Feel free to look through my diary! Lifting with a bit of HIIT is my routine so I focus on my macros (carbs/protein/fat) more than anything. I mostly pick "good" foods but if I can fit crappy food into my macros I'll have it xD I don't have it in me to say 'No I can never have that again' ya know? Sunday and Monday were…
I am not qualified (or experienced) enough to really comment but I have to say that it seems the majority of MFP's population thinks the sugar goals on the site are far too low and thus don't track them. It appears a majority of your sugar comes from fruit...and that's not bad so long as you don't struggle from Diabetes. I…
Oh and a quick note: I was young and didn't quite understand how badly sick I could've made her with the chicken breast haha! I would suggest dousing a chicken breast in salt to make it extremely unpleasant tasting rather that purposefully making it go sour xD Making things inedible > creating bacterial playgrounds
Do you want to know how I honestly stopped a pesky roommate from raiding my food back in the day? I'm talking major pesky...she PICKED the lock to my mini fridge to raid it! I showed her my food and said, "One out of every item had been tainted. If you eat it you'll probably have to go to the hospital. I suggest you leave…
Let Me Hit It (drop it) ---- Sporty-O That song is pretty much on repeat when I'm going through a difficult lift...and I'm normally into more of the Blues genre!
Oooooooor maybe it's because bad food is cheap and let's them feed their kids with the biggest bang for their buck? If you want to play Big Brother why don't you walk up and smack that muffin off the poor kid's lunch tray? But maybe, just MAYBE you can take your disgruntled attitude and have a chat with your fellow…
What a cool tattoo =D I love mythology and beasts! My reward was going out yesterday and buying a pair of workout pants that are so tight that I immediately referred to them as my "ninja pants". They make my fanny (and everything else really) look fantastic <3 I don't think they're too appropriate for public but I strutted…
Triscuts man...I can Hoover vacuume a serving of Triscuts. In fact I find myself planning ALL my meals so I can fit 2 servings of Tricuts into my daily macros @_@
Most terrible advice I'vd seen in a while. Lady you need to be thumped on the forehead =/ You "know it's unhealthy" but you're going to do it anyway? And suggest a complete stranger - one for all you know may have medical conditions that WOULD cause harm - do it too? Take a chill pill. You're not racing to a finish line.…
I always try to make everyone happy even if it's at my own expense. I'm pretty much a self-made doormat.
You guys are impressive! Almost done with Stage 1...I lengthened it into 8 weeks instead of 6 though. Evaluations are next week -sweatdrop- My last stats Workout A Squats - 3 sets of 8 @ 125 lbs Push-ups - 3 sets of 15 @ body weight Seated Row - 3 sets of 8 @ 100 lbs Step ups - 3 sets of 8 @ 70 lbs I traded jackknifes for…
I lift for 90% of my exercise but toss in cardio for the 10% left. Do both! But don't assume cardio is JUST running (which I hate with all my heart xD). Look into HIIT training or "cardio sports". I personally enjoy racquetball once a week at the moment...not once during the hour I'm playing do I wonder how much longer I…
After growing up with an alcoholic father and putting him through rehab 6 times in the past 2 years (He is financially ruined and without insurance so I pay for it...what choice do I have if he wants to go ya know?) giving up alcohol is absolutely no problem @_@ I can't even smell whiskey without seeing him convulsing and…
Be kind to yourself. Be sloppy with logging and throw your guilt to the side. Heal your heart first...the body can wait a while longer. I am so very sorry for your loss <3
Go you! My jaw dropped when I got to her comment about your picture...what a heifer! You handled it magnificently <3
Deep fried pickles with a swimming pool sized serving of ranch ;_; I've stayed far away from them for months now (but it will be my first indulgence when the time comes).
I've got one and have had no issues losing weight =D
-raises hand- Military spouse here! I'm going to be honest: There is no cure for the heartache of missing a spouse who is deployed somewhere else. But there are ways to manage it! Countdowns are obviously the most helpful for visually minded people. Like making paper link for each day. I know that for 9 months…
Have you ever looked at your protein intake? I found that as soon as I bumped up my protein I stopped craving's been 5 weeks since my last cookie or piece of candy! And I was an addict xD It's not that I don't plan on having it ever again I just don't want any at the moment - I even have a tub of M&Ms in plain…
Aha that's what I was thinking! You wouldn't happen to be good with a slingshot now would you, OP? That behavior is disgusting and unnecessary (and I absolutely agree that you shouldn't HAVE to run specific times to avoid them). Ironically if it was happening to me I'd probably just have my feelings hurt and put up with…
Weightlifting can be surprisingly tricky to get started with if you've never done it before. Especially when you try and follow routines made by more experienced people (or worse try to lift like they do)! It's hard to keep in mind that they were beginners too...and like most things in life you've got to earn their kind of…
-slow clap- Hands down the funniest reference I have ever read.
Because they're there specifically to cram 6000 calories down their throat in hopes of afterward throwing that sweet nurse across the table and showing her a good time. You know how women aren't hoping to impress the **** out of every man they meet? I've heard men are the same way. SHOCKING I KNOW. And by the way...someone…
That same routine (3 -5 minuted cardio warm up and 3x weekly heavy lifting) has worked miracles on me and my body fat and I started off at just 26% BF. Seriously. Can't stand cardio and it never did NEAR what lifting has done for me in a month. You will not be disappointed! Feel free to add me if you want a fellow lifting…
Looks awesome to me! All your bits are covered up and you look to be in decent shape to begin with <3 Have fun running!
I went ahead and got mine even after reading all these horrible stories (which I have no doubt are at least mostly true) and I'm so glad I did. Typical cramping the night it was inserted and then nothing afterward! My mood improved significantly. I have more energy. I have lost weight and put on muscle without trouble…
People can pry my peanut butter out of my cold dead hands @_@ Fuji apple + 2 tbsp peanut butter is my #1 nighttime snack!
Aha sounds like you guys have had fun times as well! The tornado sirens were going off while my head was buried in the toilet and I was just thinking, "LET IT END MY SUFFERING!" We started charting and wrote that I puked 25 times in 4 hours. I've had food poisoning before but never that violently! I think I got a hold of a…
Your diary looks fine to me! ---- They're fixing it, guys! Patience! They can't be fixing 20 different things at once...they're going down a list and hitting it one at a time (as they should to ensure they fix it correctly).