Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Sounds like everyone managed not to indulge too much over the holidays, a couple pounds here and there isn't too bad, we've all got to push harder this week instead! I'm trying to slowely get myself back into gear and away from the pop and pie, lol!
    Good luck this week everyone, we can do it!
    Happy New Year! :bigsmile:
  • kerimcdonald
    Hi everyone!! Feeling more positive today about my falling off the sled over the holidays. It happens. An hour every day on the elliptical should set me right back on track.:wink:

    jbsweet99- I'm glad to see you're doing well too! You are definitely one of the people on here that keeps me focused.

    carpediem- That stinks about your ball. My big cat and my kitten think all of my christams decorations are theirs to toy with. We were away for Christmas and they took apart half of the tree for me. How thoughtful, huh?:grumble: If I could teach them to put it away I would have something going on!:tongue:

    Yesterday was our 6 year anniversary. It was nice to just relax (my best friend has Eris-my daughter) We skipped going out cause we were both bad over christams. We stayed in and had some smarrt pop and watched netflix. Best anniversary ever if you ask me. I hope everyone else has a great new year!! Be safe!!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Good morning all! How nice to see your 'smiling faces' after such a long break. Erm, wait. Smiling... profiles? Hahaha. Whatever.

    Anyhow, glad to see the weight gain was minimal. jb_sweet_99 - I agree. We will all push ourselves EXTRA hard this week, right? ;)

    I'm only minimally concerned about New Year's Eve. I don't really drink so those are calories I don't have to worry about. And I have no plans to go out, so I don't really have to worry about heavy snacks, either. Hubby and I were planning on doing a quiet night at home with the kids. Get some Chinese food, watch a movie. Only, to be honest, eating all that crap over the holidays has not agreed with my digestive system AT ALL. It was delicious, don't get me wrong, but I've been feeling 'off' the past couple days. I was actually sick on Saturday night and yesterday had to leave work early due to stomach pains and nausea. Don't know if it's a stomach bug, or if my body is punishing me for eating poorly- but I've got the message! I'm thinking I'll just get a sandwich from Subway or something instead of Chinese food to celebrate the New Year.

    carpediem13 - I hear you about your concern with New Years Resolutions! The gym WILL probably be packed, lol. Fortunately for me, I don't have a gym membership and do all my working out at or around home. So I am actually looking forward to all those New Years resolutions because I think it will make it easier to eat healthy. People in general won't be surrounding me with so much temptation! They'll be onboard with me, I think. Also, sorry to hear about your ball, that DOES stink. I got one from hubby for Xmas, too- and my 13 month old is completely in love with it. He's claimed it for his own, and pushes it all over the house. The trouble is, he gets sort of mad at me when I use it. Like, "Mom, that's MY toy!" Haha.

    kerimcdonald - Congratulations on your anniversary- I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. :)

    Also, I'm glad you're feeling more positive! I agree, it happens. It's once a year, we're tough, we can handle it, right? I've been doing my best to work off the extra weight by doing a lot of work on the Wii Fit. I weighed myself this morning (Yeah, whenever I use Wii Fit it weighs me) and it says I'm back down to 159.0 so that means I'm only 0.2 pounds away from where I was at this time last week. So, yay, the Christmas weight is already almost gone! I'm still not going to make my goal of 10 pounds down by New Years Day, but I SHOULD probably be hovering around the 8 pounds lost (while at MFP) range. Which is pretty respectable, I think.

    Actually, you know what? I picked up two 2-pound weights yesterday and thought to myself, I've nearly lost double this amount of weight. That's a LOT of weight. It doesn't seem like a lot in the grand scheme of things, where I want to be in the long term, etc. But I think we honestly need to give ourselves a pat on the back and appreciate how far we've all come in such a short while! carpediem13 - I know what you mean when you say you can't believe you've been here for 8 weeks now. I'm just starting up my sixth week, and it has FLOWN! Which is saying a lot. Before, whenever I tried to change my lifestyle, I felt I was constantly staring at the clock. I OBSESSED with food. Like, "Okay, when can I eat next? What am I going to eat? How much can I eat?" The days DRAGGED. But it's not like that any more, which is such a relief!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I think I should join this group...if you all are willing to have me! :happy:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I think I should join this group...if you all are willing to have me! :happy:

    Absolutely! We love adding to our ranks. ;)

  • kaytbognar
    I feel like the cat has dragged me around town this week, but I'm back! I'm here. I'm holding on to the wagon for dear life (can anyone, like, TIE me to this thing so I stop falling off?) Christmas was rough. Not as bad as I would have been if I were at home, I suspect, but because the hotel is so busy my normal scedule is thrown way off kilter in a few ways:

    1. I don't get to use the pool. With so many families and guests in general, our little 10m pool is always occupied, and I feel pretty rude (and, I'll be honest, a little self-conscious) jumping in to rock out an hour of laps and speed drills. So, for that last week and a half (and the next week and a half or so) I'll be out that chunk of exercise. The flip side is that, becuase it's busy, I'm doing a lot more work (I'm a massage therapist) so there's gotta be SOME sort of physical impact there.

    2. The Buffet. aka. DEATH! Heavy on the carbs and sauces and tastiness, I've been doing my best to resist/moderate, but it's been tough. Real tough. If I do OK with the meal, I'll go a little nuts with dessert or vice versa.

    3. Homesickness. Because of the holidays, I've been calling home a lot. Christmas is my best friend's birthday, so I wound up talking to her for a good couple of hours, and while we were chatting, I hit the bar. A couple beers, white russians, and various other cocktails has become kind of standard this week, since I've been catching all my other friends that I haven't talked to in a while. It makes me crave the sugar, and the sweets, and I usually dip into some dessert if I didn't have any earlier as comfort food. Emotional eating, HELLO!

    I'm doing my best to get these things under control and be patient and ride out this busy season until I can get back to my normal routine. My mom sent me four awesome yoga DVD's which I've been using a LOT--between 30 to 90 minutes every day. I feel great, and it helps calm the bit of social anxiety I've been noticing with so many folks around.

    Carrie-- Your birthday plan sounds pretty good to me! Cute that your little one likes your new ball--maybe you can make it into a workout? lie on your ball like you were going to do crunches, and grab your little guy and hold him up above you and play airplane! then you can BOTH enjoy your new toy together :D

    keri-- glad to hear you enjoyed your anniversary. Quiet nights are the best sometimes :)

    jenn-- that's the spirit! glad to hear you're doing well, I'll definitely be hearing your voice in my head when I'm going for the beer and chocolate cake.

    AUGH. Give me strength to make it through the next few weeks, so I can get back to my peace and quiet!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Yay! Well my name is Courtney and I'm 23. Looking to lose my last 10-15 pounds :grumble:

    Being home over the holidays has been really hard. No gym, no scale, lots of food temptations. I had just planned to maintain over the holidays, so I hope I did that. I was really bad on Christmas, but I have been pretty good since then. Yet, I have a bunch of lunch/dinner dates to go to (catching up with friends) and it will be hard to get something healthy every time.

    And why are there so many cookies around?? It's like people think of Christmas and then get in the baking mood (myself included) :laugh:

    I'll be glad when new year's is over so I can really get down to business and get back to my regular routine. I have to be back in class on the 4th, so I don't have too much more time here. On the plus side, I am getting my Polar F7 in the mail before I leave here. YAY! Can't wait to get it and see how many calories I have actually been burning.

    Good luck making it through the rest of the holidays, and you all have a fun new years! :drinker:

    Forgot to put my goals:

    SW: 191
    CW: 150.5 (before I left for Christmas break) I am probably more around 152 now :tongue:
    GW: 140

    I don't have a time limit in mind, though I am set up to lose 1 lb. a week. I just want to have a hot bod for bikini season, and that's well off!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Totally there with you! I'm 23 years old.

    Current: 160.3
    30 Day goal: 154
    60 Day goal: 149
    90 Day goal: 145
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    And why are there so many cookies around?? It's like people think of Christmas and then get in the baking mood (myself included) :laugh:

    I know, hey? My mother, who I have decided is an evil woman, sent me home with a PLATTER of all of my favorite treats for Christmas. I had more than a couple nibbles. Brownies, butter tarts.... oooooh, brother! Well, I told myself, "I can eat this until 11:59 pm on Boxing day. As of the 27th, I'm NOT ALLOWED ANY MORE!" So far, so good, lol!

    00Angela00 - Welcome! Glad to have you aboard.

    You know, I was talking earlier about how much time has flied since being here. It wasn't until you posted that I remembered my thirty day goal, lol!

    Anyhow, my 30-day mark was on December 24/09. On that day, I weighed 158.4 pounds. My goal was 155. So I missed that by about 3.4 pounds. Darn it! Hahaha. I think I need to re-evaluate my goals. I think I set my sights a little high by aiming for a two pound per week loss. I don't know if, at my size, that's realistic. I think I'll aim for 1.3 pounds per week instead..... that's what I need to lose in order to hit my target date of July 1/09.


    Current Weight: 159
    60-Day Goal (January 23rd): 153
    90-Day Goal (April 23rd): 147

    If I can beat that, great! But honestly I think those targets are more realistic overall given my current size and the fact that I'm not overweight anymore.... I think that, when I first joined here, I had this idea of, "Oh, yeah, I can totally lose two pounds per week every week!" but now I'm finding that's not necessarily the case.
  • kerimcdonald
    Hello everyone!!
    00angela00- welcome!! Happy to have you here!!
    courtney love- Welcome to you as well!! I hope you get that last bit off. I started at 197 and am down to 163, and I have so noticed that the last 30 is coming off slower and harder than the first 30. I need you to inspire me!!

    carrie- I think it's great for you to reevaluate your goals. I am having the same issue like I told courtney. The first half didn't come off easy by any means but DANG!! I am thinking of resetting my goals as well. Again, you are full of good ideas!!:flowerforyou:

    Katy- My heart goes out to you for homesickness and stress. I am an emotional eater big time. I am so trying to break the habit of eating to help me think through things or calm me, or comfort me, or make me smile etc;. We were military for four years and rarely got to go home and far enough that it cost a lot for family to come out. Keep strong and just think of how shocked they will be about how great you look, when you can see them again. Congrats on doing the yoga dvds. I'm still too chicken to try them. I always pop in a movie and do my trusty elliptical. I wish you the very very best and believe in you!! Cutting out alcohol, especially casual drinking, was the best thing I think I did. I always made THE WORST food choices when I drank.
    Virgin drinks are okay, but most bars will give you coffee or coke for free if you're there with friends and you're driving. Saves money and carbs!!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Welcome to the newbies, good luck!
    Thanks for saying that Keri, that's very sweet of you! You guys help keep me going too!
    And Carrie I really wouldn't beat yourself up, def. rethink your goals cause you've done fantastic already...and really, you only slightly missed it right! At least you are making goals!
    Katy I feel for you, it hurts more at the holidays doesn't it? But you can do it, hold on tight, you'll make it through :flowerforyou:
    I'll let you guys know how the G.I. diet uncle is an avid user of this diet so I can call him for help anytime I need it, which helps big time! He's taking me shopping the day before I start the diet/new way of eating :wink:
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi everyone! I haven't checked in here in awhile. Glad to see most of you doing so well, despite the holidays :laugh: I see lots of new faces too. Lots of us chubby twenties out here. And I can't help but notice alot of us are young moms... hmm, wonder if it's any correlation.

    My last couple weeks were so crazy I barely had time to track my food much less anything else. Thanks, MercuryBlue, for reminding us to check in on our goals. I forgot what mine were. Went back and checked.

    30-day goal: Dec. 25 156.5 (I was 156.8, so close!)
    60-day goal: Jan 25 150
    90-day goal: March 15 141 (healthy BMI) by my 7 yr wedding anniversary.

    I officially do my weigh-ins on Mon. so was very disappointed not to have lost ANY weight. I did overeat on Christmas Day, but logged all of it (750 cals over YIKES) but I did extra exercise to burn it off over the next 3 days. Which led up to weigh-in, hence my disappointment. Guess the body takes time to catch up though, cuz I decided to take a peek at the scale today and woohoo, down to 155.4! Not going to officially count it, will wait til next Mon. Also did measurements this week (I take them every 2 weeks) Lost another 1.75 in. in my waist and 2.75 overall. Yea! I knew my pants felt looser. Well, hope you all have a great NYE. Let's get ready to "hit it hard" this last week of 2009! No since in waiting for that New Year's Resolution.
  • pattitricia85
    Looks like everyone survived the holidays... i did okay. I didn't have the time i though i would to go to the gym... but there wasn't nearly as much mindless snacking at family gatherings. Yesterday i went to Zumba again and i remembered my HRM and in the 90 minute class i burned 904 calories. I always see people asking how many calories is burned. So that would mean i would have burned about 600 in an hour ( i always hear people say you burn like 1000 cals at zumba... i knew it couldn'tbe that high. I have only been to one place for it but some of my other zumba friends say they have gone to other studios and ours is waaaaay harder so i don't really see how anyone could burn 1000 cals in that class in an hour, especially since most of the ladies are about my size-ish). Great workout considering i am having waaaaay more fun then on the treadmill, but strangly i have missed my dates w/ the treadmill.
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    I think I'm being spited for saying before that when things get difficult I will always find a way around it. Yesterday I went to the gym and thanks to the wind it was closed bc of no power. Working out at home would be ok normally except that I'm fighting shin splints from running and jump roping so going to the gym was my option for low impact cardio. I waited a couple of hours at home and decided to use my weight ball even with the hole in it and popped the dvd in. Everything was going well until 10 mins in the DVD froze...Eventually I figured out if I put it on my computer I could skip past that point but boy was I not motivated after that. I did end up doing 20 mins of that and some pilates but it didn't feel like a great workout.

    Today is a new day and hopefully that's all behind me now. It should also be better because my best friend is visiting and haven't seen her in more than a year. She's always been super conscious of what she looks like/what she eats so I shouldn't have problems with her around even if I don't get in a workout.

    Also thanks to everyone who stated their goals! I set goals but not really any time frame. I guess if I had one it would be early April before I go back to working at camps with tons of food and can't exercise that much but could probably maintain any weight loss.

    I'm glad this group is here; there have been some people looking for groups and not sure what ones work for them and this one seems to have dedicated and active members.
  • msladyface
    Hi everyone! I just joined this site a couple of days ago hoping that I could find some people in my age group! My name is Ashton, I'm 23, and I'm getting married next year and really trying to focus on living healthier - eating right and exercising more often. I'd love to be part of the "Twenties" group. :flowerforyou:
  • kaytbognar
    Ashton -- Welcome! We love fresh faces, and you'll definitely find a great support system in this group.

    carpediem -- if you're getting shin splints from higher impact cardio, do you mind me asking if you're stretching properly? Especially with activities that require a little extra balance (running/jumping) it takes a hefty toll on your calves and shins--connective tissue often tightens up and starts pulling on the parts of you where CT meets bone--and stretching can really make a big difference in the amount of discomfort you get. I have some good stretches buried somewhere on my computer from when I did more work with athletes, if you're interested I can try and find some good ones for you!

    pattitricia -- it sounds like you've been doing really well with the zumba, it's great that you've found something you enjoy so much! And even if it burns a few less calories than you originally though, the fact that you're having fun makes up for it, doesn't it?

    Thanks to everyone for the support yesterday. It really helped a lot, and today I have hardened my resolve to stop feeling and acting helpless about everything. I may not be able to hit the pool as I'd like, I may not be able to spend the time I want with my family and friends, and I may not be able to get rid of all the noisy neighbours hanging out ehre but there are things I CAN control, like ensuring I get in an hour of yoga every day, meditating, and finding times when the kitchen isn't crazy busy to make myself healthy and tasty lunches. So, I'm taking control. I had a healthy breakfast this morning and I'm heading down to the yoga studio to get in my meditation and my asanas.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Welcome Ashton and good luck! We're all pretty good here about sticking to things and supporting eachother, so I hope we help!
    Morgan sounds like you had everything against you yesterday! That can be so frustrating, but at least you didn't give up and you got some done right! At least you should be in good company with your friend there, it always helps to have support instead of someone encouraging you to go for a burger!
    Pattitricia sounds like you're really enjoying the Zumba, that's fantastic! What a calorie burn...I suppose if someone was a lot heavier than you they could burn over the 1000 calories, but you're right, your number seems much more realistic for anyone really!
    I'm glad we could help Kayt, you seem to be back on track today, good for you! That's what I have learned is the best thing to do, just pick up and move on...after venting here of course...I was with you last week on that one! Enjoy your yoga and meditation, those are so important for your own well being and peace of mind.
    Oh, and I just realized that I am half way to my halfway point of weight lost, Sweet!! I haven't set any real goals for myself since the PCOS makes my weight lost so sporatic, but this is nice to see!
    Have a great day everyone :bigsmile:
  • kerimcdonald
    Good morning everyone!! Hope we are all having a fabulous wednesday!!

    Kaytbognar- I'm so proud of you!! Having a rough time yourself and still taking time out to help the rest of us(shin splints). Thanks!
    I am hoping that you keep that resolve.

    msladyface- welcome! This is a great thread

    patricia and jrbowers- It is so good to see you guys again (read?:smile: ) What is zumba? It sounds like a lot of fun.

    carpediem- you must really be doing great! That's always the time that murphy pops in with his laws and tries to screw things up. You did better than I would have though. I would have applauded myself for figuring it out the computer way with a big cup of ice cream.:noway: Totally not helpful though right! Keep up the great work.

    Carrie- I think you might be right on the correlation. I don't know about everyone else with little ones here, but I think she took my metabolism (and my memory) with her when she came out to join the world. She has all the energy I remember having when I first got married, and a mind like you wouldn't believe. If only I could get her to give it back, or at least let me borrow it for a few months, I would be slim in no time!!
  • msladyface
    Thanks for the warm welcome! :drinker:

    I don't have a whole lot to lose - I lost about 25 pounds earlier this year and have gained a little over 10 back so I'm working to get back down to my goal weight and maintain it! This whole site seems to very supportive and encouraging! It's also nice to find people in my age group trying to live healthier lifestyles - so many of my friends haven't settled into that mindset yet.

    I'll be sure to keep up with this thread and try to offer as much support as I can - and hopefully having others checking up on my progress will push me that much harder. :bigsmile:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member

    Welcome Ashton! I hope you'll find us helpful! We're a (mostly) female (mostly) active group here, so I'm sure you'll fit right in! Welcome to the craziness, lol.

    carpediem - Sounds like the universe just didn't want you to work out yesterday! Good for you, powering through it like that!!! Way to go!

    Kaytbognar - Glad we were able to help somewhat! I totally understand how the hectic season can get in the way of being active sometimes! That's why it's so nice to have a place we can all go just to vent it out and get some support. :flowerforyou:

    jrbowers83 - Way to go! I'm so proud of you not only for your loss- but for losing at this time of year! That's amazing. You're an inspiration! :)

    pattitricia - Glad to hear you're enjoying the Zumba! I went to a Zumba fundraiser a couple of months back and really enjoyed myself. Unfortunately, I'm broke and can't afford a gym membership, so no Zumba for me! It really is an incredible work-out. 1000 calories??!!! Wow! I'm impressed with myself if I can just burn 200 calories through exercise. How pitiful! Cardio really is my downfall. It's hard, too, when you don't know how much you're burning. I bought a HRM off of eBay at the beginning of the month but it STILL hasn't arrive... )*(*&(*@#%!!!!! I definitely blame myself- that's what I get for ordering something through the mail during this time of year! I can't wait for it to arrive so I can better track what I'm burning. I also wonder... maybe I can find a good Zumba DVD to use at home. Either that or start pan-handling on the street to get a gym membership, lol. I had one before I had my last child but now that option is totally out the window! :laugh:

    jb_sweet_99 - Congratulations on your milestone! 1/4 of the way there, that's nothing to sneeze at! You're doing so great!

    kerimcdonald - YES! My children have completely altered my metabolism. It's funny how many people were like, "Oh, you'll burn off those pounds in NO TIME breastfeeding!" Um, nope. Didn't happen. Then it was, "Oh, Logan's walking now? You're going to burn SO MANY CALORIES chasing them around the house!" Again, no, didn't happen. My boys have all the energy in the world. Me? Not so much. And besides, my kids both being super-crazy doesn't change the fact they're in daycare most of the day while I'm behind a desk at work. THAT has been a huge factor in my weight gain, for sure.

    It's frustrating, too. Between getting myself and the kids ready for the day, taking them to daycare, my commute, work, my commute home, picking my kids up, feeding them, bathing them, getting them to bed.... before eventually hitting the hay myself, I have the HARDEST TIME squeezing workouts in! Like, unbelievable. And when I CAN find time, a lot of that time is wasted just tripping over children. My youngest will literally plop his diapered butt right on my forehead while I'm trying to do crunches. FRUSTRATION at its worst! :explode:

    I had a bad day yesterday. :grumble: See, I pre-made some chicken to eat for dinner, as usual, so I wouldn't have to prepare anything for myself. Well, wouldn't you know it? Hubby came home from work, and decided to surprise me by cleaning the house and making dinner. He took the chicken and veggies I'd prepared the night before, covered them in ALFREDO sauce, and served it over tricolor rotini. There was a steaming plate sitting on the table ready for me when I walked in the door. Which in itself was sweet, except I had nothing to eat for dinner (tomorrow is grocery day) other than that. He'd totally sabatoged me (unintentionally, of course). So I ate the food, kept my portion small... but still wound up consuming WAY MORE calories than I wanted. That in itself ticked me off by I though, "Oh, I will just work extra hard working out so that I can burn off those calories."

    Except my kids room was A MESS. Long story short, my youngest son just had a birthday and was spoiled by family members. Then the boys got spoiled AGAIN by the family at Christmas. So I had to sort through everything, come to some sort of organization. The boys needed to be bathed, the laundry still needed to be folded.... and the dishes needed to be done.

    So, I frantically worked on getting all that done. I didn't even FINISH the laundry or the dishes (sigh. Yes, it's waiting for me at home....) and when I FINALLY got the chance to start working out, my youngest started pitching a fit because he was ready for bed. Seriously, I think STEAM was coming from my ears! Hubby was like, 'Okay, you're clearly tense. Relax. Calm down.' But honestly, it was just one of those days where I really had the best of intentions but it felt like the universe just didn't want me to do well that day. I went to bed thinking, "Well, tomorrow is another day...."

    And here we are! Hopefully tonight goes better than last night did......