pooleebarbara Member


  • Definately recommend starting with planks and doing assisted push ups at first. Once you're able to do 50 assisted pushups (or less if you want) move over to real push ups. Just increase slowly. Set goals.
  • I've started my couch to 5k program and am officially on week 2 of it. A marine recruiter actually asked about me yesterday, and told my baby brother to have me come to the poolee meetings so that they can help me drop these 60lbs. I have to say after reading some of these recruiter horror stories, I'm glad that we have…
  • Sorry I haven't been on this like I should, but figured I'd update! Increased my running time this week! Not by much, but I'm down about 4 minutes off my total!!
  • I love answering this question! LOL I chose the military for a number of reasons... 1. My daddy was a marine, and he spoke so highly of them, it's hard for me not to be impartial and love them as well. 2. They seperate their girls and boys during bootcamp. I'm not saying that I'm old fashioned, but being under stress and…
  • To add a blog you simply click on My Home, from there you click on My Blog, then from there you click Add Post underneath Tools!
  • Nice topic sam! My goals are as follows Run 5k by May Make weight by July Enlist by October Score 2nd clas or higher on PFT score by September Kinda scattered, but they're there. Right now my short term goals are that, short. All need to be accomplished by this Saturday 10 pushups 20 situps 5 burpees 1 minute plank Clean…
  • What time zone are you in Jen? I can always adjust it to fit, I just happened to work this past weekend and got set behind! Everyone want to come to a concensis on the time and day for these? I'm good anytime after 6pm monday-friday, and generally any time saturday
  • Hosted the meeting on Saturday, but it looks like no one joined in. If anyone is interested I'd be more than happy to host another one at 4:30pm today
  • Info on this upcoming meeting. The time has been changed to 14:00 EST due to unexpected plans that came up Beyond that, here's a link to the event on Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/101244833810307079481#communities/101244833810307079481 If you haven't gotten one, sign up for a google account and join the…
  • Thanks Caroline. I am glad to see people who all have a common dream, and a common roadblock to it. I had met up with some Marine Corps Poolees for breakfast a few months ago after I attended a PT session with them that week, and I got so much crap from almost all of them I couldn't even stomach my breakfast. A few of them…
  • Congradulations! I'm still losing weight to enlist, but I know I'm going to focus on the three essentials (I call them three essentials because it seems all branches have you do them, a lot) Running, Situps, and Pushups when it gets close for me to enlist. For now my regime focuses mostly on high interval training (HIT)…
  • I have to agree, if it wasn't diagnosed it didn't happen. When I was seventeen and signed up for the DEP with the Navy, my recruiter had asked me if I was ever diagnosed with stuff like that. I told him no, he said good but if i even ever felt depressed don't tell the Drs at MEPS. If it wasn't diagnosed, it wasn't real.…
  • Thanks! For some reason I didn't even realize it!
  • I usually will wear shorts, sweatpants, a long-sleeve shirt, and a shirt ontop of that (along with my sports bra and such). I want to see as little of me as possible lol. oh, and sometimes tight fitting yoga-esk shorts under the shorts. I figure, the more layers the more sweat the less me :)
  • Week 1 of the Meetings! Here's the link. Unfortunately my mic is not working right, but I do have webcam capabilities! Until anyone else joins I'll be playing the USMC documentary in the hangout. https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2e35dfad564e7a29303d0f76b6c7f462063d71d3?authuser=0&hl=en# The hangout will last until 7:30pm
  • 5'9", 230lbs, need to lose 66lbs to ship off to bootcamp. I'm going to be using workouts from my workout trainer app and the c25k for running.
  • My numbers: 3 mile run: 50 minutes (aweful) Situps- 25 :( Armhangs- 0 seconds I obviously have a ways to go... lol But, I'm confident in my abilities to succeed
  • My beginning is at least incorporating cardio into my everyday with my calorie counter. I'm hoping to get well enough in shape to run a 5k in May :) I figure with that along with working on my situps/pushups/and upper body strength training should help :)
  • My name is Barbara and I'm joining the USMC. My father was a marine and I've always wanted to be one. I unfortunately lost myself and lost motivation. I'm now 60lbs overweight and struggling to get into shape. I'm attempting to drop out my old ways and get where I'm going. I'm hoping to join in this coming fall.
  • I'm Columbus, OH. I haven't officially joinied yet (got weight to lose) but know what MOS I want. I want to do Fiscal Techniction (accounting) lol I plan on enlisting September!
  • Definately the USMC. It's the only one I actually feel is the right fit. Plus, growing up with a Marine for a father, it's the only one I'd feel proud to join. No offense to anyone, it's just growing up and hearing about all the other branches being pansies, all you'd want to become is a marine. lol. Regardless of whether…
  • This actually sounds really fun. I'm down! Lets get it going!
  • Also, I am trying to host google hangouts for anyone interested about talking about losing weight to join, or just needs an accountability buddy. If you're interested, hit me up!
  • Hi, my name is Barbara and I'm a future Marine. I currently weigh 225lbs and need to get to 174lbs to swear in and then 169lbs to ship off to bootcamp. I've wanted to join my whole life, but didn't join in high school (got really addicted to my boyfriend and was all about him and making him happy... oh dumb high school…
  • This is an awesome story and not one that you come across everyday. Congradulations on the weight loss and I wish you all the success in the world! Congradulations on getting married as well
  • Hey! I'm a new member (to the site and to the team). I'm all about skyping (or google hangout, i do both). I'm looking to lose about 65-75lbs, and could really use a lot of support. I'm hoping to use this site to be a great support for me and help me reach this goal. I'm hoping that by losing this weight I'll be able to…
  • My name is Barbara and I'm looking to enlist in the United States Marine Corps. Right now I weigh 225lbs, and I need to get down to 173 to get to MEPS, and 169 for bootcamp. I'm looking to be able to do this by April of next year. I've already begun my walk to 5k program, and have begun doing cardio. My goal is to be down…