Losing that belly

Hey guys, I'm just curious if anyone could give me some insight as to why it takes sooooo freakin long to get rid of body fat in the abdomen. I still have a belly and love handles after losing 60 pounds (started at 250 now I'm at 189) and after checking my BMI I'm only about 8 pounds away from the normal weight category... but there's no way that's right. It seems like I'm going to have to lose another 60 just to see some progress!

I run just about every day and I (mostly) stick to a very controlled diet. The holidays have been quite a challenge, no doubt about that :P

Thanks for whatever comments you have :)


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i wish i knew why? i hit my goal today and i have no desire to lose more weight and i still have lower belly fat.... i know many will just say to life heavy but i know so many that don't and lost it, maybe it's just in genetics
  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    Getting rid of love handles of softness in your body (especially fatty prone areas like the belly) depends on body fat percentage - NOT the scale or BMI.

    Stuff like genetics will play a role of where you lose fat first/last (Men lose the stomach last - Woman lose the hips and bum last : Thank you evolution!) but if you really want to tighten stuff up then you are going to have to aim for a low body fat %. It is also a better indicator of health than the scale or BMI.
  • kas_chat
    kas_chat Posts: 13 Member
    I have been looking into this because my husband has a big belly and his weight gain started in his belly... will that be his last place to loose it? I have weight around my belly too that as a female I acquired after the birth of my two boys 9 years and 5 years ago. Anyhow I found this that may be of some help to your research... go to Wikipedia and search "Abdominal Obesity". Also look up Dr Oz website as I once saw an episode of his daytime show about visceral fat. That is the fat that sits between internal organs and torso. In the peritonal cavity. The details and references in the article on Wikipedia are very interesting to read ... but need to get my head around how to reduce and control the cause of visceral fat. Look forward to seeing what others can suggest and add.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    It comes down to lowering body fat. To achieve that flat stomach. Have you thought about weight lifting? Or p90x type workouts.

    It could also be some excess skin on the belly. I have some on my belly, not a lot but I notice, it is obstructing my view of my abs enough to annoy the crap out me me!

    BTW... Congrats on losing 60 lbs! Awesome job!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I am in the same place. 276 down to 203 and can't get it to budge. I am lifting 3 times a week with a short cardio, and running about 20 miles.
  • cboutin89
    cboutin89 Posts: 79 Member
    Hey guys, I'm just curious if anyone could give me some insight as to why it takes sooooo freakin long to get rid of body fat in the abdomen. I still have a belly and love handles after losing 60 pounds (started at 250 now I'm at 189) and after checking my BMI I'm only about 8 pounds away from the normal weight category... but there's no way that's right. It seems like I'm going to have to lose another 60 just to see some progress!

    I run just about every day and I (mostly) stick to a very controlled diet. The holidays have been quite a challenge, no doubt about that :P

    Thanks for whatever comments you have :)

    Hey there,
    Good Job on your weight loss by the way. I also suffer from the same problem( I have a big belly also). It frustrates me that it is taking forever to go down despite all the diet and exercise I take part in. How is your diet by the way? Do you eat alot of sugar/salt?Do you eat past late hours?Do you drink? Are you getting enough fiber?Are you only running? The only thing I can suggest is increase your weight training( weights, crunches, cycling etc) . I heard these exercises do wonders for the belly. Combing strength with cardio might help with belly fat. There are also a couple of supplements out there like fish or flaxseed oil that help trim tummy fat. Remember you are doing great, just be patient.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    open up your diary so we can judge you, errr, help you with your eating.

    also, do you do strength training, or what do you do??
  • Congrats on your success so far! Just be patient and you will get there. The first place ( my stomach) where I gained fat was the last place for me to lose it as well.
  • open up your diary so we can judge you, errr, help you with your eating.

    also, do you do strength training, or what do you do??
    This! And I second the strength training even though it wont help you lose weight.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Diet and cardio = looking great in clothes

    Weights/Strength training = looking great naked!!!

    You need to continue lowering your body fat percentage, you need to add more variety to your exercising regime - including heavy lifting!
  • Diet and cardio = looking great in clothes

    Weights/Strength training = looking great naked!!!

    You need to continue lowering your body fat percentage, you need to add more variety to your exercising regime - including heavy lifting!
    This aswell!!
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    60lbs is an amazing loss - you should feel pretty kick-*kitten* for all your discipline and persistence!
    I have found it's a really gradual process even once you get to your goal weight range. Definitely strength training helps in addition to the cardio.

    I have been maintaining my loss for a while now, not sure if I need to lose more weight and my tum has thinned out a lot but there's still some stuff there. I definitely see less since I started strength training six months ago to add on to the cardio. I had a trainer show me a routine and that really helped to get me started.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Yes, I agree that its about losing overall BODY FAT, which can be done through cardio and even more importantly, strength training. I also do crunches and stuff so that when my body fat is low enough, I have some abs to show for it haha
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Without seeing your food diary, it's hard to say. When I first got my abs my eating plan wasn't near as healthy as it is now. I was 27 then and I'm 40 now lol.

    I would add more variety than running to your routine. DEF weight training and ab training. The muscle will help you burn more fat, which will help you lower your body fat. BMI and body fat are two entirely different things!
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Diet and cardio = looking great in clothes

    Weights/Strength training = looking great naked!!!

    You need to continue lowering your body fat percentage, you need to add more variety to your exercising regime - including heavy lifting!

    This. and it doesn't have to be super heavy. You are a guy. What is heavy to the women that constantly post this stuff will be relatively easy for you after a few months of playing catch up. You can tone up without hugely bulking up.
  • Kurls4Daze
    Kurls4Daze Posts: 125 Member
    I have read several things and it seems like its because of "SUGAR". try to avoid it as much as possible. Look for sneaky sugar additives such as, sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol. Also, look up juice fasting that worked for me!!!
    Hey guys, I'm just curious if anyone could give me some insight as to why it takes sooooo freakin long to get rid of body fat in the abdomen. I still have a belly and love handles after losing 60 pounds (started at 250 now I'm at 189) and after checking my BMI I'm only about 8 pounds away from the normal weight category... but there's no way that's right. It seems like I'm going to have to lose another 60 just to see some progress!

    I run just about every day and I (mostly) stick to a very controlled diet. The holidays have been quite a challenge, no doubt about that :P

    Thanks for whatever comments you have :)
  • a7percentsolution
    a7percentsolution Posts: 29 Member
    Strength training has been something I've considered. I have a kettle bell but I just haven't been using it like I should be. And I actually have p90x but used it like once, lol. New Year's Resolution? Sounds like it.

    And I can admit that what I eat probably still isn't ideal for dedicated health nuts (like rice, beans, egg whites... that kinda stuff), BUT I do stay within my limits and I make reasonable decisions. I adhere to the amounts MFP tells me I can have in carbs, sodium, fat, etc. And so far I'd say it's been working over all. I just expected a little less belly.

    Actually I shouldn't put it like that, my belly HAS gone down a bit but there's still enough left that it's driving me nuts. I went down from a size XXL to L so if that doesn't tell me something I don't know what will, lol. It'll just take a little more time, and if it's the last to go then I'm looking forward to sending it on it's way.

  • a7percentsolution
    a7percentsolution Posts: 29 Member
    I have read several things and it seems like its because of "SUGAR". try to avoid it as much as possible. Look for sneaky sugar additives such as, sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol. Also, look up juice fasting that worked for me!!!

    My sugar mostly comes from fruit actually. I typically have one banana and apple a day. And light yogurt. Nothing too serious. Avoid candy at all costs. Although I was bad about that in October for sure, lol.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I'm halfway to goal as of this week and was expecting greater changes in my belly area as well by this point. Everything I've read here and elsewhere swears by strength training as the way to really reshape the body so I've been doing it from the beginning. Hoping that when I arrive at goal I won't be disappointed...:ohwell:
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Go thru tricep a tops's pics. He was a big guy before. He knows what he is doing! I would take his advice over almost any other here.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Bad carbs like sugar and white flour just love to hang out around your belly!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Bad carbs like sugar and white flour just love to hang out around your belly!

  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Bad carbs like sugar and white flour just love to hang out around your belly!

    Agreed. Where it hangs out is almost entirely genetic.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Getting rid of love handles of softness in your body (especially fatty prone areas like the belly) depends on body fat percentage - NOT the scale or BMI.

    Stuff like genetics will play a role of where you lose fat first/last (Men lose the stomach last - Woman lose the hips and bum last : Thank you evolution!) but if you really want to tighten stuff up then you are going to have to aim for a low body fat %. It is also a better indicator of health than the scale or BMI.

    Not true. My butt went first, thank you.

    Edited: The thank you was sarcastic. Just thought I'd make that clear :)
  • 228lrt
    228lrt Posts: 49 Member
    Check out the book wheat belly-I don't follow it totally but about 90%. It really helped me!
  • For some of us, it really matters what kind of foods we are eating within our allowance. For me, it's not as simple as calories in < calories burned. But, it is (almost) as simple as less carbs, more protein. Carbs and simple sugars create a bloat. Slowly changing my snacking habits away from carbs and towards nuts and cheese has made a big difference. (BTW: I'm not talking about carb free, just carb light.)

    More power to you!
  • Dude, you are trying to fix the hardest area there is to fix. You think if you do a bunch of crunches you'll cut fat. Well, one pound of fat is 3500, and even if I row on my rowing machine for 60 minutes at a constant pace, I only burn b/t 800 and 900 calories. Can you imagine how many cruches it would take to actually burn one pound of belly fat??!!?? The only real way to bust belly fat is to run sprints or do the equivalent of sprinting in the weight room, which means circuit training. Running long distance burns calories, which is great for your health, but your heart rate needs to be in the fat-burning zone. So sprints and circuit training involving a variety of lifts, abs, and cardio exercises like jumping rope is your best bet for burning that blasted belly fat!