

  • Like most people, my taste buds prefers white rice over brown, but brown is healthier. It's kind of counter-intuitive at first, but anything that says "enriched" on it, like white rice or white flour or white bread, is not richer/better. It just means it's been processed and much of the nutrition value has been taken OUT.…
  • Grits help fill me up for awhile and fight off hunger pangs. 1/4 cup dry plus 1 cup of water in the microwave for 3 mins makes a bowl and it's only 130 cals. Sprinkle some cinnamon on it for flav or add some wheat germ for extra fiber (2 Tbsp = 50 cals).
  • If you want quality and durability, I think the age old adage "you get what you pay for applies," but it does pay to shop around because you only want to pay for the features you need. A lot of what model you get is based upon what you plan on doing with the HRM (walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc). I own the Polar…
  • Exercise caution. Losing weight and keeping it off is best done slowly. It takes time and patience. Losing weight too quickly can be bad for your health, so my advice is to set more realistic goals.
  • Gym memberships are expensive and while they have nice equipment and amenities, there are other ways to lose weight and save money. Go to your public library. They have some exercise DVDs you can rent for free. Also, checkout YouTube. Another free solution that works wonders in losing weight is in the bedroom, if you catch…
  • I've been using the treadmill daily for about 5 weeks and I love it. Along with improving my diet I have dropped 11 pounds so far (185 to 174). I listen to music to pass the time and to entertain myself. I set the incline to 6 degrees when walking 4 mph and 8 degrees when walking 3.6 mph. I don't run or jog on the…
  • I take them (2 tablets daily), but not for weight loss. I'm not sure just taking a supplement will make much of a difference in losing weight. I've read the ads making those claims, but I would be wary of any quick fixes. Usually the people or companies making those claims have a financially motivated interest. Losing…
  • Great post. I am a big believer in the adage "that which gets measured improves", so I would only add in the "careful measurement" section, to be diligent and log everything and to ensure you are logging calories burned during exercise accurately. I recently purchased a HRM and found that the exercise equipment at my gym…
  • I got my Polar FT40 today and just finished my usual workout. I was shocked to see that the treadmill was overstating calories burned by about 30%. That's a HUGE difference! HRMs are expensive, but the accuracy is worthwhile to managing your net calories if you can afford it. Not all HRMs show calories burned, so make sure…
  • Jenn, I am in almost the exact same situation as you. I think the others have given you great advice, but the only thing I wanted to add is determining the accuracy of your calories burned during exercise. Up until today I was relying on the counters on the exercise machines or what's in the MFP database. I've read that…
  • Too much drama. The reality is there is only 1 race - the human race. We're all one family. Let's celebrate our diversity rather than drawing meaningless dividing lines.
  • I've taken it before, but it did nothing for me. Try exercise. It helps in so many ways, including releasing endorphins (think Runner's High or being "in the zone"). Combat lethargy with activity. Start small, even if it's a walk, then work your way up to more aerobically demanding activities. Good luck!
  • Don't forget about Bruce Willis... A calm, cool, collected brother! But yeah, as a former 82nd Airborne Paratrooper, I hear ya. Like Gov Ed Rendell of PA said last week, we've become a nation of woosies. We've lost our sense of personal responsibility and expect everything to be handed to us rather than working hard and…
  • Same problem here. I'm told you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper, but I've been the other way around. I used to skip breakfast entirely, eat a late lunch, then gorge once the sun went down. I was eating more calories after the sun went down than all day long. I'm trying now to…
  • Houston. And the lack of snow has got me eating too much...
  • :love: YEAH! Now that's my kinda woman, LOL! I think I'd have to "go dutch" with Big Mama, though. :bigsmile: Hey, at least she's counting her calories, right? :tongue:
  • My advice is first things first. Get your health back, then exercise.
  • I wrestled 102 lbs in 10th and 11th grade. I'm now 5'10" and weigh 177 (down 10 lbs). I didn't realize how skinny I must have been until I measured my 15 year old daughter's height and weight the other day. She's very fit, 5'5" and 125 lbs. Amazing how much our weigh can change once "we're grown up".
  • If your goal is to lose belly fat, then save your money. If your goal is to strengthen stomach muscles, there are better, cheaper alternatives. There are a lot of "motion toys" masquerading as exercise equipment. Here's a good article recently posted that may help too:…
  • Yeah, it's called wild, uninhibited sex. Best workout ever, lol! :smokin:
  • My detox for the new year is to cut back on hard liquor and go with lite beer instead. J/k! Seriously, I share your concerns about meat, but realize there's always some dangers with fish, too. Specifically, some fish and seafood can have high levels of heavy metals, like mercury. Something to definitely consider if you're…
  • My advice: Stay the course and be patient. We all want to get rid of our unwanted pounds right away, but to truly lose it and KEEP it off, you have to do it the right way and this takes time. Eat right. Exercise. Get your rest. Repeat. You're doing all the right things, so just remember: Anything worthwhile in life doesn't…
  • I tried one of those "safe detox in a box" cleanse kits last March and I ended up in the Emergency Room the next day. I was extremely dehydrated, feeling awful, experiencing vertigo and panic attacks. It really screwed up my body chemistry and all I have to show for it is a couple of thousands of dollars in medical bills!…