Just HAD to rain on my parade!!!

HeatherBurke Posts: 147
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
UGH!!! I was just talking to my step-mom about going to a class at my gym that I had done before but wasn't religious about it... it's called Power Pump and it's like a mild cardio/ light weight training class with like 5, 8 and 10 lb weights and she was like "Honey you need to stop doing that and just do cardio because you are just going to turn your fat into muscle and be huge...." NOT listening to the fact that it is only 2x a week and not like I'm bench pressing 100 lbs trying to look like Arnold!! I'm doing cardio and this along with light weight stuff at home just on my arms and doing crunches and things... Why do people that are unhappy with themselves and are also big have to make others feel like idiots because they won't do anything about their issues??!!

Little does she know that when poeple tell me things like that it just makes me want to do it even more to prove them wrong... Sorry... Just had to vent cuz she really pissed me off....


  • I think anything you do is WONDERFUL! People especially Mom's will allways speak before they think. You do what makes you feel good! Dont let anyone bring you down!
  • Good grief! I am sorry. My personal trainer says that building up muscle definition is a really important part of loosing weight and getting in shape. So you are TOTALLY doing the right thing.
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    We have the same thing at my gym. I go 4x's a week ( in addition to cardio). You arent going to be huge...your a woman. It just isnt going to happen. Especially with 5, 8, and 10 lbs of weight. Just nod and accept her advice (aka opinion) and keep doing what your doing. The results will speak for themselves!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :laugh: Yeah, you're totally not going to get huge honkin' muscles by doing that exercise. Even if you did it 7 days a week. You're doing great, just keep it up! :drinker:
  • We have the same thing at my gym. I go 4x's a week ( in addition to cardio). You arent going to be huge...your a woman. It just isnt going to happen. Especially with 5, 8, and 10 lbs of weight. Just nod and accept her advice (aka opinion) and keep doing what your doing. The results will speak for themselves!

    My boyfriend majored in exercise science and it aggrevates him too because just as you said I am a woman and it doesn't work that way... She insisted on telling me that she knew a girl that wanted to lose 20 pounds and was doing weight training but ended up gaining 10 more and instead of being giggly she was just hard... I'm like Ok, I'm sure she looked a hell of a lot better and was still smaller with losing body fat but just gaining muscle because everyone with half of a brain knows it weighs more than fat... jeeze!!! :grumble:
  • AND you can tell her that it is physically impossible to turn fat into muscle. Fat tissue is fat tissue and muscle tissue is muscle tissue. What will happen is you will BUILD muscle tissue and BURN fat as energy, thus reducing the amount of fat on your body and increasing your lean muscle mass. It is true that muscle weighs more than fat but you are leaner and stronger for it. ALSO you will never turn into some hulking body builder, because you are female, unless you start taking testerone steroids.

    UGH that is one of my pet peeves - when people make others feel bad for improving themselves and then are ill imformed to boot. Keep doing what you are doing and be confident that you look great with lots and lots of lean muscle mass.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    yeah, dont let it bother you. Poeple don't know what they're talking about. If you dont do weight training then you wont tone your body and (if you've lost alot) you'll have skin pouches left over. Not attractive, not healthy! I knew someone who just dieted over 100 pounds off and no excersize and she had a kangaroo pouch.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    :laugh: 100 lbs? I bench press 135 and I don't look like Arnold!

    Plus what everyone else said.
  • yeah, dont let it bother you. Poeple don't know what they're talking about. If you dont do weight training then you wont tone your body and (if you've lost alot) you'll have skin pouches left over. Not attractive, not healthy! I knew someone who just dieted over 100 pounds off and no excersize and she had a kangaroo pouch.

    I only need to lose a good 30 pounds and I will be sooo happy... A lot of my issue is toning up and getting into 2 or 3 sizes smaller in my pants... so I don't have a lot to lose really but when I lose the weight I don't want to have skin all over the place and yuck!! She needs to lose a good 60 or 70 pounds and all she does is talk about it so it really rubbed me the wrong way that she would even have the nerve to try to give me advice on what to do and what not to do!! I just need to tone and lose a few pounds... I really don't even care about the pounds as long as I'm able to get my body fat lower and fit into the clothes I want to.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I love it when people are misinformed. What the heck was she thinking. Fat is made out of lipids.....muscle is made out of proteins. They can't magically turn into each other.

    It is physically impossible for women to gain giant amounts of muscles like men do. We don't have the testosterone to do it so go to that class all you want!

    The more muscle you build the faster your burn so burn baby burn!!!!!
  • AND you can tell her that it is physically impossible to turn fat into muscle. Fat tissue is fat tissue and muscle tissue is muscle tissue. What will happen is you will BUILD muscle tissue and BURN fat as energy, thus reducing the amount of fat on your body and increasing your lean muscle mass. It is true that muscle weighs more than fat but you are leaner and stronger for it. ALSO you will never turn into some hulking body builder, because you are female, unless you start taking testerone steroids.

    UGH that is one of my pet peeves - when people make others feel bad for improving themselves and then are ill imformed to boot. Keep doing what you are doing and be confident that you look great with lots and lots of lean muscle mass.

    I couldn't agree MORE!!! Your situation sounds very much like mine - only 30 pounds to lose...Please click on my picture and read my story on my blog page and how much I PROMOTE training with weights--HEAVY WEIGHTS. ....and don't listen to people who are seriously misinformed! That irks me to no end as well....:tongue:
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    dude, my mom is exactly the same. she told me to be careful or i'd get "all muscley" whatever mom, if i want to get muscley i will. i'm 36 for pete's sake!
  • Thank you all so much! I knew I wasn't crazy and my boyfriend who majored in this stuff isn't an idiot.. I just wanted to hear it from other people that knew what they were talking about not her who is ignorant to the fact... Little does she know that when we go out there in May I'm gonna show her what's up and teach her a thing or two!! Thanks guys!!
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    fat doesnt turn into muscle. fat is burned off and muscle is made. and even if you were lifting 100 pounds you wouldnt bulk up like arnold. it takes a LOT to get a women to bulk up. god i hate mother in laws hahaha. i think thats who said that to u atleast i forget now..
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