Is today considered a binge?



  • emibrus1
    emibrus1 Posts: 59
    IF I were you.. I wouldn't eat anything tomorrow... i know its unhealthy but one day of fasting would not do anything... think about it.
    if you ate around ur weight maintenance, I wouldn't say anything because eating at weight maintenance would just delay your weight loss... but damn.. you went TWICE as much as you were supposed to eat..thats cancelling your previous deficits..

    like today, I went over by 1000 calories... my everyday net is 1200 so I'm eating just a breakfast tomorrow and then I'm not going to eat at all..

    Most terrible advice I'vd seen in a while. Lady you need to be thumped on the forehead =/ You "know it's unhealthy" but you're going to do it anyway? And suggest a complete stranger - one for all you know may have medical conditions that WOULD cause harm - do it too?

    Take a chill pill. You're not racing to a finish line. She cancelled out her what? She doesn't lose weight this week perhaps? THE HORROR! Or maybe she could just pick herself up and lose the weight later.

    Sorry for the slight derail of topic, OP! That was one heck of a binge but good in you for logging it! That sodium will probably be a killer for a few days but it's like a few other people said: Dust off and keep your chin up =D
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    More important is try to understand the reason for the binge and learn from it and darn that was a great walk. If I could do that one I would be happy. Love your self more than you love the feeling you get from food.!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I would consider that a binge, but in saying that everyones perception of a binge is different. Dust yourself off and get back on the wagon. Everyone has these days, so don't worry. Just make sure tomorrow you drink a lot of water to rid that sodium.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    You need to understand why you binged today so next time you can avoid it.
    Just move on!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have had more days where I have been over that much, than I can count, though mine were with cake, cookies, doughnuts, chocolate and ice cream, rather than that sort of food. I have managed to pretty much balance it out as long as it is not a daily thing. I know my reasons for it are emotional, and due to my need to sometimes totally release control over myself, so I suggest just looking at the reasons this one happened, celebrating how long you went without binging(which is pretty amazing!) and carrying on, business as usual. I mean, I imagine most humans, whether on mfp or not, have days like this anyway. But they are just the occasional day, and not days in a row. So get back on track, don't worry about 'making it up', and pass it off as one of those days.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    IF I were you.. I wouldn't eat anything tomorrow... i know its unhealthy but one day of fasting would not do anything... think about it.
    if you ate around ur weight maintenance, I wouldn't say anything because eating at weight maintenance would just delay your weight loss... but damn.. you went TWICE as much as you were supposed to eat..thats cancelling your previous deficits..

    like today, I went over by 1000 calories... my everyday net is 1200 so I'm eating just a breakfast tomorrow and then I'm not going to eat at all..

    Most terrible advice I'vd seen in a while. Lady you need to be thumped on the forehead =/ You "know it's unhealthy" but you're going to do it anyway? And suggest a complete stranger - one for all you know may have medical conditions that WOULD cause harm - do it too?

    Take a chill pill. You're not racing to a finish line. She cancelled out her what? She doesn't lose weight this week perhaps? THE HORROR! Or maybe she could just pick herself up and lose the weight later.

    Sorry for the slight derail of topic, OP! That was one heck of a binge but good in you for logging it! That sodium will probably be a killer for a few days but it's like a few other people said: Dust off and keep your chin up =D

    ^^ And this. Definitely.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Next month would have been exactly one year of being binge free. Now I feel like crap and totally helpless, like there is no one that I can call or share this with. I was doing so well and for some reason this week I have been off my game. I do not know what to do, do I continue eating like this or attempt to pull myself up by the bootstraps?


    By the way I had 13 glasses of water and a 769 calorie workout.

    I would hate to see your sodium count.
  • Joe7178
    Joe7178 Posts: 105
    Some of the responses you got are pretty funny. If you honestly never binged for 11 months and this is your first time doing so I wouldn't even worry about it. if you've been eating in a deficit for 11 months, try eating at maintenance for a week.
  • Joe7178
    Joe7178 Posts: 105

    I would hate to see your sodium count.
    drink enough water and it doesn't matter buddy
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    I would consider it a binge... I'm impressed that you logged it. I've always been too ashamed to log mine and avoid MFP. But like everyone said, it's just one day, and it's NEVER too late to begin again!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Wow, that is a lot of food, you are so good for logging it all honestly!

    I guess you need to go back to your more targeted eating, and think more about the following:

    WHY did you binge this day when you have been so controlled?
    WHAT was the trigger?
    Have a plan on what to do / eat / manage your day in case this situation arises again.
    How did you physically FEEL after stuffing all this food in - remember that feeling, the unpleasantness (assuming that is how you felt!) and next time you are faced with a trigger try & recall that feeling.
    Don't feel guilty about having a huge day, it is just one day, and if you normally manage great days then it is no biggie.
    Think about what you eat each day usually - are you too restricted? This should be for the rest of your life so you want to be able to have the odd treat here and there without destroying your whole day.

    Sounds like you did the right things - exercise, lots of water, and sought support from the MFP community - well done.

    Good luck, don't give up :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    IF I were you.. I wouldn't eat anything tomorrow... i know its unhealthy but one day of fasting would not do anything... think about it.
    if you ate around ur weight maintenance, I wouldn't say anything because eating at weight maintenance would just delay your weight loss... but damn.. you went TWICE as much as you were supposed to eat..thats cancelling your previous deficits..

    like today, I went over by 1000 calories... my everyday net is 1200 so I'm eating just a breakfast tomorrow and then I'm not going to eat at all..

    Ignore the above advice, that is heading towards the road called Eating Disorder.
    You logged it, you know what happened. Move on, if you get hung up on stuff like this it will derail you.

    100% agree!! Do not go down this path, it is sooo unhealthy to think this way! I had/have disordered eating, and this is pretty much how it started. Do not skip eating because of one bad day. Just get back on track and keep going! :flowerforyou:
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    If it's been 11 months and you haven't binged, I would not worry about it at all - if anything, you deserved to have a "pig out" day. Maybe that's your body trying to tell you something? You'll be all right, tomorrow's a new day, it's not the end of all civilization :)
  • phw426
    phw426 Posts: 92 Member
    Just chalk it up to annual binge day....once a year is earned and you logged so you know what you did.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support. I did much better today by drinking more water and going to the gym during lunch. I DID eat some food just to confirm I am ignoring that person's post and I had an extra walk in the evening since I did not feel like watching Television. I also drank almost 20 cups of water to get that full feeling I was craving.

    Have a great weekend!