

  • U2's 360 tour in Seattle, June 2011. Excellent in every way....esp being there with my daughter!
  • I can relate. My mom told me a few weeks ago that "for your structure, you are a little overweight." Thanks mom! But actually it is the kick in the butt I needed. Glad to hear you're turning your remark into something good....renewed determination & a salad! lol
  • Request a complete set of tests: blood, metabolic, glucose, lipids.....all of them. Make sure he goes over the results with you until you understand what they mean. You're on the right track, good luck!
  • I sleep much better if I have some pb or an apple close to bedtime. I budget my calories to do this. If I don't have my snack I tend to wake up frequently and nosh on chips or something evil like that :embarassed:
  • It's burning more calories than you eat.
  • Lots of good info, thanks everyone! I think I'll just stick with the occasional Wyler's Sugar-Free single now and then.
  • I quit caffeine because I HAD to. I tapered off, and if you get withdrawal headaches (and you might not) take some ibuprofen. It will pass. Increase your water too. Be very sure to check labels, caffeine is in lots of things you might not suspect (some root beers, Excederin, codeine sometimes.) You can do this, and I hope…
  • He is a gorgeous little person! Congrats to you. The only thing I would advise you to do is get health history from his dad's side. It's important anyway, but some diseases & problems are more prevalent in African-Americans then Caucasians. Good luck & I hope he's a good sleeper (;
  • I always eat, no problem there. What I was curious about was yesterday I came in with a 700cal deficit. I had exercised & was just NOT hungry (probably because I had binged the day before. Thank you for your reply!
  • What are they? I've never heard of pickle pops before.
  • The gym I go to is small, and there's not a lot of equipment. There are 2 treadmills & 3 ellipticals. If both treadmills are in use, and I've waited 25mins and this one particular guy is showing no sign of stopping, I DO interrupt and ask when he's going to be done. Gym policy is clear: 30mins when someone is waiting. He…
  • That sounds more like binging to me. I wonder what it's doing to the metabolism also.
  • Thank you both for your answers. It just seemed to me that when I was exercising, eating and reaching 1200, I felt nauseous and tired a lot. Realistically, I don't think I could stick to a strict eating pattern that low.
  • Maybe eating some of the earned calories would be best? If I earn 400, and eat back 200, I'd still be ahead of the game. (I hope)
  • I've always heard that nicotine is a appetite suppresant. Probably is.
  • I think you're on to something with the serotonin/dopamine levels. I already take a mild antidepressant because I have bipolar disorder, but maybe I need a tune-up! Thank you much for your reply.
  • You gave me a lot, and I thank you!
  • You gave me a lot, and I thank you!
  • I've heard that you base your caloric burn from weight lifting by the length of time you lifted (i.e., 30mins.) That doesn't work for me, maybe yor post will bring some more accurate methods to light.
  • True enough, but it seems to me that if I could burn 300 cals doing a short walk like that, I wouldn't need to lose weight now. I would've been burning up the pavement! :laugh: Anyway, thanks for the reply, and good luck in meeting your goals.
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