My husband thought the line in "Oh Holy Night" was "round, young virgin". We have laughed about that every year. He is not the only person who thinks this apparently. LOL!
Not at all. I occationally have to have prescripts of B-12 myself as it runs low periodically, along with my iron levels. I can tell when it is running low as I fell sluggish and sleepy (low iron) and often have panic attacks when my B-12 is low.
Try Gold Bond . . . same idea as baby powder, but the medication in it will actually help not just prevent, but heal the chafing that you already have. :smile:
I read it with a friend. It is a wonderful, wonderful book! Highly recommended!
Greek yogurt . . . I specifically like the Chobani yogurts.
Bump . . . can ALWAYS use new recipe ideas! :)
Eating right, for sure. Exercise gives your eating right a boost, but my trainer always uses the 80/20 analogy as well. It is 80% nutrition & 20% exercise.