juliepoe208 Member


  • Thanks Steve. This truly puts things in perspective, even when we lose our way within our journey. This is something that could truly help my family, not just in the food realm. God bless.
  • I have the same issues you do with both of my boy's. Our family eats healthy together at home since I started mfp over a year ago and my husband and I are losing weight healthily, but my kid's are eating unhealthily at school in which we talk to them about the tools, the diabetes that runs in the family on all sides, the…
  • I think everyone immediately jumped the gun calling "racism" when no one but two people knew the facts about this case, which is very sad in this world. We go to church and God tells us to not judge each other or to be the judge and blacks and whites supposedly came together back in the 60's. Or did we at this point since…
  • I think it is a personal choice. My husband had the DS eleven years ago, lost 190 pounds and has kept it off. He can eat most things in moderation. There are some things that have been deemed too rich for his stomach since and does not stay down, so that was a learning experience (like Blue Cheese), and he cannot drink…
  • Yum...that sound good. I just told my hubby we are going to try that. :wink:
  • Hi, I remember having a hard time getting pregnant. Both my boys were born 7 years apart and when I got pregnant finally not trying and drinking at that brief moment (out of fun: once at age 21, and once on my honeymoon for a full week at age 28) that finally got me pregnant. But I remember thinking it was completely me…
  • Hey, wanted to let you know the whole 3rd grade in King George, VA made snowflakes and sent them over Christmas break to support. :-) Our prayers and love are with you all always. Julie of King George, VA
  • Hi, I actually sent this to my son's elementary school principal and 3rd grade teacher to see if they can make it a project (here in Virginia) and send it to them in time for Christmas. All of us here in King George are thinking of them and praying for them. We will get what we can together. Thanks, Julie, King George, VA
  • I do Keurig flavored coffee (2 calorie ones) along with 2 Tbsp sugar free French Vanilla Creamer for 30 Cals or 2 Tbsp of sugar free Peppermint Mocha (15 Cals) and 3 Splenda. It is fantastic and yummy. Tastes very sweet, very little calories to boot, and no guilt.
  • I had it for the last 3 and 1/2 years. I got real sick with it last December into January and they had to take my ovaries and my uterus in February. I have felt tremendously better since. My recommendation (not sure if you have kids), but if you don't plan on having any more kids, get it all removed now as research shows…
  • Hey, I have quite a ways to go, but the support on here has been truly instrumental to me as well. Feel free to add me. Would love to help support ya. :smile:
  • Hey, I was just put on an 1100 calorie diet by my doc 3 weeks ago and thought the same. But if you get some calorie burning in (pretty much every day activities burns calories), then you will have some leeway to work with your 1200. Now mind you I cannot stay at 1100 cause there is just no way, but I do manage to stay…
  • We are definitely in it's path where VA and MD meet by the water. Thanks, I pray you all are safe as well. Not looking forward to losing power and not knowing what else is coming.
  • Wow! I am glad to hear your mom is doing well. My mom had uterine cancer. She has been cancer free for 15 years now. I had pre Uterine cancer cells earlier this year and had a hysterectomy and oopherectomy because of it. My sister in law has been battling breast cancer for the last year and a half (triple negative type)…
  • Fantastic job! You look really beautiful, so be proud. I love the photo where you smile...it looks really good on you. :-) Keep up the great work! Your story is very inspiring. Julie
  • Hey, welcome. You could try sweet potatoes, I can't believe it's not butter light (45 calories per tbsp), bagel thins or bread thins (100 calories for one) and a few others. I will request you as a friend and what you want to do is go into some of the food diaries of people on here and see if there are foods you like to…
  • Yeah, I have heard of that show. It breaks my heart to see something like that. Another good reason I want to be on this journey, to make sure I don't end up there myself. Thanks for sharing. :-) Julie
  • Thanks all. As you all know us as mom's tend to forget about ourselves. I look forward to chatting more with you ladies.
  • Wow! Awesome job! You look absolutely fantastic! Keep up the great work! I just started this week and am at 380 unfortunately. Fantastic job!
  • Hi, that is awesome! Are you glad you had the Lap Band version? I am happy for you. My husband had the full Duodenal Switch 9 years ago and has kept the weight off. I am still struggling with my weight and have thought about doing the Lap Band. Today is only day 2 for me on here and so far so good. I am not allowed to have…