Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ January 11



  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    Exercise goals this week:

    JAN 1 -Sat-JILLIAN MICHAELS CARDIO KICKBOX AND WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS - the video not done - 4089

    JAN 2 -Sun-JILLIAN MICHAELS VIDEO FORGOT THE NAME, WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEP, GEORGE WALK N BOX - the videos not done yet - 4196


    JAN 4 -Tues-JILLIAN MICHAELS VIDEO FORGOT THE NAME, WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS, @ GEORGE WALK N BOX - the vids not done yet - 14383




    Nutritional goals this week:



    -Log all food every day.

    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

    -Stay between 1200 - 1500 calories everyday


    since starting work for the new year on monday i have been eating mushroom n swiss snack wrap reason being is that i have not ate anywhere between 1200 - 1500 calories a day doing great on no eating small fries and have been getting @ least 64 oz water everyday

    have not done ANY of the exercise vids instead of marathoning it....ill just get in what i can...TODAY i will definitely do:
    jillian michaels cardio kick box
    george foreman walk n box
    and the other jillian michaels video...walk @ least 5000 steps as well
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    TOM has reared it's ugly head therefore I'm not feeling 100% today which means this will be a quick post. Today I completed the Fire 30, Abs 10 and Stretch 10 dvds from the Turbo Fire program. Once again the moves took a little bit to get adjusted to but if I didn't catch on quick enough I just improvised by doing a move that was very similar.

    Blackmamba: Thank you for the support.
  • blondie1238
    Back in the game today... still recovering from bronchitis, and haven't exercised in over a week... sooooo I'm starting off easy again with some pilates until I can really do cardio with out breaking out into a coughing fit. Feels good to move again though :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: each day is a new beginning so don't kick yourself for yesterday's indulgences or sloth, just do better today and resolve to do even better tomorrow.
  • blondie1238
    Just wanted to say congrats to everyone on the mini goals they've accomplished so far :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! A quick post prior to the start of my morning meeting. Today I completed the Fire 45 EZ dvd from the Turbo Fire program. This is another really good dvd but I struggled with some of the moves so I had to improvise but nonetheless I ROCKED THIS OUT and BURNED 536 calories in 45 minutes.

    My supervisor has just called the meeting to order so I must go. Have a great day everyone!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I hope to catch up on posts later today. I'm glad that I could help many of you by just sharing that Netflix has exercise videos and many of them can be streamed.

    Have a great day all and hugs to all,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have a minute at the big computer....wifi is still acting was line dance plus exercise bike plus 40 minutes at the dog park and the day isn't over :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I am fairly sure hormones are ruining my life....TOM says I need to eat 24/7 and that I really shouldn't leave the sofa....but I still won! Take that!!! lol
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I keep having this snack reoccurring everyday on my food diary: Lindor truffles. I hope now that I ate the last one they will stop showing up on my dairy.

    Otherwise I'm doing OK on food. I agree on how easy it is to get out of the exercise habit. I missed one week and it feels like months. But, I'm almost 100% again so I'm back to trying for 30 minutes a day.

    Have a great evening all,

  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Still going strong with 6 miles a day and have bumped it up to 600 crunches a day. Thanks to Salt n Peppa for that!!! I am hoping to bump my milage up soon but that all depends on how my training partner feels :wink: :wink: Great job last night lady!!! Tonight is date night and we have the whole night out to ourselves..this doesn't happen very often :happy: Just a few drinks for me and then its training again thats what I call fun!!!! Hope everyone has an awesome day!!! Happy Friday!!
  • sweetiekayk
    I keep having this snack reoccurring everyday on my food diary: Lindor truffles. I hope now that I ate the last one they will stop showing up on my dairy.

    That sounds like me during the holidays. I think I bought a bag every other day! It's my weakness.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all and TGIF! I'm posting a bit late because I've been really busy with work and I'm suffering from a bad headache too. Quick post. Today I completed the Core 20 and the Stretch 40 dvds from the Chalean Extreme program. While the pace takes a lot to get use to since it's sooooo much slower than our normal workouts my body appreciated the "rest". Can not wait to climb in my bed and relax. It will definitely be a low-key weekend.

    Jam: The great thing about the body is that it adapts pretty quickly so you'll be back at full force before you realize it. I happen to have a thing for Jalapeno flavored Tostitos and unfortunately for me I can eat an entire bag in one sitting if not careful. I was looking for some over the holidays b/c I told myself I was going to ween myself off come the new year and I couldn't find them anywhere. I went to 3 Walmarts and a grocery store. These are the same places I use to purchase the Tostitos from so I took that as a sign from God that he was helping to ween me off.

    Babygurl: I can only dream to run 6 miles one day. I wanted to train for a 5k but since I am completing the Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid I did not know where I could incorporate jogging.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: JAM you are so focused I know you will be back on track on no time.

    :flowerforyou: dancer, hormones are so rotten.....they just try to take over your life.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: babygurl, I am in awe of your training routine and continue to cheer you on to greater success.

    :flowerforyou: Choco, you might not be running six miles a day, but you are doing some amazing fitness work

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I did my usual line dance, jogging and dancing in front of the TV and walking in the nasty wind at the dog park...I'll be on the exercise bike in front of TV after dinner

    tomorrow I'll be gone to a day long meeting that's a two hour drive away so my exercise will be slim, my eating will be weird, and my time on the computer may be zero.:sad:
  • kladams1
    babygirl- You are the best motivator!! So tomorrow I plan on 7 miles at 13 minute miles. That is my goal. I did my cardio (your turbo) and was sweating at just the learn and burn. But tonight was a lot easier to follow and I kept up. So maybe a another week and I can try an actual workout. Thanks again.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon and happy Saturday to all! I got my day started off in the right direction by getting up early and completing Fire 45, then jumping rope for 15 minutes and then stretching it out for another 15 minutes. I completed a total of 75 minutes and burned over 700 calories in the process.....WooHoo.....WooHoo...

    Once the workout was complete, I hopped in the shower, got dressed and headed out the door to complete the errands. There's suppose to be a winter storm heading out way (GA) tomorrow evening and lasting until Monday evening so I wanted to ensure I had all the basics plus some rock salt just in case. Now that the workout is done, errands complete, bills paid, refrigerator stocked I can spend the rest of the day relaxin.............LIFE IS GOOD RIGHT NOW!!!!!

    Barbie: You're so supportive and I really appreciate it.

    Kladams: Good luck w/your 7 mile run.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today I completed the commercial challenge from the "Vixens and Foxes" thread. The goal was to complete some form of exercise during an hour long program. I decided to use the Kansas Chiefs vs Baltimore Raves football game. I started at 1:09 and finished at 2:09. I decided to jump rope during the commercial breaks. I used a stop watch to track my time and when it was all said and done I had jumped rope for a total of 25 minutes and 15 seconds.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We had a spectacular day yesterday….we left the house at 5:30 AM and got home at 7:30 PM and were in bed by 9PM. Since we were going to Seattle we were able to take the ferry so I got a nice 20 minute walk each way and that, along with a walk at lunchtime, allowed me to get 10,000 steps for the day….I didn’t get to go to the dog park or to ride the exercise bike or dance in front of the TV so my exercise was less than usual so even though my eating wasn’t too bad (Subway at lunch and a Kashi roasted vegetable pizza at dinner) I was about 700 calories over at the end of the day.

    :bigsmile: Yesterday the Seattle Seahawks were playing a game in the football playoffs and no one thought they could possibly win. During our meeting there were people checking the score on their smart phones and sharing the information with us. We listened to the last 5 minutes of the game on the car radio as we drove toward downtown Seattle to get on the ferry. As we drove past Qwest Field (the site of the game) the game had just ended and the streets were filled with happy fans. Many of them were walking toward the ferry (it’s less than a mile walk) and the ferry was filled with excited fans so while we were taking our walk on the passenger deck we were surrounded by the after game excitement of all the fans dressed in their Seahawks shirts, hats, and jackets.

    :bigsmile: Today it is snowing. We took the girls to the dog park about 10:00 and they played with three other dogs until everyone was exhausted. Since it is our Isagenix cleanse day, we are now settled at home to relax.:bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday! Well Georgia is in a State of Emergency due to the winter weather storm of 2011 that dropped between 3-6 inches in parts of Atlanta. After the snow came the freezing rain and the temperature is not expected to go above freezing for the next couple of days. I live right on the outskirts of Atlanta but since I'm not on a major street plow trucks have yet to dump any ice melt and my subdivision looks like a sheet of ice. I know 3-6 inches isn't a lot of snow but b/c the Southerners are not use to it it was dang near a frenzy at the grocery and hardware store on Saturday afternoon and evening. I'm so glad I handled my errands as I always do, first thing in the morning because by 3 pm the lines they showed on the news were ridiculous. Most of the Metro Atlanta county schools, businesses and government offices are closed but since I've been working from home the last few months it's business as usual for me and my team.

    My arthritis in my lower back and knee bothered me something awful last night and I got absolutely no relief until about 6 am this morning. I was able to get up and get at em about an hour ago in order to complete today's workout. Today begins my first week of the TF/CLX hybrid so I completed Push Circuit 1 and because I was aiming for at least a 60 minute workout, I also jumped rope for 10 minutes and concluded with a 15 minute stretch.

    Barbie: Glad to read you had such a wonderful day. I love days like that.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Choco - I hope you have a safe and warm snow day! It must be devastating to Atlanta.

    Barbie - I got excited reading your post thinking you were at the game. While I didn't like the outcome, I am sure for Seattle it was very exciting and everyone was really happy about the way it turned out.

    To all - Happy Monday! I hope you all have a good day food and exercise wise. May the sunshine over you! (Unless you want it to snow, then I hope you get dumped on)
