

  • Please count me in! I read this over a few times and wrote the minimums in my planner :) I currently do 60 min + cardio atleast 5 days a week + light weights and have been trying to increase my work outs (safely of course!). This could be the challenge I need! Thank you!
  • I JUST popped some kernels in a paper bag without any seasoning. I heard in mentioned on here a few times and yes, it solved my snack craving. I don't even miss the butter! Now everyone else wants popcorn!
    in Snacking Comment by crebbe March 2011
  • Great job!!!
  • Caffeine Detox is SO HARD! Good luck. Without caffeine I try anything. Seems crazy but a shot of hot sauce or spicy peppers work.
  • I too dislike "fishy fish"! I do like Orange Roughey, and Wild Caught Flounder/Sole. Ofcourse I normally bake them until they are as dry as can be just to make sure theres absolutely no taste of fish!
  • I have looked into this before but never followed it. All I remember is O - should avoid grains and beans :(
  • Everyone has different levels of self control but....When I try to fast I have in my mind a count down until I am finished. This makes me eat way more than I should when the fast is over. My opinion: Eat in moderation along the way, don't fast.
  • Its ok to vent!! I def understand the self control thing, its hard for me to resist eating bad foods in the house, especially PIZZA!!! Maybe next time someone seems to want to make you fail use that frustration to fuel you! Put on your fav work out clothes and go take a walk or jog outside. Not only will you get a work out…
  • Welcome! Good job making the first step and thank you for joining us! Remember to post whenever you need encouragement since we are all trying to reach similar goals. Everyone is very helpful here. :) YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • I have tried this a few times. I can never make it past 1 1/2 days. I later realized it isn't such a great idea since most people don't actually shed the weight like it says, and if they do the second they eat actual food it comes back. My advice: Don't put yourself through it! You may just end up with an excess of…
  • I'll be a buddy! I am a poor logger but can committ to a support system encouraging people!
  • I have trouble waking up early to work out too! Fortunately (and unfortunately!) I bought a new swim suit that looks awful on at the moment, so I hung it up in my bedroom to motivate me to get out of bed early, and have a picture of it in my office to encourage a walk at lunch and gym after work! I know this may be strange…
  • Top Chicken Breast with a block of low/non fat cream cheese or Neufchatel cheese Top with jar of green Ortega Salsa Cook on low for 6-8 hours or until done Someone posted this recipe before and when I tried it I couldnt believe how simple and delicious it was. I ate it plain and in tacos, then used the liquid as a soup…
  • I've been looking more into raw foods and have a recipe for mashed potatoes: ■3 cups cauliflower florets ■1/2 pine nuts ■1/2 cup fresh thyme leaves ■1/4 cup fresh lemon juice ■2 cloves of garlic ■olive oil and salt to taste Directions-- ■Place all the ingredients in the food processor and process until you get a nice…
  • I've found many Mexican restaurants have a healthy, filling Chicken Tortilla Soup! Of course this varies by restaurant but I have encountered many thin broths with loads of veggies and lean meat! Stay away from the chips and salsa, too hard to limit or track with all the free refills! Good luck!
  • Keep going!!! I am having difficulty slimming down myself. You may not feel smaller but isn't your energy level way up? Focus on the overall health benefits and know that your efforts pay off (even if you can't SEE it!)! You can do it!
  • Zumba is so much fun and def a calorie burner! Be sure to keep your effort and energy up throughout the entire session!!!!
    in Zumba Comment by crebbe March 2011
  • Congrats on joining!
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