

  • I noticed that you are drinking alcohol every day. Even though it isn't very much, alcohol can help you to retain water plus there are empty calories there that are processed by your body as sugar and toxins. I also noticed that you don't have many fruits and very few vegetables listed. Increasing these will go a long way…
  • The inches didn't move you got rid of them! Congratulations!
  • Oh and congratulations on your 5K!
  • Shin splints. You probably need a better or different pair of sneakers. As I mentioned it is so worth the money to go to a specialty store and have them pick a pair of shoes for you. Also you may want to keep an eye on that pain, I just read in Runner's World recently that people who thought they had shin splints actually…
  • Consistantly running on the shoulder can mess up your biodynamics and can cause the same injuries as having a leg-length discrepancy. I would suggest trying different areas if possible and if not, try running on the other side of the street for a while. I know, I know you will be running in the wrong direction (with,…
  • I do both kickboxing and karate, with freestyle sparring (aka fighting). I LOVE it. You don't have to be in shape to do it because you can modify when you need to. I think you should definitely do it, it will completely empower you and get you into fighting shape.
  • I would just like to point out that there is no marriage that is ideal or what we all expect. Marriage is work, despite how much you loved your partner before marriage. And with maturity comes the realization that you don't up and disrespect your partner just because you are attracted to another human. Also, you say he has…
  • I would say to contact the company. I had a lot of trouble with my chest strap, it wouldn't transmit my heart rate properly and was sporadic. They told me it won't work correctly on some people, which I think is nonsense since the Polar HRM works fine on me. I have sent my forerunner back and they have redone the software,…
  • I was before I lost wt. Now I am completely off meds and my blood sugar is in the low-normal range. My Dr is very pleased with the results of the hard work that I have done and now says how, before, I was really turning into a walking timebomb.
  • I mix mine with Almond Milk and just shake it up . I have one when I wake up and after I work out because I eat very little animal protein. Try They have all kinds and you can sort through by what your needs are. For example if you don't want artificial sweeteners you can sort those out. They also rate…
  • This is going to sound strange but... When I get down on myself for not having the qualities or looks that I find appealing in other people I think if the story of the "Ugly Duckling.". You know it, but to recap the adult version: The baby swan feels like he is inferior because he doesn't look like or quack like the ducks.…
  • What has helped me to lose 46 inches in 2 years is to not think of the total number of calories but rather the QUALITY of those calories. In fact there have been studies that show (I can't remember where I read it, maybe Runner's World) that poor quality calories are stored in the body as fat despite the total number…
  • Would it be possible for you to go to the gym straight from work? In addition to eating more at work, you could eat a mini-meal before you leave so you have enough energy to work out. That might help with the cravings. But I agree with what everyone else said about not eating enough during the day and not getting enough…
  • Check this out: I had similar problems and this program helps me to stay on track. In the interest of full disclosure, Sherry is a friend and fellow martial artist of mine. But that doesn't dimish the effectiveness of her program. I follow the food "rules" only and I don't take any pills,…
  • Running on a treadmill and running outside require your muscles to work in different ways. So if the majority of your training has been on the treadmill you are more than likely sore because of the transition to the road. You don't state how much you run , what your weekly mileage is or if you are following a formal…
  • In addition to what everyone else wrote: Stress can actually prevent you from losing weight. Maybe try some sort of relaxation exercise like yoga or meditation. But if you are gaining muscle and losing fat then you won't see too much of a change in the weight on your scale because muscle weighs more than fat. Hope this…
  • I just wanted to add something about what you wrote about being addicted to sugar. It sounds very similar to the way I behave when I eat too many processed foods and white carbohydrates and too little protein and complex carbs. It may SEEM like you are addicted to sugar because when you eat simple carbs your body craves…
  • AND you can tell her that it is physically impossible to turn fat into muscle. Fat tissue is fat tissue and muscle tissue is muscle tissue. What will happen is you will BUILD muscle tissue and BURN fat as energy, thus reducing the amount of fat on your body and increasing your lean muscle mass. It is true that muscle…
  • You might want to try increasing the amount of water you consume before, during and after you exercise. I don't know how hard you are exercising but an electrolyte drink may help also. Also, the stress of working out alone can cause headaches. But if it continues, though, you might want to call your doctor to see if there…
  • I am also new to this site and in fact this is my first posting. I can completely relate to you because I, too, am an emotional/bored eater and a mother. It sounds as if you will be dealing with a lot of stress in the upcoming months so I wanted to share with you what helped me. I started taking martial arts classes and it…