mloren Member


  • Hi Alison I lost 84 pounds........... then lost my job and my special needs son moved back home. Because I eat for comfort I have now gained 29 lbs back in less than 3 weeks (not sure how that happens so fast?) I have to get back on track but am not hope full. Jobs are hard to find and I feel if you are over weight you…
  • You are doing such a good Job. I have hit times when nothing happens too. What I do is increase my water with a little lemon( 2 cups over my 8) and eat more steamed veggies....then I dont weigh my self for a week. I still have 100lbs to go so thanks for your post to know it is do-able.. You will get losing again just shake…
  • Thank you all so much I will BACK AWAY FROM THE PIZZA......... and make a list, and plan for the rest of the day and week.
  • Hi I like the lemon water too but am too lazy to cut lemons I buy the lemon juice.This works well with out the rind taste at the end of the day. The best thing I found is Green Tea extract. Two dropper fulls in a 16 oz watter bottle. I love it. Give it a try. ggod luck.
  • What I do is hard boil eggs for the week, peal put in plastic bags. so along with your bananna grab a protein the hard boiled egg. If you are can have salt throw some in the bag the night before. And of course that water bottle, good luck.
  • Great job!! All your hard work payed off. You give us all hope. Thanks.
  • You can do it!! Drink that water. I dont know why that works . ( I always put it last on my list, then when I get back on track I get that AH HA moment AGAIN........... why haven I been drinking enough?) Also if you don't PLAN then you PLAN to fail. So make sure you have the right food in the house to make smart choices…