Lose body fat without cardio?



  • AprilMae1975
    AprilMae1975 Posts: 726
    Great thread!!! I have been curious about this as well. I have even been thinking of getting a weight set for the house since the gym is totally intimidating.
  • emibrus1
    emibrus1 Posts: 59
    Weightlifting can be surprisingly tricky to get started with if you've never done it before. Especially when you try and follow routines made by more experienced people (or worse try to lift like they do)! It's hard to keep in mind that they were beginners too...and like most things in life you've got to earn their kind of strength a little at a time.

    If you can only do push-ups on your knees -or even just leaning against the wall as was suggested earlier- then do that! Don't feel bad that you can't start off like the big boys right off the bat. If it makes you strain and sweat then it's working just fine for you =D

    I took an entire weekend to search lifting topics here on MFP and get a sense of where to start! The main 2 programs that I saw were Stronglift 5x5 and The New Rules of Lifting for Women (commonly abbreviated NROL4W or NROLFW) ...tons of glowing reviews from members here on both. I went with NROF4W -no particular reason- and got the book for $12 at my local bookstore. I spent Saturday night and Sunday reading through it (it really has a lot of interesting information that blew my backwoods health education out of the water) and then Sunday night making my exercise chart. Then I hit the gym on Monday and fell in LOVE the very first workout. I genuinely look forward to it when I go. I feel fantastic after.

    And have you ever done a run of the mill workout (I'm looking at you, 30 Day Shred -_-) and absolutely hurt the next few days? I thought that was what exercise was supposed to feel like. I though people who worked out always felt like **** most of the time xD But it's not like that with lifting. I get a little stiffness and maybe a targeted muscle hurts more than usual...but it isn't pain. I chase my daughter the next day without limping or groaning. To get in shape without pain is just...man. Can't put a price on it.

    Those on the fence about lifting should definitely look here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/979178-halp-heavy-lifting-made-me-supah-bulky?hl=Help+lifting+has+made+me+

    All kinds of fitness levels in here with lifting!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    You may find as you get down to near your target fat % you might have to chuck in a little cardio. I didn't used to do any at all, once I was in a good lifting routine. After a few months I found I wasn't losing fat at the rate I wanted so I started adding in 30 mins of cardio after lifting and saw an improvement in my fat loss. I dislike it too, but I have found (for me at least) it is a necessary evil.

    Also as a woman, it seems to be tough to reduce the fatty deposits we have around hips/thighs/*kitten*, and I need to add in evil cardio along with eating at a deficit to reduce mine. You may find the same...you might not...good luck!!

    I agree. I enjoy some cardio like Zumba, Arc Trainer and walking but I have found that my body shape changes with lifting weights. I still do cardio b/c I have so much fat to lose...TOO MUCH JUNK in the trunk SMH
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    I used to do a lot of lower body compound lifts, like squats and deadlifts. Unfortunately, I messed up my ankle pretty badly. It isn't healed, it's been a month, and I'm still in a boot. I do compound upper body and push ups and stuff, but what are some lower body compound exercises I can do with a bum ankle?

    **Also: Regarding fat in the booty, I'm happy with the level of fat I have there. a lot of muscle, but some fat to emphasize the jiggle :P My butt is my favorite part of me**