

  • I did kickboxing videos in High school to loose some weight, and they worked awesome. It is a fun work out and certainly not for the weak! You can add me if you'd like!
  • I have read before that frozen fruits and veggies are not only less expensive, but also really good for you. They pick them at the peak of freshness and preserve them, then freeze them to lock in all the nutients. I know that on the Target website they have had coupons for the Market Pantry brand frozen fruits and veggies.…
  • Good luck with your baby plan! I am wishing you the best. I am the same way, I get excited about my diet for a couple of weeks, then I have one cheat day, and one turns into two, turns into three, turns into no diet for me. I started watching what I was eating an started to work out, I lost about 5 pounds in a month, and…
  • Way to go!! 12 pounds is huge!! Great job and keep up the good work!!
  • I had not been feeling well lately and went to the doctor, she took some blood tests and found that I had some abnormalities in my thyroid. She said that I was not hypotyroid yet, but it is only a matter of time and I will need to get tested yearly to ensure they can treat it right away. I have been having all the symptoms…
  • I have also been put on similar medication and this can cause weight gain. My doctor explained that when you are on these types of medications, your whole body kind of calms down, causing your metabolism to slow down, and if you are anything like me, gets you so relaxed that you don't feel like going to the gym. All I can…
  • Sorry to hear about your loss. I would be more than willing to support you!
  • Hey! I am new here too! I am a mom of two girls, 3 1/2 and 20 months. I work full time and I am a full time college student. I have been ignoring my weight gain for far too long, and now weigh as much as I did when I went into the hospital to give birth to my first child. I am looking to lose about 20-25 pounds to get back…