

  • Thanks everyone! I actually had cut down to only smoking 2 - 3 cigarettes a day. Then Sunday morning, I woke up and I didn't have any and I said to myself, "I am not buying anymore cigarettes. If I can deal with only smoking 2 cigarettes a day then I can deal with not smoking any cigarettes." So far, my cravings are…
  • My co-worker was selling this 'fantastic' new diet pill that she had taken and lost 30 lbs on. She said it was 'all-natural' and didn't cause any side effects and took away all her cravings. So she brought 2 sample packs to work and gave them to me and another co-worker. She was right. It made me not want to eat…
  • I see that a lot of people disagree on this subject. I even tried to research it a little and there is still no clear answer. I, myself, only add to my water intake if I drink plain water. I also drink a lot of coffee but I log that as coffee...because that's what it is. I've always heard that caffiene dehydrates you so I…
  • That's the first place I lose weight :(
  • Oh how could I forget Stephen King's The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption and Stand by Me (short story The Body)...those are also really GOOD adaptations!
  • Most Stephen King books, with the exception of The Shining. I will, of course, still watch them simply because I am a HUGE SK fan. The Mist has to be the worse though. Simply because it ends differently (and horribly!!) Also I loved both the book and movie of Interview with a Vampire but Queen of the Damned was absolutely…
  • I am currently working on getting out of the 200's. The only time I've weighed over 200 pounds was when I was pregnant and I only got up to 201 (Yes, I weigh more now than when I was 9 months pregnant). My goal is to get down to 150, however, I would be happy at 160 or 165. Good luck on finding 1derland!!! :)
  • I'm starting again too....for the last time!!!!! This is my third day in and I'm actually feeling good about it this time! :) My hopes are high! Good luck!
  • I find that when I get a craving for something I shouldn't have, I pop a mint in my mouth and it really helps. I like the Icebreakers Frost Peppermints. (I also log every mint that I eat!!!) Maybe if you put a mint in your mouth before you start cooking it would keep you from snacking. No one wants to eat anything when…