Eat More to Weigh Less? I THINK NOT!



  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I agree that this is BS.
    The only time you need to eat more is when you exercise. Even then, I try to eat to keep going - protein or whatever - and be healthy.
    This is one piece of advice I REFUSE to listen to because my experience shows that when I eat more, I weigh more!!! AND I want to eat more.
    I will continue to eat what I do and not worry about THAT advice.
    Doin' JUST FINE here, thanks :)

    "Eat More" doesn't necessarily mean eat more food or eat when you aren't hungry. It means eat more *calories*. So instead of having carrot sticks as a snack, you might have celery with a little bit of peanut butter instead. You aren't eating more food, just more calories.

    WHATTTTTTTT :indifferent:

    I think they meant more nutrient-dense foods by that. But...I could be wrong.

    I meant volume.

    A spoonful of peanut butter has, say, 200 calories.

    Or you could eat half a pint of blueberries for 100 calories.

    So, if you eat a spoonful of peanut butter instead of half a pint of blueberries, you're eating less food but more calories. That's what I mean when I say eating more to weigh less doesn't always mean eat more FOOD. It means eat more CALORIES.

    No, sorry. The whole "eat more to weigh less" thing is about calories.

    That's what I just said. :huh:
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    You could just forget the technical crap and just eat when your body tells you to. I don't particularly believe the "eat more weigh less" stuff people on this site say.

    you're too literal. In a way, eat more to weigh less agrees with eating when you are hungry.

    I tried 1200. I was hungry. so i ATE MORE. and now I weigh less. How can you disagree with that??

    How in the world does that agree with eating when you're hungry? Maybe some people just don't eat a lot and they are okay on 1200 calories a day? I'm sure everyone doesn't eat the exact same things every day, so that number can change. That's why I say just eat when you get hungry. You ate more, and you lost weight, that's great. But, shocker, not everyone is you.

    If you only ate when you are hungry, why are you here with weight to lose? Do you honestly think that we all know how to "listen" to our bodies properly? There are plenty of overweight people out there that under eat consistently and it keeps their metabolisms not functioning properly.

    Your assuming I'm done, and I don't have other crap I deal with and I'm perfect. Not the case. Are you looking to argue with me? Because I'm not trying to make anyone agree with me. I put my opinion on here and now I'm getting attacked (as usual) because people think because I don't do what they do I'm wrong. I'm not arguing with you. Disagree with me, fine, but I really don't give a rats butt what you have to say about it. Everyone is different and different things work for different people.

    I don't think you were getting attacked, you're the one saying not to bother with the "technical crap" when that "crap" may have well been a huge factor in other people's success. In any case, nice try at playing the victim!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I agree that this is BS.
    The only time you need to eat more is when you exercise. Even then, I try to eat to keep going - protein or whatever - and be healthy.
    This is one piece of advice I REFUSE to listen to because my experience shows that when I eat more, I weigh more!!! AND I want to eat more.
    I will continue to eat what I do and not worry about THAT advice.
    Doin' JUST FINE here, thanks :)

    "Eat More" doesn't necessarily mean eat more food or eat when you aren't hungry. It means eat more *calories*. So instead of having carrot sticks as a snack, you might have celery with a little bit of peanut butter instead. You aren't eating more food, just more calories.

    WHATTTTTTTT :indifferent:

    Yes.. you read that right.. eat more effing food. Get a HRM, start logging consistently. Stop making excuses
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I agree that this is BS.
    The only time you need to eat more is when you exercise. Even then, I try to eat to keep going - protein or whatever - and be healthy.
    This is one piece of advice I REFUSE to listen to because my experience shows that when I eat more, I weigh more!!! AND I want to eat more.
    I will continue to eat what I do and not worry about THAT advice.
    Doin' JUST FINE here, thanks :)

    "Eat More" doesn't necessarily mean eat more food or eat when you aren't hungry. It means eat more *calories*. So instead of having carrot sticks as a snack, you might have celery with a little bit of peanut butter instead. You aren't eating more food, just more calories.

    WHATTTTTTTT :indifferent:

    I think they meant more nutrient-dense foods by that. But...I could be wrong.

    I meant volume.

    A spoonful of peanut butter has, say, 200 calories.

    Or you could eat half a pint of blueberries for 100 calories.

    So, if you eat a spoonful of peanut butter instead of half a pint of blueberries, you're eating less food but more calories. That's what I mean when I say eating more to weigh less doesn't always mean eat more FOOD. It means eat more CALORIES.

    No, sorry. The whole "eat more to weigh less" thing is about calories.

    That's what I just said. :huh:

    Sorry!!! I really, really read that wrong!
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Sorry!!! I really, really read that wrong!

    Ha. I was so confused for a second. I had to re-read what I typed to make sure I didn't switch the words around. :bigsmile:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    If I never measured before using a scale, I don't see why I should start now. I mean, I understand what you guys are saying because I'm not seeing results but I'm not going to buy a bunch of stuff to try and lose weight. I know everyone on here who has lost weight does not own a scale.

    You should start now because you're not losing weight anymore. Actually, you should start logging and THEN start weighing and measuring.

    There's a phrase I like to use in situations like this:

    "Don't be surprised by the results you don't get from the work you didn't do."

    ^^^ Yep. All of this.
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    You could just forget the technical crap and just eat when your body tells you to. I don't particularly believe the "eat more weigh less" stuff people on this site say.

    you're too literal. In a way, eat more to weigh less agrees with eating when you are hungry.

    I tried 1200. I was hungry. so i ATE MORE. and now I weigh less. How can you disagree with that??

    How in the world does that agree with eating when you're hungry? Maybe some people just don't eat a lot and they are okay on 1200 calories a day? I'm sure everyone doesn't eat the exact same things every day, so that number can change. That's why I say just eat when you get hungry. You ate more, and you lost weight, that's great. But, shocker, not everyone is you.

    This is far too oversimplified.
    Hunger isn't always a reliable indicator.
    Anorexics often don't experience hunger and they are literally starving. Some obese people feel constant hunger and they do need to eat.
    Consistently under eating can affect hunger signals. Consistently under eating can have a negative impact on metabolism, which can make it harder to maintain when you reach goal.
    The idea of eating more to weigh less is not to eat tons of food, it is to eat enough food that you avoid excess muscle loss and to minimize the effect dieting has on your metabolism while still losing weight.

    But that isn't even the issue on this topic. OP did not even attempt to try the eat more to weigh less.

    Are you serious? Just because I didn't log it you're suggesting I haven't eaten more? You couldn't be anymore wrong. I DID eat more. And it felt great. Did I lose weight? No. I pretty much stayed the same. I understand you are trying to help but I know what I ate and how much even if it's not in the log.

    I wasn't referring to you about the hunger part.

    The last line I did. I don't understand how you can know how much you were eating when you weren't logging. You said yourself you didn't know how much some of your meals were.
    If you know what you ate fine. Like I said I'm done giving you advice. I just hate to see people avoid the EMTWL because you feel that is the reason you aren't losing when you aren't logging consistently. I said I was out, I shouldn't have come back. Curiousity kills the cat.

    3dogs is giving you the best advice in this thread--you should really thank her and think about what she's saying. You have to consistently log your calories or you simply have no idea what the numbers are, period. You can't say you tried EM2WL and it didn't work when you didn't follow the program. Follow the program as stated (not your own bizarre version of it) for a month or two and see what happens. Perhaps it will work for you, too.

    If you refuse to consistently and accurately log your food intake, I'm not sure how anyone can advise or help you. It's impossible for anyone to estimate what your empty food logs may or may not total. And who knows how many calories you possibly's all very mysterious.

    My suggestion is that you really buckle down, track everything accurately, and see what happens.

    This. Ohhhh this.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Sorry!!! I really, really read that wrong!

    Ha. I was so confused for a second. I had to re-read what I typed to make sure I didn't switch the words around. :bigsmile:

    Sorry again! I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday......I fail at reading comprehension right now.

    Lol! :tongue:
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    21 days is the key for me.. 21days to break a habit and make new ones.. I dont think u gave it long enough
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Sorry!!! I really, really read that wrong!

    Ha. I was so confused for a second. I had to re-read what I typed to make sure I didn't switch the words around. :bigsmile:

    Sorry again! I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday......I fail at reading comprehension right now.

    Lol! :tongue:

    It's okay. This whole thread is making my head spin.

    "Eating more didn't work. I have no idea how much I actually ate, but I'm going to blame eating more anyway."

  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Honestly, around here I think people worry way too much about "starvation mode". According to my research, it simply doesn't happen until calories drop to around 500. At levels around 1000-1200, your metabolic rate will drop from 14-22%, and that is nothing to worry about for most people. It won't make your body hold onto every ounce of fat, and you most definitely will not gain weight because of metabolic slow-down. Those are urban myths except for the very rare snowflake. You might, however, be cranky and tired, so if you can find a calorie level that leaves you satisfied and allows you to drop weight - even better for going the distance some of us have to go to get to a healthy weight.

    How is having your metabic rate drop by 14-22% not a big deal? That's a huge drop, and I would have a big problem with it. We all know that eating even a few hundred calories above your TDEE will result in consistent gains, adding on pounds. I know that you aren't advocating eating low calories, but I do think that a metabolic drop at that level is a big deal.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    You can't say it's not working if you're consistently under goal or not logging at all.
    I gained 3-4lbs when I started EMTWL and then I dropped about 10lbs over the next month. If you don't have much weight left to lose it will take time. Just eat more, hit your macros, exercise, stop stressing over the scale and enjoy life a bit more.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you're eating 1680 a day and not losing, then your TDEE probably isn't 2400. Or you just need to give it a while and your weight will start dropping again.
  • bevtyndall
    bevtyndall Posts: 72 Member
  • What is TDEE? I have no idea?
  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    I've never heard that. Before I do anything, I mention it to my grandmother or an elder. If they have never heard of it, it is simply fabricated. Go back to what was working for you before. I am not sure what you are preparing for, but don't be a nervous wreck. Get yourself straight and try again. :smile:

    And, it is very important to log in everyday. Ecspecially, if you are working towards a goal.

    What? You ask an elder if they have heard of something and if they haven't you dismiss it outright as fabrication? Ok then.

    I know right? :laugh: Imagine speaking to a 'wise elder' who is not up to date or who reads current events news. Or past events. If they decree they never heard of it - it didnt happen. Or better yet, if they stubbornly stick to 'facts' they know (like Fat makes you fat, eggs give you high cholesterol, you must follow the SAD diet to be healthy) and dismiss new research they 'never heard of' - then those 'facts' are true. Nevermind research, studies, history, other peoples experiences, science, etc. :smokin:
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    You probably should give it a little more time.

    ^This. You can't put your weight loss on a schedule, and if it was really that important then you should have planned for it sooner. Fast weight loss usually results in a rebound. Slow and steady keeps it off.

    Are you sure that your TDEE and BMR numbers are correct? If it asks you to select a model, try the Katch-McArdle.

    Also, a lot of people I follow on here tend to switch up their calorie goals from day to day and set weekly macros instead, therefore they eat lighter some days and heavier other days according to what kind of workouts they are doing (more on lifting days, less on cardio and rest days). If you're not having luck at your current goal perhaps try something similar to this.

    I recommend PMing Helloitsdan, he's a very helpful member on here and very knowledgeable about calories and how to balance eating and exercise to burn the weight off.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Intermittent Fasting 5:2
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat, a pound is a pound whether its a pound of gold or a pound of sand (why does everyone say this?!?) 2 +2 = 4.... As far as volume a pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle, so inches are lost versus weight.
  • LesaLu4
    LesaLu4 Posts: 83
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    If I never measured before using a scale, I don't see why I should start now.
    Because your career depends on it?
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    If I never measured before using a scale, I don't see why I should start now.
    Because your career depends on it?

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If I never measured before using a scale, I don't see why I should start now.
    Because your career depends on it?


  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat, a pound is a pound whether its a pound of gold or a pound of sand (why does everyone say this?!?) 2 +2 = 4.... As far as volume a pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle, so inches are lost versus weight.

    This. I asked my doctor about this because I have seen it so many times on MFP about muscle weighing more than fat and that was exactly her answer. A pound of anything is a pound...muscle is about 20% more dense than fat so takes up less room.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    If I never measured before using a scale, I don't see why I should start now.
    Because your career depends on it?



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat,
    Yes it does.
    a pound is a pound whether its a pound of gold or a pound of sand (why does everyone say this?!?) 2 +2 = 4....
    Gold costs more than silver. Nobody ever says "a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat" any more than someone would say "$100 worth of gold costs more than $100 worth of silver." That isn't what "costs more" or "weighs more" mean.
    As far as volume a pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle, so inches are lost versus weight.
    Since muscle and fat don't come in standard units, obviously "by volume" is what people mean when they say this.
  • zefreak
    zefreak Posts: 37
    I literally just do the "Eat when I am physically hungry" thing. Alot of the foods I eat are low calorie BUT extremely fulling (I was shocked the other day when I had some raw cucumber and it only equaled to 8 calories! And that kept me full for a few hours) TBH I don't really pay too much attention to how little calories I am eating, I pay more attention to if I am eating too many, and to keep track of what I am eating. The more to 1700 I get (The recommended amount before exercise) the more weight I put on, so I have to try keep it less (Even when I have exercised although I let myself eat more if need be) and that also makes me eat healthier cause I know I don't have as many calories to eat.

    It really is about listening to your body and doing whats right for YOU No persons answer is right really, do what you think is best....

    BUT if you do want to up your calories next time, maybe do it SLOWLY, add 50-100 every 4-5 days

    But most of all make a decision and STICK WITH IT for at least 2-3 months, and try to keep to the same amount of calories give or take 100 every day, if you keep jumping 500-600 calories difference all the time your body will get confused

    Good luck :) x
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I'm not certain what you're wanting in this thread, but medicine that gives you diarrhea will make you lose pounds really fast. Also dehydration, shaving body hair/getting a hair cut/plucking eyebrows, trimming your nails, and exfoliation. All these combined might give you measurable results. But you have to realize, you cannot leave any hair behind. If you're going to commit to this approach, you will need to remove every follicle for any hope of shedding a full pound.
  • xxtaliaxx
    xxtaliaxx Posts: 123
    So basically you guys are telling me that I need to cook all the time, never eat out and invest in a scale?