mbcieslak87 Member


  • We usually eat out twice a week... usually one lunch and one dinner; barely ever fast food (maybe 2-3 times a year). I typically only eat 1/2 of what is served and then push it away from me or offer it to others. Sometimes I try to order the healthiest thing on the menu but other times I just get what I really want and…
  • Girl! NO ONE looks great after just having had a baby. Those pics you see of celebrities who bounce back immediately are airbrushed 99% of the time. Focus on being healthy for you and your baby, not weight loss, right now. Often enough the pounds come off on their own in time, and if not, you can focus on weight loss…
  • As so many have said before me, I think that most of us who are most successful at losing weight or maintaining a healthy lifestyle tend to factor in “treats” regularly. If Oreos are your favorite food, pretending you’re never going to eat another Oreo is ridiculous. Rather than deprive yourself of them for a while, allow…
  • Dang, low carb would have been hard for me during pregnancy since carbs were the only thing I could tolerate without extreme nausea! I think seeing a RD is a fantastic idea; they will likely be able to provide some ideas of meals that fit your dietary needs. Also walking is wonderful exercise and doesn’t get the respect it…
  • Hahaha I mean ever? Probably 6-7000. I’m a 5’6” female and weigh 138. But yeah on vacation or something, where you’re drinking all day and eating out all your meals... tons of calories sometimes.
  • I haven’t had to lose large amounts of weight but still often eat huge volumes of food. Lots of veggies, lots of lean protein, some carbs, and some fats occasionally. It’s really all about finding a balance that works for you between volume of food and satiating foods. For example, my breakfast today was huge and only…
  • If what you’re doing is working for you, then keep doing it! People love to act like their way of losing weight is the only way, but in reality, whatever is sustainable for you is the best option for you. Congrats on your progress!
  • As someone who had a baby recently (ish) I completely understand how it’s easy to become desperate to lose the baby weight immediately, but it’s most important to do it slowly and safely so it’s healthy and stays off. I found with just eating at maintenance, breastfeeding, and working out 3-4 days a week (resistance…
  • I change it up often, but lately my go-to weekday breakfast is 2x large eggs and an extra egg white; I mix with veggies; typically mushrooms, bell peppers, and tomatoes and make a little scramble which I top with habanero hot sauce. I have two slices of Dave’s killer thin sliced bread on the side with 12g of butter and no…
  • Completely agree... throw the Oreos and any other super-tempting food out. When you hit your calories for the day, it’s a lot easier to stop when none of your favorite foods are laying around. That’s not to say you can never have an Oreo again ... but don’t keep them at arm’s length, where they’re easily accessible in a…
  • Why don’t you make your self a burger or make yourself some pizza, or whatever you love. You’ll never stick to a diet in the long run if you deprive yourself of everything you love. I make mini pizzas several times a week for lunch.. we have burgers and homemade “fries” a couple times a month for dinner and I still eat…
  • It will get better... those first few weeks are so hard, but go to the store and stock up on healthy easy snacks and meals... frozen stuff is your friend right now. You will sleep, workout, and prepare healthy meals again, I promise!
  • Walk! A lot! I wasn’t up for much more but walked 2-3 miles 5x a week in my second and third trimesters and I’m convinced it helped me immensely. (I barely worked out my 1st trimester because I was so nauseated... didn’t throw up much, but just felt terrible all the time) I wouldn’t recommend restricting your diet in any…
  • Everyone in the gym is way more interested in themselves to pay much attention to anyone else... the gym is one of the few places on earth where it’s ok to be a complete narcissist😂 ... use that to your benefit and put on your favorite music or podcast... (or audiobook in my case) and just focus on yourself. If people in…
  • It takes time for your body to recover! Even if you lose the weight quickly, it isn’t the same as it was prior to the baby. Those muscles have loosened up to allow life... its amazing but it takes time for them to return to a semblance of the way they were before. I too lost all the weight by my 6 week checkup (and 10…
  • Yeah, it sounds like you're in a tricky situation... for breakfast I would eat something large - I am already a huge breakfast eater, and even then I'm hungry by 1pm though. My personal go-to is an egg white omelet with ground turkey and veggies thrown in, vanilla greek yogurt with fiber one cereal mixed in and a…
  • I'm on week 13 (or week 1 of 2.0)- I love it! I completed 1.0 on May 20th, went on vacation for 2 weeks and am now back at it starting 2.0. Its definitely tough (and doesn't really get any easier cause the workouts keep getting tougher; I'm panting by the end of each round pretty much always) but an awesome workout and…
  • I'm on week 10 - I love it! it's so brutal but effective, at least for me
    in BBG Comment by mbcieslak87 May 2016
  • I pretty much stuck to the 3x a week - sometimes i could add in a 4th time when i was still still early in the process but once the weight got heavy (relative to my novice abilities) i found that three was plenty to see results and i needed the rest days to recuperate. I did run 2-3x a week as well, so just get exercise in…
  • True JaneJellyRoll - I have just seen many newbies vastly over-estimate their daily activity. You're definitely right overall though.
  • If you would rather get more complicated, a lot of people like Scooby for calculating deficits... but as I mentioned before, this is your daily calories and you don't get to add exercise to this calculation, because it's already accounted for. http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • Yeah, you can get really complicated with trying to figure out exactly how many calories you need to get the exact deficit you want, but typically the basic number MFP gives you will work to help you lose at first. However remember that if you want to eat back workout calories, you need to make sure you're entering you…
  • I have come to love using MFP because it's like a puzzle to figure out how to fit all the things I want to eat into my week and ways to take recipes I love and make them lower calorie/better macros, so that I can have my cake and eat it too :) It also really helps with grocery lists when I plan ahead and then can just go…
  • I agree with several here that C4 is pretty mild but gets the job done of a gentle boost for a morning workout - I only get the tingles if I have a heaping scoop and they go away as soon as I start working out. C4 also tastes great to me compared to a lot of other brands - I often have a hard time choking down some of the…
  • So cute and true!
  • My food scale and I are BFFs... I have lost weight in the past without one - I was still a little Nazi about serving sizes, but it was so much more time consuming to be strict without one. I would literally pour out a box of pasta that had 7 servings and divide all the pieces up into 7 piles and put them in separate…
  • There are plenty of exercises that strengthen your abdominal muscles that you can do without any equipment, however you will not be able to see those muscles unless you lose the fat layer over them. You can't spot treat fat loss; you only lose fat on a caloric deficit and that will come off your whole body according to…
  • I've lost weight on vacation before and attribute it to all the extra walking I do, and less snacking. That being said, as many people have mentioned before me, weight loss is not linear and you may see a gain next week, or maybe it was just your body letting go of some fluid/bloat it had been holding on to... just please…
  • Seamstresses can work wonders with dresses - i tried on an 8 and I'm normally an 8 and it fit great so i bought it... well tale of needing to size up two sizes, it turns out the one i tried on fit great because it had been stretched out by so many other women trying it on, so even though i lost 7 more lbs (was 132 at 5'6")…
  • I'm not really built for muffin tops, but am a thunder thigh girl instead... but I have definitely noticed over the years that my left thigh loses cellulite much more slowly than the right; my right legs can looked toned and decent in shorts and my left leg will still be pretty gross... I think everyone loses weight in…