pouncepet Member


  • My hero :love: Totally must not underestimate skinny chicks. Would not have thought you had the strength you look so frail! :laugh: Bet people frek out seeing you lift for the first time convinced you will hurt yourself.
  • Umm... Dont understand the issue or what advice you are trying ask for? Are you worried the fasting hours will be too long and difficult because it is in summer? Are you concerned you will binge at the end of the day? Are you asking if you should full fast (abstain from food and water) or water fast(abstain from food…
  • Downtown Edmonton here :flowerforyou:
  • *facepalm* oh geez... :noway:
  • 17lbs NOT ALOT OF WEIGHT?? I suggest you carry 17lbs in a backpack for an entire day or two then try and make that statement again. You are doing great! Keep at it!
  • Thank you for sharing! Its inspirational and wonderful to know our bodies can recover from abuse we put it through. This is also a great reminder not to allow myself to get sucked into eating ridiculously low amounts of calories in pursuit of a NUMBER. I am in pursuit of health and an attractive body. Hope the OP is doing…
  • I know right? :laugh: Imagine speaking to a 'wise elder' who is not up to date or who reads current events news. Or past events. If they decree they never heard of it - it didnt happen. Or better yet, if they stubbornly stick to 'facts' they know (like Fat makes you fat, eggs give you high cholesterol, you must follow the…
  • Take a good Multivitamin - they are not created equal. Eat more. As you get close to goal (and you are very close) the deficit should be like 200-300 calories. You are over taxing your body. Honestly, you should stop focusing on the scale - as in, throw it out. Eat (GOOD FOOD) at TDEE for a month, lift heavy weights, sleep…
  • So... you want which: 1. Achieve a certain size and physique OR 2. Achieve a number on the scale The two do not always go hand in hand. Anyway, no one save you and your doctor knows your weight - it isnt stamped on your forehead. But people can SEE you and your physique :glasses: Something to consider. Plus, women lie…
  • *facepalm* Oh yaaaaaaay... a man who knows what teenage and full grown women SHOULD weigh based on nothing but a couple of stats. :noway:
  • Huuuuuuge achievement in a short span! Well done! The hard work shows - you look great! Thanks for the inspiration and keep it up!
  • Amazing! Way to go! Am definitely going to check it out - Thank you for sharing.
  • PHENOMENAL!! And after all those babies too! As a young woman planning to eventually have a large family with my husband, its amazing and inspiring to see and know that it does not mean I cant look HOT post pregnancy! Thank you for sharing. You are fabulous!
  • Inspirational!! Thank you for sharing! Am definitely going to ease away from the scale and focus on logging food, measurements and weekly photos! Cheers!
  • ?? I think you are misunderstanding. No one here refuted IF - It is not intermittent fasting which she was suggesting. OP has made it clear she intended to do this (VERY NONSUSTAINABLE) extremely low calorie weight loss regime, that is meant for those in extreme life threatening conditions, for TEN times the alotted time…
  • Awesome thread! Thank you for sharing - was thinking of just going to get a body scan to get an accurate bf% but now am definitely going to look into testing my RMR too! Had no idea it was so affordable and takes so much of the guessing out of figuring out ones daily calorie burn. Brilliant! Btw, you look great! :-)
  • Getting rid of love handles of softness in your body (especially fatty prone areas like the belly) depends on body fat percentage - NOT the scale or BMI. Stuff like genetics will play a role of where you lose fat first/last (Men lose the stomach last - Woman lose the hips and bum last : Thank you evolution!) but if you…
  • TOM is a B**** for scales. Don't weigh in or if you do, be strong and dont freak out. This may be abit TMI but just last week I was constipated (I reworked my diet to add more fiber so it took a little adjusting) AND it was right before my TOM and I shot up 11 pounds in just a few days!!! That and I bloated. Bloated like…
  • Good reasons: Better Overall Health, Disease Prevention, Longevity & Quality of Life Practical reasons: More (and often cheaper) options for clothes, save money in the long run by having maintained health, fit into seats comfortably, not concern myself about fitting into spaces or move past people because Im large and…
  • Meh. If you like what you see in the mirror, nvm what the scale says - it is guide. If you want an accurate number then just get a new scale. I suggest just looking to pictures, measurements, clothes, how you physically feel and the mirror for more satisfying guides.
  • Looks like you are still a raving B at 1400/day. I suggest upping it a couple hundred calories so you avoid it at the Christmas celebrations. Eating more, being happy and relaxing will help. If not, at least that stick up your bum might dislodge itself. P/S: Dont ask for advice then turn around and be all 'woe is me' when…
  • I personally dont worry about sugar from fruits or vegetables, though I dont eat massive amounts of fruit anyway. I add no sugar to beverages (I only drink water and green tea-I like eating calories more than drinking them). No added sugar in any cooking and my husband and I watch out for sugar free options for the few…
  • Here here!! And even then you should just politely comment that the baby looks adorable with no references to the mother and thr state of her physique!!! I hesitate to make statements to my cousins body and we are family! How strangers feel it is alright confuses and terrifies me for when I decide I want to try for…
  • Fabulous!! It is always great to realize how your body can do things which the excess weight prevented before :)
  • My large, round, perky bum that I am working hard to ensure always defies gravity. Oddly enough, my husband has helped me come to love my feet! They are in fact beautiful and perfect :-D My eyes. I think I have a lovely face (although I still suffer many days of - OMG I AM HIDEOUS!!!) but my eyes are my favourite feature…
  • If you crave something sweet keep fruits and nuts on hand to fulfill it. It isn't easy working around special events but you need to learn what works for you because there are always going to be birthdays, weddings, parties, celebrations. I suggest making conscience choices to eat well every day and when special events…