kelsiemojean Member


  • If only it was that easy! Some people think that as long as they stay in that calorie number they will lose weight, and some do. Others who aren't so fortunate (like me) have to think about carb intake and sugar. Your body still craves those things because they taste good and makes us feel good. However, the more you…
  • Meeee :) Watch your carbs!! Are you taking any meds??
  • I have been put on the Yaz and Spironolactone 25 mg once a day. I am a social worker and have client's on metformin and have been told it is not a fun drug to take. Are they looking at putting you on that?
  • I have read it is better to eat fruits in the morning. I appreciate your feedback!
  • I eat on average between 50 and 60 g of protein per day. Some days I'll drink protein powder after I workout, but the only time i get to the gym usually its too late to drink it afterwords. Usually its 30 minutes of weights and 40 minutes of cardio when I'm at the gym. Usually I will run or do a machine and burn on average…
  • I don't really worry about inches. And I see what you mean about the weight. I am not worried so much about the number of the scale but the overall idea of slimming down. I know all my clothes are too small tho!
  • This is perfect! Thanks!
  • I over did it on Christmas, but I already planned on it! Having two families to see I ate twice! I'm going to take this as more motivation to keep on track. Plus I can't say I miss the feeling of overeating and bloated and blah blah. Good luck to you all in the new year!!
  • Do you have fine hair? Lots of it? What kind of shampoo do you use? My sister does hair so it's "expected" I have decent looking hair. I work out at night and shower as soon as I get home. I only wash my hair every 3 or 4 days (it helps retain the natural oils of your hair). If you wash your hair too much it makes it…
  • Genius! Thanks!