Weight Loss Supplements?



  • pmiller624
    pmiller624 Posts: 3 Member
    You must be RIPPED!

    Haha thanks, I wish. But there's nothing wrong with trying to be as effective as possible. Why waste the time if there's something more you could be doing. Besides, little to no side effects, all nature, and relativity cheap.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    :flowerforyou: No, only because I am afraid of them.... I just count calories and try to eat healthy. :smile:

    Good luck to you in your journey:flowerforyou:
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Things I use:

    - large water bottle (refill, refill, refill)
    - food scale
    - measuring cups
    - planning and more planning

    No attitude. Just advice.

    ^^^ This, and I run 100 miles a month.

    And in terms of other supplements, why take what you can get from a balanced diet? I use supplements for my joints because of arthritis, everything else I get and it's in my food diary.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I like Advocare supplements. The Spark energy vitamin drink gives me my B12 that I need on a daily basis. I love it so. It is my treat every day.
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    I use Visalus also. It's protein shake powder used as a meal replacement. It tastes like cake batter and you can add anything you want to it to keep you full such as fruit, veggies, yogurt, peanut butter, etc. Only 90 calories for 2 scoops of powder, plus the milk, juice or whatever else you decide to add. As long as you count your calories and stick to it, it will work. Hope this helps
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    Argenine, l-carnetine, BCAAs, whey protein shakes, and a multi vitamin.
    I take the carnetine and multi vitamin a every day and the BCAAs and argenine on workout days and the protein shakes post workout and as a filler on some off days.
    I am thinking of adding forksolin and Omega 3 fish oils.
  • BrookeRachelleH
    My co-worker was selling this 'fantastic' new diet pill that she had taken and lost 30 lbs on. She said it was 'all-natural' and didn't cause any side effects and took away all her cravings. So she brought 2 sample packs to work and gave them to me and another co-worker.
    She was right. It made me not want to eat ANYTHING....but only because I felt like I was dying.
    It was horrible and I will never take anything like that again.
    Diet, exercise and willpower are the only things that truly work.
    She may have lost 30 pounds by taking this pill, but at what cost to her health? And what happens when she stops taking it and all those craving come back full force?
    Diet pills scare me.
  • CamillaBeaumont
    CamillaBeaumont Posts: 56 Member
    I take Moringa Oleifera daily, it's got more than 90 different nutrients / vitamins / minerals in it. It's not an appetite suppresant or anything, but I feel like I have less cravings since my body is getting all the nutrients it needs. I also take vitamin D3 since I live in Canada and I do not get a lot of sun exposure in the winter.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    These are just things that *I* have taken that seem to help with cravings.

    L-carnitine before meals with water.

    L-glutamine with meals - after workouts.

    Calcium pyruvate - after meals.

    Apple cider vinegar (I take pills) right before meals.

    Vitamin D - most people are low

    Calcium - has been shown (in studies) to help people lose weight faster.

    Coconut oil, fish oil, caprylic acid
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    protein shake for breakfast (105 calories, 0 carbs, 25g protein), protein bar for lunch (200 calories, 17g of carbs, 20g protein), normal food for snacks and dinner with a low carb high protein ratio. Take multi vitamin, iron, calcium and addition B12.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Thanks for some self-righteous and snarky replies. Sheesh. : P
    Obviously, I'm doing fine so far, having lost 17 lbs just using my willpower.
    I was only curious to see if others every use meal replacements shakes, protein or fiber powders, vitamins, or things like that.
    I was looking for knowledge, not attitude.

    In this case, the attitude IS the knowledge you seek.
  • PicklePlum
    PicklePlum Posts: 192 Member
    I just take a whole food based multivitamin. Some articles claimed that it helped with weight loss. Most importantly, I feel good taking them.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks for some self-righteous and snarky replies. Sheesh. : P
    Obviously, I'm doing fine so far, having lost 17 lbs just using my willpower.
    I was only curious to see if others every use meal replacements shakes, protein or fiber powders, vitamins, or things like that.
    I was looking for knowledge, not attitude.

    Please understand that the term "weight loss supplements" without any qualifiers like you mentioned in this reply (protein/fiber, vitamins, etc.) tends to trigger a knee-jerk reaction in a lot of people - I initially read this as "diet pills," as a lot of other people apparently did as well.

    I don't take any sort of diet pill or herbal remedy, but I do sometimes drink a whey protein shake (no fancy brand name, just something at the grocery store) for breakfast, and add acacia fiber powder to that since I have a hard time getting enough fiber otherwise. I also take an ordinary daily multivitamin. I like Quest bars as a filling snack or meal supplement/hold-over (with 160-170 calories in a bar, it doesn't really qualify as a meal by itself, but they are very high in fiber and protein). That's it as far as "extra" things go, compared to my diet before I was actively trying to lose weight. Nothing too terribly magical.
  • LeighAnnza
    LeighAnnza Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for some self-righteous and snarky replies. Sheesh. : P
    Obviously, I'm doing fine so far, having lost 17 lbs just using my willpower.
    I was only curious to see if others every use meal replacements shakes, protein or fiber powders, vitamins, or things like that.
    I was looking for knowledge, not attitude.

    In this case, the attitude IS the knowledge you seek.

    Perhaps you didn't read the whole thread before posting this useless reply.
    You don't know me. I'm not necessarily talking about taking diet pills.
    This whole thing is about making healthier choices, and that can definitely include vitamins, protein, and shakes.

    I have also read that Calcium is linked to weight loss.
    But I think since I get barely any dairy in my diet (like I said, lactose intolerant), it's probably a good idea anyhow.

    Also, back in 2007 when I was only 10 lbs away from my goal weight, I used to do a protein shake every day for one meal, and it worked out really well. The only problem there was the cost... and my husband trying to sneak my protein!
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    There are nutritional supplements that fill in gaps in overall nutrition. Those are ok.

    But weight loss supplements? No such thing.
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    I use Visalus also. It's protein shake powder used as a meal replacement. It tastes like cake batter and you can add anything you want to it to keep you full such as fruit, veggies, yogurt, peanut butter, etc. Only 90 calories for 2 scoops of powder, plus the milk, juice or whatever else you decide to add. As long as you count your calories and stick to it, it will work. Hope this helps

    Its 240 cals prer shake if u include 1% milk.

    I drink it plain with skim milk but thinking of switching to 1 a day instead of two
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    I also have PGX but dont know if I should be taking them with ViSalus
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Things I use:

    - large water bottle (refill, refill, refill)
    - food scale
    - measuring cups
    - planning and more planning

    No attitude. Just advice.

    This...Also. If I do a long runs or Long bike rides (More then 10 mile runs and More than 20 Mile rides) Or heavy lifting days Ill use Whey protein ...But that's not for weight loss. I have only done this since aggressively training for races. Never used it during my losing phase in the first 75Lbs
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I also do Body By Vi.

    I use the ViSalus protein powder as the base for a green smoothie for after my workout and with strawberries for breakfast.

    I use the ViSalus Go and Pro energy drinks before working out.

    I use the ViPak which is a vitamin series.

    I use the metabawake which is a metabolism booster and I also use a hunger suppressant.

    That's it.
  • LeighAnnza
    LeighAnnza Posts: 12 Member
    Since the first few comments were useless, I will post what I am trying. Unfortunately can speak on their effectiveness.

    None of these are 100% proven but might be worth a try.

    pros - Decreases Blood Sugar, Increases Insulin sensitivity
    cons - None unless you get Cassia and not Ceylon. Cassia is toxic to the kidneys and can be a blood thinner

    Green Tea Extract:
    pros - Signals the death and absorption of fat cells
    cons - Same as drinking green tea

    pros - Ability to break down fat, increasing metabolism
    cons - Smell

    You will need more than what an average diet will consist of. I suggest looking into pill if you choose that route.

    I can only imagine how smelly a Green Tea with Garlic and Cinnamon would be! LIke you said, capsules are probably the way to go with those.
    I do drink maybe 3 or 4 cups of unsweetened green tea a day. I wonder if that is enough to get the results you are talking about. There are so many good things green tea can do for you! Luckily, I really enjoy green tea, hot or cold.
    Thanks for the info. :)