

  • Ooh, I also just remembered: there used to be a magazine called Runners World that helped me determine on my own what kind of shoes to buy initially. They're probably online by now.
  • When I used to run, I loved Saucony and I bought them at Marshall's or TJ Maxx ALWAYS at a steep discount. I disagree with the whole "going to a specialty running store" unless you're a marathoner or you have lots of extra money to burn. You won't get anything cheaper there for sure :)
  • I'm no expert on these matters, but you might try psyllium husk tablets (I think they have about 1 gram of fiber per pill?) I think they're much healthier than laxatives since they're just natural plant fiber like you get in food, without added chemicals, without "stimulating" effects. Just be sure you drink a lot of water…
  • Hahaha! Yeah, fainting dead away ain't usually The best sign of health :O
  • Ooh, I can't wait to get that feeling! Yay for you :D
  • Thanks! I went and calculated my metabolic rate as you suggested and it said "1,336."
  • Wow, so many ideas here--thanks for sharing them! Veggie burger made with beans sounds do the other many many things! Oh, and fwiw, I buy everything at Trader Joe's, so the meats (even bacons, sausages, etc.) are 100% fully-cooked, preservative- and nitrate/nitrite FREE! Yummmms :)
  • Ooh, me too! I love messing with baking recipes and do it all the time. One thing I've found that helps TREMENDOUSLY is using backstrap molasses in place of sugar. It's gooey so I also throw more into batter in place of oil/butter if necessary. I use organic but I don't know if that's necessary. Backstrap molasses is also…
  • Hi, I'm new here (only 3 days in) but trying to think of something that might help you: 1) Are you getting at least 8 hours of sleep every day? 2) Are you sure you're remembering to log in EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth, including cough drops, drinks, etc.? 3) Have you noticed your clothing (non-elastic-waist, LOL)…
  • THANK YOU ALL!!! Wow! I am shocked (in an awesome way : ) and appreciative that so many members of the MFP community took the time to respond so thoughtfully to my 1st post. You quelled my fears and answered my question 100%. You're all so kind-thank you again.