Saddle Bags - How to loose them

Hi FitnessPal people!

I just recently started using MyFitnessPal again. I had downloaded it as an attempt to start 2011 off right, but having never been a "calorie counter" my time logging my meals was short. But now I'm re-inspired.

Not only am I going on a 3-week long trip to Europe in May, but my boyfriend has asked me to attend a friend's wedding with him later this month. I'd like to look nice for that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not overweight. But I'm also not tone like I once was.
Once upon a time I was 10 pounds lighter and very defined thanks to very rigorous exercise in the summer's heat for about 14 hours/day for three months. Start the day with 90 crunches and continue doing those crunches for 90 days and anyone would like the abs they end up with. But when you're not with the 100-some other people also doing this activity with you, slacking and becoming lazy is easy.

So here is where I need some help. I know I can loose some of my tummy gut with that routine of crunches, but what do I do about this obnoxious "saddle bag" pudge? I absolutely hate it and I'll admit I've been trying for some time to get rid of it, and nothing seems to work!

I go to the gym and my typical routine is:
-elliptical (1-2 miles)
-hip abductors (there are two machines, one works the thighs and the other works the groin)
-leg press (feet together, heels together toes apart, feet about a foot apart, and then heels a foot apart and toes pointed outwards)
-calf raises
-leg lifts

My upper-body routine is limited due to some serious scar tissue in my left scapula. It's usually one or two exercises like a seated bench press or row machine, but weight wise I'm advised not to go over 25 pounds.

I'm also advised not to run because my left ankle was severely sprained in 2009 and thanks to having just graduated college I had no health insurance to go get it looked at. I wrapped it myself and went on with daily life when I should have been in at least an air cast and on crutches. Fortunately when it comes to exercises like the elliptical and everything I mentioned above, I'm not too limited - just limited on running because of it being so high-impact.

So, does anyone have any advice?

Thank you :)


  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    I have bad ankles, too, and I walk on a treadmill. If walking isn't too much for you, my saddle bags are practically gone.
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    My friend told me she is losing her saddle bags....she does kick boxing and the elliptical.
  • mccaugkm
    mccaugkm Posts: 29
    Just from walking? How far do you walk on the treadmill each day? Flat or incline? And this is a silly question, but what sort of shoes?

    I have the NewBalance toning shoes ( and used them a lot in the fall, but did not wear them in winter. Now that it is getting warmer I hope to get back out in them.
  • maggieschuck
    I also struggle with the dreaded saddle bags. My waist to my knees are my worst area. I have been able to make some progress in that area but its hard work. I do wall sits, tension band- side steps, lunges, bike, rowing, elliptical, and most of the leg weight machines. For me its a combination of loosing weight and targeting that area.

    I was running a few miles a week but the high impact caused too much strain on my left foot. I had hurt the arch on my left foot. I had running shoes and full arch supports but its not worth the pain. Dr just gave me a " no running" order.

    Keep up the hard work and it will pay off.
  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    Just from walking? How far do you walk on the treadmill each day? Flat or incline? And this is a silly question, but what sort of shoes?

    I have the NewBalance toning shoes ( and used them a lot in the fall, but did not wear them in winter. Now that it is getting warmer I hope to get back out in them.

    Those aren't silly questions at all! I walk while doing the reading for the classes I'm taking, so it's only around 2.5 mph w/o an incline for about 1-2 hours at a time. I'm also trying the barefoot thing out, a few friends of mine swear by it. I think a big thing is eating better as well. I won't say for sure that this'll take care of the saddle bags completely because I don't know if it will, but I've seen a vast improvement in the tone of my lower body since I've started walking so much.
  • mccaugkm
    mccaugkm Posts: 29

    I got a second pair of shoes today, to replace a hiking-type shoe I've had for a few years. I went with the New Balance Minimus, their 'barefoot shoe." While at the shoe store I also got the adapter for the Nike+ system! This made me ridiculously happy, because I thought I had to get Nike+ shoes to use the chip. I went to the gym this afternoon, out of the blue (which is not something I usually do) and walked a mile to start calibrating the chip :)