themanda04 Member


  • central texas
  • what everyone else said about weighing food and not eating back exercise calories. i can only comment from my own experience on being faced with a great, big, scary number on the scale: it took a very long time to get this fat, and it'll take a very long time to get not this fat. i put my focus on making good food choices…
  • yes, this. you eat at dinnertime, even if you're not hungry. you eat all the food on your plate, even if you don't like it. "if i cooked, it, you're going to eat it" was a common phrase. my mother used to give me tremendous grief for not setting up the same scenarios for my son. it was insane. "but he barely touched his…
  • the only reason i put a label on my vegetarianism is that it's easier for *other* people to grasp. i'm not a strict veggie unless i'm eating with other people or dining out. i find they need the labels much more than i do. :)
  • you were going so fast in that last picture, you're just a blur! :D
  • i used to say that my *kitten* was so big, it beeped when i backed up. :)
  • i never think of myself as being on a diet. i see myself as changing my relationship with food and making healthier choices in terms of fueling my body. that said, if i want to eat something...i eat it. :) i've actually found i tend to eat less on the weekends, go figure. out and about and not trapped at my desk, i guess.
  • build it in the food tracker using amounts. only way to know.
  • any sort of big change is scary. you might not like where you are right now, but it's comfortable and predictable. that, alone, is enough to stop you in your tracks unless you're motivated enough to want to change. there are two things that i'm currently doing that i believe have helped me along: 1.) i pre-log all my food…
  • for me it's been more about focusing on the food and less about the weight. i very rarely weigh myself (maybe once a month?) so i'm shifting my attention to making sure i eat within my limits, make good food choices, properly portion things, and eat foods that i enjoy while doing all of the above. the weight is coming off…
  • this sounds like a dangerous post to me. i really think that you're setting yourself up for a lot of disappointment and failure. you need to face some facts and realign your thinking. Fact 1: you are NOT going to lose 140 pounds quickly, no matter what you do. Fact 2: see Fact 1. It probably took you years and years to get…
  • could you make allowances for your prep-snacking? take those calories into account into your daily total and log them as snacking? i'm thinking of an eating version of 'it's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission' sort of scenario...if it's too hard to stop the act, can you make it okay to consume that much over the…
  • you look wonderful!! i take a face pic at least once a month, just for this exact reason. it's apples to apples and really helps me see how far i've come when i get discouraged.
  • is it hunger based snacking, or pleasure/boredom based snacking? if you can figure out why you're doing it, it will be easier to stop. for hunger, re-examine how you're eating during the day and make allowances for additional snacks at night or for more protein in your regular meals. if it's pleasure/boredom snacking, are…
  • sorry about the weight not coming off as well as the miscarriage. that's a lot to deal with. my advice would be to LOG EVERYTHING and stop allowing for cheat days. sounds like you're super frustrated and are allowing bad habits to creep in. i would treat this like the beginning of a whole new lifestyle change, like you did…
  • i put a tbs or two of olive oil in a deep pan, sautee onions and mushrooms with some garlic until about half done, then lay in a few barramundi fillets. cover and let that cook, and start a quinoa or wild rice mix cooking. turn the fish, cover again, wait for the rice to finish. done! usually add some steamed broc or peas…
  • wow. i mean...just WOW. you totally got hit with *kitten* wagon there. people suck. they suck all the time, and out in the open and everything. they are stupid, moronic, hurtful, ignorant d*ckbags who should learn to keep their stupid, moronic, ignorant d*ckbag mouths shut. they won't, though. they'll keep saying mean,…
  • feel free to add me. i've got a lot more than 100 pounds to lose, but i'm well on my way...far too far along to give up now, so i'm here for the long haul.
  • well that's just the silliest thing i've ever heard. i mean, c'mon... i would do what you do and log the whole thing. i think as long as you don't way overestimate the number of cals you take in you'll be fine.
  • one thing i did a lot when i was first starting out was to pre-log my dinners first, as often as i could. or if i knew we were going out for lunch as a department at work, or there was going to be cake, or whatever...if i logged the 'bad' stuff first, i could see how much i had to play with for the rest of the day and make…
  • i certainly have foods i avoid because i hate them (meat, eggs) and foods i avoid because they trigger me (fresh baked breads, anything peanut butter and chocolate) and foods i don't eat because i don't think they're healthy enough/filling enough to spend the calories on (chips, full fat dairy) and foods that physically…
  • portion control is a huge thing. it was a real eye-opener for me when i started logging and actually seeing what i was consuming. it's cray! what really helped me in the beginning was measuring out a serving, putting it in a bowl/plate, and then putting everything away. i didn't tell myself i couldn't have more if i wanted…
  • OMG have you tried the coconut dipped bars??? i almost had to kill a coworker over one.
  • i know from just reading a paleo foodplan that it would make me miserable; i hate meat. LOL. my body very naturally adapts to eating a purely vegetarian diet. if i was forced at gunpoint to only eat paleo, i would just die. either by bullet or by diet...either way you're going to get a corpse. i eat vegetarian, whole…
  • i know you said no fruits, but seriously dried dates and figs are like candy for me. dates, in particular, are so rich and sticky and sweet i feel downright decadent when i eat them.
  • yes, pre-log your days so you can allow for some indulgent stuff at night. don't restrict everything 'yummy' from your daily intake and you won't feel like you're living on bread and water. as far as having mixed feelings, losing weight freaks me out. i have always had terrible luck with men and had an absolutely AWFUL…
  • i would, but only certain bugs. the thought of eating a caterpillar, even cooked, is gaggy. but i would seriously love to eat a preying mantis...they look like they'd be yummy! and a spider seems like it might taste like crab, so i'd be down with that. crickets would also be acceptable. scorpions look like they'd taste…
  • i don't know if you can, but i think my advice would be to stop cold turkey. for me, when i give in to a craving like that i do it with my body and soul. :) if i can stop the cycle, though, i can generally resist the urge. the first few days will be terrible, painful, awful things...but then you'll eventually get better.…
  • portioning out ONE serving, putting it in a bowl, and eating at the table work for me. i CANNOT sit on the couch and munch, or the whole dang bag of whatever it is will be gone. popcorn, chips, grapes, cyanide, whatever it is will be consumed wholly and fully and completely unnecessarily. but, if i take the snacking out of…
  • i personally just like purified or mineral water. i love the taste of it as is, especially cold.