Getting very frustrated!!!!!!! ZOLOFT?

So since May - Juneish I have been working out and watching what I eat. June I lost 8 lbs, and then in July until now I've gain!! I was down to 207and now im at 219 lbs. I started new medication in July, and as soon as that happened I started gaining. I spoke with a doctor and he said yes, Zoloft causes weight gain, but didnt want to switch my medication without taking to the physchriast first. So when I saw her in early August I told her, that I've gained roughly 10 lbs + she said that Zoloft is an appite suppresent. She said to just work out harder and cut my calories. So i've cut my calories from 1500 to 1300 and I was, besides last week, working out and burning 300-600 calories a day. I was 217 last week, and now im 219.

Previously I have been able to lose weight pretty easily, now not so much.

Should I go to a different doctor and get a second opinion? Should I be doing something different??


  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Whoa! Eating 1300 and working to burn 300-600 a day. Are you eating back those calories? If not that's putting you at around 1000 calories a day at most. What's your BMR? If for a while you were netting well below that and losing it was because you had plenty of fuel stored up to use but sometimes your body starts to think this new way of eating and using the fuel stored up is never going to end and it goes into emergency mode. It thinks eventually you'll run out of fuel and it starts changing things up to compensate. Then if you do eat more or exercise less changing your net calories it thinks it needs to conserve all of them.

    I know its discouraging to have a new medication throw a wrench into things but if your mood is better on the new meds that's more important. I would suggest you check out helloitsdan's roadmap thread. Find your TDEE and cut that by 20% and make that your goal and just stick with it for the long haul. It works for lots of people and I can tell you are determined so I know you can do this!
  • bundlesmummy
    Have you heard about science of slim.. In that they discuss how cutting back the calories too severely actually doesn't help as your body goes into starvation- I must hold onto fat mode.. The book discusses how to lower your set point weight- over time which stops to yo weight loss/gain and has the medical evidence to back it up. You can listen to the podcasts for free - they're really good.. If you are struggling I'd recommend having a look. I don't follow the plan but alot of the stuff they say really makes sense!
  • Sarahmarie51285
    I have also been put on similar medication and this can cause weight gain. My doctor explained that when you are on these types of medications, your whole body kind of calms down, causing your metabolism to slow down, and if you are anything like me, gets you so relaxed that you don't feel like going to the gym. All I can say, is talk to your doctor, it might be possible to cut back on your mgs. or maybe switch to something that is not so potent. This might be the answer. A second opinion may be a good idea, however, it makes me nervous because your current doctor knows your previous history. Good luck!!
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I was told when I was put on anti depressants,that you could gain weight as things taste better and you get your appetite back. I actually eat more when Down, maybe try drinking more water, and increasing your protien. It is tough with meds as everyone reacts differently. Good luck and I hope you feel better. Just don't give up
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    Whoa! Eating 1300 and working to burn 300-600 a day. Are you eating back those calories? If not that's putting you at around 1000 calories a day at most. What's your BMR? If for a while you were netting well below that and losing it was because you had plenty of fuel stored up to use but sometimes your body starts to think this new way of eating and using the fuel stored up is never going to end and it goes into emergency mode. It thinks eventually you'll run out of fuel and it starts changing things up to compensate. Then if you do eat more or exercise less changing your net calories it thinks it needs to conserve all of them.

    I know its discouraging to have a new medication throw a wrench into things but if your mood is better on the new meds that's more important. I would suggest you check out helloitsdan's roadmap thread. Find your TDEE and cut that by 20% and make that your goal and just stick with it for the long haul. It works for lots of people and I can tell you are determined so I know you can do this!

    Im eating by my calories. I am aware of what the starvation mode is. Most days im over by 60-70 cal.
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    I was told when I was put on anti depressants,that you could gain weight as things taste better and you get your appetite back. I actually eat more when Down, maybe try drinking more water, and increasing your protien. It is tough with meds as everyone reacts differently. Good luck and I hope you feel better. Just don't give up

    Thanks! :)
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    I have also been put on similar medication and this can cause weight gain. My doctor explained that when you are on these types of medications, your whole body kind of calms down, causing your metabolism to slow down, and if you are anything like me, gets you so relaxed that you don't feel like going to the gym. All I can say, is talk to your doctor, it might be possible to cut back on your mgs. or maybe switch to something that is not so potent. This might be the answer. A second opinion may be a good idea, however, it makes me nervous because your current doctor knows your previous history. Good luck!!

    I've only seen her twice now, so she doesnt really know much of my history besides that I was on Effexor last time, which I did not like at all!
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    Whoa! Eating 1300 and working to burn 300-600 a day. Are you eating back those calories? If not that's putting you at around 1000 calories a day at most. What's your BMR? If for a while you were netting well below that and losing it was because you had plenty of fuel stored up to use but sometimes your body starts to think this new way of eating and using the fuel stored up is never going to end and it goes into emergency mode. It thinks eventually you'll run out of fuel and it starts changing things up to compensate. Then if you do eat more or exercise less changing your net calories it thinks it needs to conserve all of them.

    I know its discouraging to have a new medication throw a wrench into things but if your mood is better on the new meds that's more important. I would suggest you check out helloitsdan's roadmap thread. Find your TDEE and cut that by 20% and make that your goal and just stick with it for the long haul. It works for lots of people and I can tell you are determined so I know you can do this!

    So I used a TDEE Calculator and it says I burn 2754 calories if I work out 3-5 days / week and 2134 if I don't work out at all. Where do I go from here?
  • bundlesmummy
    I think I'd ask again? I know Zoloft is used to help anorexics so it can't be an appetite suppressant ( well maybe in some people)
    I had it for a while but it gave me bad nausea. I was on Effexor for 18 months after being on fluoxetine for 2 years. The Effexor is nasty stuff to get on and off ( I think I was told the withdrawal is like cold turkey heroin withdrawal!) but Effexor was the one that worked the best - it did cause weight gain tho- but ultimately I was in such a bad place that weight loss was the last of my worries. I am now drug free after counselling and using exercise as my new anti depressant- but some days it's still like climbing a mountain- I just decided that even with the drugs I was feeling bad so I may as well feel just as bad without them. I know one day I may need to go bk on them but in the meantime il try n get my weight down.
    It is worth trying to research some different brands and asking your drs advice on having one of those instead
  • bundlesmummy
    Ps I think if you are working as hard as you say it may not be the meds but what you are actually eating and at what times- protein % etc that may be what has caused the issue. It's hard to say unless you are following a plan
  • Bmunoz67
    Bmunoz67 Posts: 8 Member
    I gained a lot on anti-depressants. I went to my doctor and she plotted my weight on a graph. The times I gained, I was on. When I stopped them, the weight went down. I am on Wellbutrin now and am down 8 pounds, pretty much without trying. You might want to give it a try. I know it doesn't work for everyone though. I feel your frustration! I hope it gets better! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    I gained a lot on anti-depressants. I went to my doctor and she plotted my weight on a graph. The times I gained, I was on. When I stopped them, the weight went down. I am on Wellbutrin now and am down 8 pounds, pretty much without trying. You might want to give it a try. I know it doesn't work for everyone though. I feel your frustration! I hope it gets better! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    It sucks! Im so ready for this and then its like my body is like NO you are not allowed to lose weight!

    A new medi center opened by my house so im going to make an appointment with a different new doctor to get a second opinion.