Nike+ ?

Yesterday I bought new shoes, and with them I bought the adapter for the Nike+ chip and I also got the sports band.

Eager to try it out I went to the gym yesterday and used the treadmill to measure my mile.

My results were as follows:

Watch: 1.03m
Treadmill: 1m

So I calibrated my distance to 1m one I got back to my computer.

Today, I walk another mile on the treadmill. Different treadmill.

Here are the results:

Watch: .80m
Treadmill: 1m

What?! Again I calibrated it to 1m when I got home, but what's up?! Why the sudden dramatic difference? I was even more careful today than yesterday in starting the walk as soon as my distance started ticking away on the treadmill. Maybe the treadmill is faulty? I'm not sure. I plan on using that same treadmill the rest of the week, but wow! .2 miles, I'm frightened of that dramatic difference in measurement.

Did I maybe place the sensor on a bad place of my shoe?


  • fatreddhead
    I calibrated my nike+ on the track at the high school near my house. Whenever I go to the gym it seems that the treadmills are off.. sometimes REALLY off. I dont even pay attention to them any more. :)
  • laurennn16
    i would calibrate it outside first, somewhere were you know for sure you are walking/running a mile (say a school football track). Calibrate it for a mile run (try to keep an even pace throughout the whole run), then do the same for a walk, and then repeat both to make sure its right. Then you shouldn't have to calibrate it again for another month or so.
    Are you shoes the Nike+ shoes? If so they have a spot for the sensor, if not you wanna put it as close to the bottom of your foot as possible. If you can, try and situate right under the shoe tongue.
    I don't know anything about the sports band, so I have no advice on that..
  • laurennn16
    I calibrated my nike+ on the track at the high school near my house. Whenever I go to the gym it seems that the treadmills are off.. sometimes REALLY off. I dont even pay attention to them any more. :)

    And yes! I meant to include that. Most all treadmills I've run on are off at least by a little- my one at home is actually off by like a mile, haha.
  • danalmasy
    It seems normal for the Nike+ to be a fraction off, .03 is pretty typical in my experience. I would trust the sensor more than the treadmill just because it's actually monitoring your movement, whereas the treadmill is just monitoring how long it's running, at least that's how I understand it to work.

    Do your shoes have the slot for the sensor under the sole? Or are you using something that ties to the laces?
  • Steelalady
    I also have found the treadmiles at the gym to be off. I use the Nike+GPS app on my phone & have found the treadmills are not reliable. For example, my Nike+GPS clocked me at 3.87 miles the treadmill clocked me at 3.05 miles. I agree with doing the calibration outside and dont pay attention to the treadmill info!
  • mccaugkm
    mccaugkm Posts: 29
    Thanks for all the advice!

    I hope I haven't messed it up by calibrating it to match what the treadmills were reading.

    I have New Balance shoes, so I have the little adapter ( that you tie onto your shoe. Of course, looking at that picture, that method of tying makes much more sense than how I was tying it!

    The sports band is just the watch/usb that actually shows you how far you are walking.

    I can probably get over to the high school track this afternoon sometime and walk a mile. I need to figure out how many laps, it's been so long since I used the track - not since I was required to run it in school actually, and hopefully I can get it calibrated properly then. I can't use the Nike+ for running, only because doctors orders are not to run. My poor mini-me is so bored, sitting on the beach playing video games.
  • laurennn16
    Thanks for all the advice!

    I hope I haven't messed it up by calibrating it to match what the treadmills were reading.

    I have New Balance shoes, so I have the little adapter ( that you tie onto your shoe. Of course, looking at that picture, that method of tying makes much more sense than how I was tying it!

    The sports band is just the watch/usb that actually shows you how far you are walking.

    I can probably get over to the high school track this afternoon sometime and walk a mile. I need to figure out how many laps, it's been so long since I used the track - not since I was required to run it in school actually, and hopefully I can get it calibrated properly then. I can't use the Nike+ for running, only because doctors orders are not to run. My poor mini-me is so bored, sitting on the beach playing video games.

    4 laps is a mile :)
    but that is fine, just calibrate it for your walk, just make sure you are keeping a nice even pace
  • mccaugkm
    mccaugkm Posts: 29
    Thanks for all the advice!

    I hope I haven't messed it up by calibrating it to match what the treadmills were reading.

    I have New Balance shoes, so I have the little adapter ( that you tie onto your shoe. Of course, looking at that picture, that method of tying makes much more sense than how I was tying it!

    The sports band is just the watch/usb that actually shows you how far you are walking.

    I can probably get over to the high school track this afternoon sometime and walk a mile. I need to figure out how many laps, it's been so long since I used the track - not since I was required to run it in school actually, and hopefully I can get it calibrated properly then. I can't use the Nike+ for running, only because doctors orders are not to run. My poor mini-me is so bored, sitting on the beach playing video games.

    4 laps is a mile :)
    but that is fine, just calibrate it for your walk, just make sure you are keeping a nice even pace

    4 laps in the outside lane?
  • laurennn16
    there should be starting lines for each lane, and ending lines. so just make sure you follow them and stay in your lane the whole time