calf pain

I have been training for a mini for about 2 months. At the end of my first month during my walk/run I would have horrible pain on the inside upper part of my calf in between my bone and my muscle. It hurt so bad. I thought that it was shin splints. So I rested and iced and bengayed and wrapped my leg. Nothing helped my exercise partner suggested I go to the dr so I went and not shin splints and not stress fracture. But she did not know, so she told me to rest. Does anyone have any suggestions? Or ideas?


  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    eat lots of Bananas and keep hydrated. might try eating lots of oranges also for the lactic acid. That helps to get rid of leg cramps as well. I used to get the same thing when I was on the track team in High school and this is what I would do and it always seemed to help. HOPE THIS WORKS FOR YOU>
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    is it right along your shin bone? That's where I have a muscle that's sensitive --- I pulled it about a year ago and it even hurt to step, pretty much the only thing that works is lots of stretching and ice after any exercise. There are times when I start to run and recognize the pain, so I walk instead. Also, wear compression socks when you run - that made a huge difference too.
  • AMBrody
    I would go to a sporting goods store and get wraps for your calves. I bought two at ****'s sporting goods. They velcro around your leg while you exercise. Take your drs. advice and rest it for a few weeks.
  • SaraSwanson25
    I am having a similar problem. I looked it up on WebMD and it indicated Tendinitis. It suggested a change of shoes. My shoes are definitely worn out and need some replacing, for I have had them more than a year. I am hoping this will help a bit. I am waiting to actually purchase them this weekend once I get paid, but in the mean time it is ibuprofen and ice for me. For you, you may want to think about switching up your shoes. That may not be the problem, but something to think about. If new shoes haven't fixed the problem, I hope my doctor will have other suggestions, because when you have more than 30lbs to lose at her direction, rest just isn't an option.
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    I have the same problem. Last year I took time off because I had a xray, thinking it was a stress fracture which the doctor also thought it was (they didn't do the right kind of xray to see stress fracture). I started back up and towards late fall was having some problems, would hurt when I started running at about mile 3-4 it would go away. After my half in December it started becoming more annoying. I had a half in January and decided that after that I was off for 4-6 weeks, which btw is killin' me. I went to our physical therapy dept and had a sports evaluation done last week. They asked me about my shoes which were fine and about my strectching routine, which was simple, I don't stretch. After they had me walk and do a couple of other "tests" this is what they thought: Tender Posterior Tibidis Tendon. They suggest that I use a foam roller/stick massage, wear my running shoes regularly (my arches are falling), massage over area of pain and ice massages. Along with this they gave me some stretches (Gastroc stretch, soleus stretch and plantar fascia stretch). Sorry this is so long but reading it sounds just like what I've been going through. Hope this helps.
  • kladams1
    Thanks everyone for your help! :smile:

    It feels like it is behind the bone, extremely sensitive to touch. I just bought new shoes when I started. And it goes away after I run. I only have it when I walk fast for a few miles. I will stretch so often and it does not really seem to help.