

  • I miss my Cadburry Creame Eggs :( I know I'm getting an Easter Basket, but I'm going to try to stretch it out by keeping to serving sizes and portion control. It'll be hard, but just think how much longer that yummy chocolate will last. Maybe?
  • Small portion of almonds? Ok, that's my 2 cents as really I just had to drop in and say that I want to use your plan. I'm remembering the days in college when I'd go to the salad bar and make a spinach salad with tuna on top, and then use the oil and vinegar to make a simple dressing, topped with a few sunflower seeds.…
  • I got some SmartWool socks when I got my new blades. They're supposed to help wick away moisture and also help keep your feet from swelling. My ankles will sometimes be sore after a trip out, but often times it is an indicator that my roller blades were just too tight. Today I got to the head of my street and had to stop…
  • I have this problem too. I've made a mental note that I'm not going to eat anything after 8pm (with the exception of Wednesdays when I don't get off work until 8). I keep a bottle of water with me at all times, and I have some Extra Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream gum on my desk. My favorite ice cream in a stick of gum :)…
  • I'm glad you posted this, because I'm seriously considering Subway for lunch tomorrow. I know they have suggestions and so forth for you in their little menu, but I'm that person who would order a 6" turkey breast on Italian with spinach, cucumber, yellow peppers, ranch, and dry herbs and that's probably not the best thing…
    in SUBWAY Comment by mccaugkm April 2011
  • Use caution if you're going to wear heels that much. Wearing heels causes varicose veins, not to mention can lead to pretty painful ankle injuries.
  • I had a cup of fresh pineapple for lunch, which I'm sure had an impact too. A few years ago for Lent I tried to give up sugar entirely (like candy and such) and I'd rely on fruit. No kidding, I hardly lasted two weeks before I was lethargic and sleepy all the time. Cutting back to 1/4 cup of M&Ms is a huge difference…
  • Wow! 20 1/2 what an amazing life!! I have a friend who has a 10 month old Cavalier and she just got a 10 week old pup as well. The two play well together, and the older one has become a little more subdued. I don't think it's a bad idea to have two dogs so that they can play with each other, but it's of course important to…
    in Pets? Comment by mccaugkm April 2011
  • Sassy is my little Papillon in my ticker. She passed on January 12 of this year at 16 1/2 years old. She would have been 17 on April 23. Here's another picture of her: (Ok, I can't get the image to post... here's the url:)
    in Pets? Comment by mccaugkm April 2011
  • 4 laps in the outside lane?
    in Nike+ ? Comment by mccaugkm April 2011
  • Thanks for all the advice! I hope I haven't messed it up by calibrating it to match what the treadmills were reading. I have New Balance shoes, so I have the little adapter ( that you tie onto your shoe. Of course, looking at that picture, that method of tying makes…
    in Nike+ ? Comment by mccaugkm April 2011
  • If I didn't prepare the couscous though, how do I start guessing?
  • Cool. I got a second pair of shoes today, to replace a hiking-type shoe I've had for a few years. I went with the New Balance Minimus, their 'barefoot shoe." While at the shoe store I also got the adapter for the Nike+ system! This made me ridiculously happy, because I thought I had to get Nike+ shoes to use the chip. I…
  • I want in, but I need some tips :-\ SW: 155 GW: 145
  • Hey! I'm in Ohio too, Cincinnati area :)
  • Just from walking? How far do you walk on the treadmill each day? Flat or incline? And this is a silly question, but what sort of shoes? I have the NewBalance toning shoes ( and used them a lot in the fall, but did not wear them in winter. Now that it is getting warmer I hope to…