

  • my x-hubby took it. I think he still has it now 5yrs after we split up.
  • a tyre woohoo!! lmao not what I was expecting from the title but thanks for the laugh!
  • Not sure how true this is but when I was doing one of these god awful expensive weight loss programs that apparently goes on your blood test results ect one of the things we HAD to eat every day was a green apple. The reasoning for this is a green apple puts the elasticity back in your skin and minimizes baggy left over…
  • Nikilis: how do I open it up?
  • hi larbot I have had massive migraines and shakes since cutting out the coffee but they are getting better with every day. i'm not enjoying it one little bit but trying hard to keep it up. nikilis: Yes I did miss breaky that day, I have insomnia and finally fell asleep at 7am then got up at 11 and made an early lunch.…
  • Yes it is hard but it can be done I am a fellow sufferer but had to use IVF for my kids and the weight gain from all the hormones they pump you full of was my downfall. It may be a little slower then everyone else but you can get there. this explains it really well:…
  • Thank Ajy I am really trying to keep my snacks up between meals, today was the 1st time I have actually felt hungry and it was about half an hr after I finished my work out so I had a big lunch.. Still only 300 calories but it was big! Hi RobKarmic it's nice to meet another coffee addict! I have added some of my coffee in…
  • When I was working I used to take the pancakes, they worked really well filled with stuff. I had not thought about using them in a lasagne, I will have to try it. The gluten free lasagne sheets here are stiff and hard when you cook them. I am in love with a company's products called Passage foods. They make the most divine…
  • I have just stated it today, although I didn't have any dumbbells so I used 2 x 600g cans of food out of the pantry. and omg did I feel it! I have never done any exercise as such other then dancing so complete newbie start but didn't want to wait till I got some dumbbells.
  • Thanks pkaz, I will add some milk and protein shakes to my day. I hope you have got your calories working for you. good luck!
  • Hay nxd10 Yea I was having what I considered to be the fatty choices of my diet to see if I could get my calories up and it still didn't work. I measured the cheese but guessed the butter and they have the exact gluten free bread in their menu. I don't like a lot of stuff and hate dressings and sauces so everything is…
  • lol Zyntx, I do eat loads but I don't like nuts and dried fruit, I don't enjoy eating chocolate unless i'm in a real mood to (maybe once every 4months or so) my lack of energy comes from another issue. Amlong1997: I had not thought of the protein shakes, thank you that may be a good answer. I will have to look into them…
  • Know just how you feel hunny, I can't tell you why he does it but I know the feeling that hit's you as soon it leaves their lips. You have done an amazing job and i'm sure you look stunning and when you walk into those shops I am sure you feel better. that's the feeling you need to hold on to when you need it most. That…
  • My biggest issue is I pick while i'm cooking for the kids, then have dinner about 9 at night cause my partner hates eating with the kids. Also have 3 kids and I lost the weight between my 1st and 2nd by dancing around the house all day while I was doing all the jobs that needed to be done. (kids thought it was a laugh and…
  • I have been going by daily but I don't get it. If I eat what I normally would it says I will loose about 7 kilo's in 5 weeks but then says i'm not eating enough. I then go and eat more so that all the counts are just below the daily numbers and then it says I will only loose 2 kilo's in 5 weeks. Obviously i'm doing…
  • I'm extremely new, please add me as a friend. thank you