
I'm not new to the site, but I've never stuck with it consistently. I am finally at a stable place financially, health wise, healing wise, and I'm ready to KICK BUTT!

Looking for all friends, any kind. I have committed to posting accountability and cheering on friends every single day, even if I'm not working out.

I'm looking to lose 40-50 lbs, depending on how I look/feel when I get there. Heck I might be fine at 30 lbs. All I know is that I'm giving it my all.

I'm on my first 10 lbs of the journey - please friend me :D I'm chatty and 100% positive. I'm not letting my all-or-nothing mentality stop me this time. If I fall, that's what you guys are for...and I'll be there for you too.

MAN am I tired of dieting! I want to make this the last time I am ANYWHERE near this weight.



  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Welcome back!
  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    Options can add me as a friend. I am on here every day. My food and exercise diarys are available to view.
  • cowpoke06
    I find that other people's comments are very motivating. When I log exercise people tell me how great I'm doing. I was at the gym Monday and was feeling like I wanted to cut the workout short...but then I thought about how encouraging everyone is on here and how I want to be able to post exercise I can be proud I kept going :)
  • are0721
    are0721 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome back! I joined this site because I've tried so many different diets, but I'm not good at sticking with them. I've been here 15 days straight, so I think that's a good sign. I think finding people to push you is the best way to keep motivated, especially on those down days when the calories are WAY over!!