are0721 Member


  • You look incredible! Congrats! :)
  • I'm always up for some extra support - feel free to add me! Welcome!! :)
  • Hey! Welcome back! I actually just came back here yesterday after a long time. I just had a baby who will be 3 months old on April 9th, so after I found out I was pregnant, I decided to take a time-out from mfp. I'm 25, married, with my baby (Ezra). Having friends is a great way to hold yourself accountable to your…
  • I was recently diagnosed with PCOS in January. I've been on my fitness pal since November with 26 pounds down, so far. I never realized how many calories I was eating (even if they were healthier choices) until I started to keep a food diary on here. I personally think that MFP is an amazing site with very supportive…
  • Welcome! No reason to be afraid! Everybody here is amazingly supportive and provide so much motivation. I found this website by chance and didn't really have any goals in mind, and here I am, 2 1/2 months later, and haven't missed a day logging in. Just remember that if you fall off the wagon, tomorrow is another day! Make…
  • Thanks for the info, that's really helpful!
  • I usually copy/paste them into a word document and if I make them & like them, then I'll put it on a recipe card.
  • This is kind of a silly question, but what are low GI foods??
  • I was recently diagnosed with PCOS....and I'd like some info too. I have lost 17 pounds in about 2 1/2 months, but I haven't been doing anything special. Basically, I just make sure to stay within my calories with whatever I'm eating, which probably isn't the best way to go...and to be honest, I dunno how I'd do with a…
  • Yeah I guess the breaks may make a difference, but I work my butt off playing this game, it just seems a lil bit low, especially since I'm working so hard.
  • Yes, it's for the Wii, and it's an amazing game...not only do you get a good workout, you have fun as well. For me, at least, that's really important, since I'm not the biggest fan of working out, haha!
  • In my opinion, I think that if you don't let yourself indulge every so often, you will not have the motivation to continue. I haven't been on this site all that long, 50 days yesterday, and I've only gone drastically over my calories 2x. I think it's best to cheat for a single meal, that way you can plan where to allot the…
  • It's really hard finding pants for me as well. I actually always bought my jeans at maurices, but I found that they stretch so fast, that by the end of the day, but butt looks like it's sagging haha. I decided to try a new place, and I went to Gordmans and found cheap, good jeans! I also wear a size 18, but in the Angel's…
  • I've never tried that...I'm always a little worried about trying squash, don't ask me why. Haha, does it actually taste like spaghetti??
  • Welcome back! I joined this site because I've tried so many different diets, but I'm not good at sticking with them. I've been here 15 days straight, so I think that's a good sign. I think finding people to push you is the best way to keep motivated, especially on those down days when the calories are WAY over!!
    in Re-New Comment by are0721 December 2010