reconsidering my goal #.... (pic)

Hi everyone, I just ran across a prom picture from May, 1989. I graduated the following month and i know i weighed 157 then, so i am thinking the prom pic is 155-ish. Anyways, i am 5'10" and am now less than a month away from turning 40 (yeeehaw! lol!). My initial MFP weightloss goal was 174, which is the upper limit of the "healthy" bmi range. I am 7 pounds away from that now, and i know i will want to (and need to) lose more than just those 7 pounds, but I am now wondering if my "updated goal" of 140 is TOO low for me? Here is the pic of my from 1989 and i would like HONEST FEEDBACK as to whether or not you think i should go 15 pounds UNDER this weight. Yes, i understand that the me in the pic is 18 and the me now is 39.9 lol.... I just want to be realistic and i want to push for the best number for me.

Thanks in advance!



  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Honest opinion is that at 140 you will be so super thin. I personally prefer a more athletic look than super long lanky skinny. I think your body type looked great in the prom photo. Hope this helps!

    I guess my best advice would be to take it 10 pounds at a time. Once you hit 160, re-evaluate where you are. Do you like your weight and just want to tone maybe arms/abs...etc.... Questions like that. I think once we get closer to goal "weight" that our goals will morph into ones like..."run a faster mile", tighten muscles...etc.
  • faithindeed82
    140 is definitely too low...150-155 is good
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Personally You look great in the photo, slim but not boney... =] My advice would be go to the same Size as you are in your prom pic.

    Remember that size and weight can vary greatly! I have weighed 84kg and been a size 16 as well as a size 12! But mainly make sure your comfortable in your own skin! =]
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Your prom pic looks great- but to answer your question~ are you talking about over all weight (fat, muscle, bone, body fluid)?
    I initally took the "healthy" range numbers and took the middle number (135 for me at 5'5" and 54yo), but what we should be focusing on is the body fat (I don't think MFP's is that acurate) . So that in mind why don't you take it 5# at a time, if you're toning up (with weights) you might not want to be that low...
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    I agree, why not take it a couple pounds at a time? You can always readjust your goal at any time. I honestly think that 140 seems too low considering your picture but you never know how you'll feel now when you get there.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I think it matters how you feel. Will 140 feel healthy & strong? Will you be able to maintain it comfortably? The previous post re: taking it 10lb at a time may be one option to try. My doctor says that we used to just assume that you'll have added weight as you get older, but that's not necessarily the case anymore. So here's to getting older and being healthy while we do! :drinker:
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    Here's my concern.

    When I look at your prom picture I think ok she could a pound here or shave a pound there (not that you were fat, at all, I was just trying to wonder where the pounds would come off from). - I came othe conclusion that looking at your prom weight that the only thing that I would do differently that you would look more toned. So when I invisioned taking a pound off your arm, I envisioned a more toned arm (does that make sense) but the thing with more tone is that muscle weighs more than fat. So when you get to your initial weight goal, I would start using inches lost as your new measure of success and not so much weight. I think you will end up frustrated because I know how hard those pounds are too loose at that point.

    So that's just my food for thought. Once you reach your weight goal, make it more about toning and losing inches than weight.

    And before I close, I would like to congratulate you on your success thus far. You have done a terrific job and you look great.

    - Eva
  • SimonsGirl
    you dont look like your turning 40!:noway:
    dont get too thin it will age you!
  • Squash97
    I would aim for the 155, see how you look and most of all, feel about yourself and go from there. It's great to have goal because it gives us something to work for, but I like setting smaller goals for myself and then seeing how I feel lin my new weight and going from there. 140 may be on the too-small side, but I don't honestly know. You can check under "Tools" in MFP and it will give you an idea of what ranges are healthy for your height, age, etc. I currently weigh what I did in highschool, but my body composition is completely different (three children later) and I'm still trying to get rid of fat. It's crazy how our bodies change as we get older. Congratulations on your current weight loss and good luck on the journey! Feel free to add me as a friend if you need support along the way! :)
  • foodfighter001
    I am also 5-10" and at one time, my lowest weight was 138. I found out after I gained back some weight that people thought something was wrong with me mentally! I think alot of weight goals depend on your bone structure, so someone who is really fine- boned would look okay at that weight, but if you are a medium build bone structure, I would aim for 145-150's. For me, I am a medium-large bone structure and and 138 I was wearing a size 4. Everyone thought I was waaayyy too skinny. I figure to be a size 6, that would be around 142-145-ish. . which is prob still too low for me. Dunno if this helps you, but as a tall chick myself, I thought I'd try. :) Your prom pic weight looks nice and also healthy to me, BTW. I think that would be a good goal weight, unless you put on any extra muscle, b/c then you would weight more but still looks great.
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    You looked good in the picture....I don't see a need to go lower. But you will know when you get there, if there is still fat on you that bothers you or not....
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    I'm only 5'5" and was told by our PA-C at work that I shouldn't weigh less than 145 so I'd say that 140 would be way to low. That said though I do weigh less than 145 and feel great but don't know if I look older or younger at this weight than at 150 last Dec.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I think 140 at 5'10" would be too thin. You look great in the prom pic - thin but healthy, not scarey skinny. I'm 4 inches shorter than you and I would never consider letting myself get that low - the most I would go is 150lbs. I think you can't worry too much about the number. How do you think you look and more important how do you feel? While I am trying to lose 22 more lbs I know that even if I don't I look and feel great so I try not to stress too much about the number. Cause technically, I'm still considered obese according to my BMI and I'm sorry but that is not the case!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I think a lot of it depends on how you want to look. I'm 5'4, and my goal weight is 145. I MIGHT reevaluate and go down to 140, but I'm going to wait and see. You are 6 inches taller, you are supposed to weigh more! Yes, 140 is within a normal BMI for you, but do you want to look super skinny, or do you want to have some curves, or do you want to be toned? Whatever your answer is will tell you. Personally, I want to keep the curves and tone up! lol
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I currently weigh what I did in highschool, but my body composition is completely different (three children later) and I'm still trying to get rid of fat. It's crazy how our bodies change as we get older.

    Yeah, that's true. Just because we're getting older doesn't mean we have to gain weight or get heavier, however, our bodies do change.
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    I'm 5'10 and have a small frame and if you want an HONEST opinion, right now I'm 150lbs and consider that a STARTING POINT to loose weight, not a goal. I currently wear a size 5. I just had my 3rd baby 6 months ago, I'm farrrrrrrrrr from "scrawny", "skinny" or otherwise DONE improving my body. I'm very active and also prefer an athletic toned body, not sticks for arms. 125lbs is at the lower end of the healthy BMI for my height. I measure by bodyfat percentages, not BMI or weight on the scale. I personally do not think that 140lbs is "too low" for your height. I think that you looked good at the weight you were in the photo, but you were also wearing a dress and posed. Were you comfortable with your body at that time? Were you 155lbs TONED, or were you a flabby in hidden places 155lbs - because weight is carried differently. I would focus more on your body fat percentage and your own personal goals of what YOU want to look like, rather than what anyone else thinks or whatever a chart tells you that you should be.. just my opinion on the situation.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I totally agree with most everyone here. 140 might be too low - You might try for 160 and see how you feel when you get there. Just go by what you feel and how comfortable you are with your body and not so much what the scale says.
  • platoniclover
    Comment deleted
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    wow, thanks for all the great replies! Going to try to add a few details: I was wearing 11/12 & 13/14 junior sizes at that point (currently shrinking out of 16s and looking longingly at 14s). My hips are wide (bone structure) but my wrists imply i have a small-medium frame. Obviously, despite the fact that my wrists are often NEXT TO my hips, they have minds of their own! haha. I am definitely a "pear" shape but have that post-baby flab going on as well (grrrr). I was not athletic as a teenager beyond gym class so my arms were not toned at all in this pic. When i look at the pic, that the one place i pick up on immediately as a place to improve is being more TONED. I am MUCH more athletic now and hope to continue in getting more strong and fit (yoga, running, hiking, walking are my main activities). And as far as being comfortable in my own skin? Um no... i was 18, ran with the "artsy crowd" and was wearing a pink strapless dress with a crinoline for Petes sake! LOLLLLLL... But generally, no, i saw myself as "fat" then and i see this as the beginning of my problem: when i gained some weight in college i was like "so what? I am fat? I've always been fat"... so the weight stuck and continued to climb.

    I will do my victory dance when i get to "healthy" and hopefully, it will be before my 40th bday, but then i will press on. I am thinking 160 will be a good point to reassess. Thats 21 pounds from now and if i stood naked in front of a mirror, i would have no problem telling you where i could lose those 21 pounds from! :)

    Thank you all for taking a look and giving me your opinons! If you'd like to add me as an MFP friend, please do!!
  • sweetie89207
    i like what most people were saying...first of all- you are older now so your weight may be completely differently distributed now...but with that said i say you head for 155...and then if that looks, and feels good! then thats were you should be...even if you "tone" from there loosing a lb here and a lb there off of troubled areas- the fact is that u will probably even out with the weight loss and the muscle gain and still end up at 155 and look amazing...