobody bought me any chocolates so I will have no trouble avoiding them from here on out.

    I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! I'll be back to actively posting starting tomorrow, when life goes back to normal.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Time to kick-start this thread back into gear, no? Weigh-in day for me. I won't lie- I've been dreading it!

    Looks like I gained back 0.6 pounds this week. I can thank Christmas for that, lol! Actually, I'm surprisingly okay with that because I know I could have done a lot worse. I ate pretty much whatever I wanted (and I'll tell you- after eating nothing but whole grains and chicken or fish for a month, the food didn't agree with me at all!!!!), just in MUCH smaller portions. In fact, I probably ate about half the amount of food I ate at the same time last year. So that, in itself, is a victory.

    (On a related note, I find that I must look at all the positives in a situation instead of the negatives. What did I do well, what did I learn, etc? Because if I focus on the bad and punish myself, I'll just get depressed. And I know what happens when I get depressed....)

    Also, it looks like while I DID gain back 0.6 pounds, I lost 0.75 inches so yay! I'll take that, lol.

    Spent pretty much all day yesterday playing Wii Fit Plus with the family. THAT was a lot of fun! I have got to say, my abs are quite sore today! I'm pretty surprised by that. I also did an 18 minute yoga session with Bob (Biggest Loser game RULES!), followed by an 8-minute cool-down. It was awesome. I never did get a chance to try out Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010, but then, hubby was too busy hogging the Wii! I think he's addicted to the obstacle course game, the stinker! On top of that, my youngest did NOT want to go to sleep last night and my oldest came down with a stomach bug and was throwing up everywhere! I did get quite a bit of cleaning done, though, took down the tree and all that. So I think my activity level overall wasn't too bad yesterday!

    I'm definitely ready to get back to eating right! I don't think I'm going to make my goal of hitting 10 pounds by my birthday (I'd have to lose 3.6 pounds in the next four days!) but that's okay. I know that I'm going to hit that 10-pound loss mark fairly soon afterwards.
  • kerimcdonald
    carrie- great job on minimul weight gain. I was all over the three days around christmas and a lot of eating out. My in laws are all hungarian, so believe me there is no shortage on rich sweet food. As a matter of fact, my husbands grandmother made us a laundry basket (exaggeration, but not by much) of homemade cream puffs and fudge and pumpkin bread with cream cheese glaze and cookies of all sorts. I had such a hard time. I am guessing I gained back about 3 pounds. I am giving myself until Sunday to get back into my normal routine and see how much is water weight and stress. ( I don't care for a lot of my family, but love my neices and nephews, so I'm obligated to participate.) I'm not giving up. Two steps back just means I need to start running forward.

    Augustbells- That's a great goal!! This is the best place ever if you're looking for support and inspiration. Welcome and I hope to hear from you soon!!

    Everyone else- I hope you are all having a great holiday season!!
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Sounds like everyone's doing well through the holidays. It's a true testament to a lifestyle change and not just a temporary thing. I realized last week that I've been on MFP for 8 weeks now. It sure doesn't feel like it and it feels great. My plan over the holidays was to keep going to the gym when I could and get rid of the tempting food as fast as possible. I didn't count anything for 2 days and then I either ate the bad food then or brought it to work and let my coworkers go crazy with it. They appreciated it and I was off the hook at home! I too only had a small gain on the scale this Monday and am excited about making it through this week into the New Year.

    The only thing I'm worried about is all the resolutions people make about losing weight and making the gym crazy busy and no fun to go to;( I'm glad I have a few options to do at home although I need to fix a new weight ball because my dog decided it was a good chew toy and popped it not an hour after I opened it as a Christmas present...even when the odds are against me I'll find a way to keep going!