

  • Things will get better. I am really bad when I get stressed, right now I am studying for nursing boards. Every time I think about binge eating I try to grab somewhat healthy stuff. It was hard at first, and it is still hard. My problem is cake batter. ANY time I get stressed that is what I make, and then eat on the cake…
  • I would have to say sushi. I mean I love sushi and it is so bad for you. At least what I pick. I really miss it!!
  • My husband ate 2600-3000 calories for almost 2 weeks and lost 3 lbs. I could have cried! I have been watching what I am eating for a while and he goes out and eats everything. Since we have been together I have gained over 30 lbs. So now I fix dinner and if he does not like what I fix he fixes himself something else.
  • Hi, I am 4'11 or 4'10 although I tell people I am 5'0. I get less jokes that way. I have been on the website for 70 days or so. And lost 27 lbs so far. I love this website!!!
  • So I have the same pouch from the c-section , but thank god it is finally going down!!!! I started walking, I am running now but it almost gone! When I lay flat on my back it is barely there. I still have a long way to go before it is gone. I wore long shirts and tight undershirts to hold it in. I would tuck the undershirt…
  • You may not see the movement on the scale. I dropped a pound two weeks ago, and tried on my "old skinny" pants and they did not fit. Now they do, not much weight dropped off and I can wear them and more of my "old skinny clothes". The weight will come just be patient, keep up with the exercising and if you want you could…
  • Thanks everyone for your help! :smile: It feels like it is behind the bone, extremely sensitive to touch. I just bought new shoes when I started. And it goes away after I run. I only have it when I walk fast for a few miles. I will stretch so often and it does not really seem to help.
  • Do you put the everything on the inside? Sounds amazing though!!!
  • babygirl- You are the best motivator!! So tomorrow I plan on 7 miles at 13 minute miles. That is my goal. I did my cardio (your turbo) and was sweating at just the learn and burn. But tonight was a lot easier to follow and I kept up. So maybe a another week and I can try an actual workout. Thanks again.
  • Hi. I am new to the group. A friend was telling me about this group for shorter people. I am under 5 ft tall. And trying to shed some unwanted pounds. I have been training to run a mini with my friend. My goal weight is 110. And I am at 146 now I was 160. I am so excited about the mini. Training for it has been awesome. I…
  • I googled the "interval workouts and belly fat" How do you record the exercise in the exercise tracker?