fitdanes Member


  • Try eating a chocolate protein bar or something. They also have 100 calorie brownies or other "treats" you could use :)
  • Hi I used my fitness pal about 2 years ago- it helped me so much! I am a big snack eater so tracking makes me aware of how much food I actually consume haha. I lost around 30 lbs. I have kept the weight off for 2 years- I have recently seen the scales dip up 10 lbs though! I am tracking again to lose the unwanted lbs! Good…
  • I've heard that its 80% what you eat and 20% about how much you exercise!!! :) I used to exercise soooo much with sports and I was still overweight cause I ate however much I wanted whenever Theres no way you can make up for eating terrible and way to much with exercise. It takes under 5 minutes to eat 800 calories of…
    in eating abs? Comment by fitdanes May 2013
  • Ugh this is my biggest problem as well!!!!! What helped my snacking would be instead of having high calorie snacks (like eggs, peanut butter, trail mix etc). Try having low calorie snacks that are volume heavy, I couldn't stop my snacking so instead I switched it, before I would have random handfuls of cereal, granola,…
  • Good job! How tall are you? Just wondering.. So inspring! Losing weight is so hard and I have so much respect for you. Keep up the great work :) :)
  • Overall I agree and I think you're good to go as well (as the other comments said). I'm not entirely sure I believe in starvation mode from everything I read. I really think at the end of the day its whatever works for your body. I do think though that if you are worried about your caloric intake being too little, you…